

This was published 3 years ago

Aged care deaths highlight profiteering disgrace

Illustration: Leunig

Illustration: LeunigCredit:

Peter Hartcher again highlights the complete and utter failure of the privatised, deregulation, free-market approach to aged care (“No care, no responsibility′ ’, June 5-6). All this time, while older Australians were dying in their hundreds, the companies that run these facilities profited from billions in taxpayer funding. These failures are a national disgrace that was started during the Howard government; we as a nation should be deeply ashamed. Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs

I cannot recall being more enraged in reading an article: 685 aged care residents dead in federal government-regulated establishments. This has brought home to all thinking Australians how dysfunctional our systems of government has become. The parties elected to run the country then distort the decision-making apparatus with factions; these factions ensure their candidate is elected for a ministerial appointment. It’s not the best person for the job, it’s their choice instead. This has resulted in the appalling results in aged-care establishments. These Australians built this country with their attitude to work hard and ask little. They only ask that we care for them to the best of our ability. We have failed them. Brian Ireland, Burleigh Heads (QLD)

The appalling realisation of how vulnerable our aged are in care facilities, resulting in so many tragic deaths in the first round of the virus, should have triggered warnings to those in charge to immediately protect them with vaccinations. This they failed to do; those in charge should go now. Sheila Meixner, Yass

What message is the PM sending to his backbench by allowing Richard Colbeck to remain as minister for senior Australians and aged care — that it’s okay for a minister to have a cavalier attitude to their responsibilities in their portfolio, or that no one on the backbench could do a better job? Col Shephard, Yamba

I am in the 1B category and this week will be receiving my second AstraZeneca jab (“Aged care workers may face mandatory vaccinations”, June 5-6). I was feeling guilty 11 weeks ago that I was being done before people in the 1A category. Now, to my dismay, I find there are still aged care residents, disability groups, workers and carers across Australia yet to receive their first jab. Despite the “spin” our federal leaders put on it, they are responsible for this vaccine rollout debacle. Bert Washington, Albury

Why hasn’t the Aged Care Minister ordered nursing homes to use their mandated nursing staff to vaccinate all residents and staff? The job could have been done in a day or so by a familiar face and perhaps even have saved money. Megan Stoyles, Aireys Inlet (Vic)

Vaccination is indeed a race but need not have been characterised as such if Scott Morrison thought ahead instead of waiting for something to compel him to take action, something he does too frequently (“Vaccination is a race and nation must catch up”, June 5-6). His attitude of not being in a hurry surely helped foster a dangerous complacency in the public which now has to be hurriedly amended. The PM must also realise that tardiness is economically very costly; it results in continuing expense and inconvenience to corporations, small businesses and individuals. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

Minns on a hiding to nothing

After two years of white-anting Jodi McKay, Chris Minns has finally got the job that he has wanted: leader of the ALP (“‘Stop the toll mania’: Minns makes first pitch to win back Labor voters”, June 5-6). This is a pyrrhic victory; he will undoubtedly lose the next election as Gladys Berejiklian is teflon-coated and untouchable. All Minns has done is divide the party and voters more. He is the fourth leader in 10 years; where is the stability the ALP need to win and a leader popular with both the party and voters? Minns will be lucky to hold onto Kogarah. Robert Pallister, Punchbowl


Two years ago, rank-and-file members and the Labor caucus elected McKay as opposition leader. Minns, a member of Parliament for a mere four years, also stood. He was defeated. We didn’t want him. Now he is the leader.
I am so incensed about this situation that I have resigned from the NSW Labor Party. I have been a member on and off since the Whitlam dismissal. I encourage other women in the party to think seriously about their participation in this farce; withdraw your support of chauvinism and misogyny. Anne Rault, Deua River Valley

NSW Labor supporters will be relieved they have been spared a contested election for the leadership that would have further exposed existing rivalries. Minns sensibly has recognised that disunity has to be brought to an end if the ALP has any hope to win government.

Minns has long coveted the leadership position, creating significant pressure upon him to achieve results that confirm his obvious self-assessment of his capabilities. He is hardly a household name, having kept a low profile. The jury will be out for some time yet and ALP members will be praying that fervent aspiration has not been a substitute for aptitude and competency. Ross Butler, Rodd Point

If the newly elected leader wants to show himself to be a responsible leader, he shouldn’t be talking about stopping the tolls. He should talk about reducing tolls to a couple of dollars per trip. Populist policies don’t necessarily translate into votes all the time. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

A second pitch for Minns should be an end to cannibalising existing heavy rail to build metro lines. The worst example of this is the Sydenham-Bankstown metro conversion; shiny new metro stations and lifts without much-needed increase in the overall rail footprint. Geoffrey Williamson, Woollahra

Minns was elected unopposed as the new leader. Note to Michael Daley: it wasn’t an Asian with a PhD who took your job. Hendry Wan, Rosebery

Make our cities more affordable

Cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland and Vancouver have become unaffordable for young people and others (“Through the roof”, June 5-6). We should be trying to determine the optimum population for Australia as a whole as well as for individual cities. Sydney is already stretched and good agricultural land is being converted to suburbia and traffic congestion is rife. High-rise is replacing single-storey areas near railway lines.

We should reassess our immigration levels, even if it means retraining Australians for jobs in demand. And perhaps we should be looking to decentralise our population to towns where climate and rainfall are reasonable. Bruce Johnson, Lakewood

Let children prosper

One could hardly disagree with Jenna Price’s touching account of the joys and rewards of having children (“Here’s why you should have children as soon as you can”, June 5-6) However, it also begs the troubling question: is Australia still such a great place to raise children? One of our children lives and works in Berlin with his wife and two young children. They have a lovely rent-controlled apartment. All childcare and schooling is free. The government pays 14 months paternity or maternity leave on 60 per cent of the last salary. Universities are free, including to foreigners. Germany wants to attract well-educated people from around the world. By contrast, prospective parents in Sydney face the intimidating prospect of crippling mortgages and childcare fees, unless they have the good fortune to have been born into wealth. Tim Clark, Lane Cove

Let’s broadcast Price’s gorgeous hymn to humanity from every available village square speaker, 24-7, until every grown-up in our virulently narcissistic age gets it into our self-obsessed skulls: life is not about us. Whether we have kids of our own or not, every adult’s every waking effort should be focused on making the next generation’s lives kinder, safer, fairer, happier and more fun. The rest of what we each do is just egotistical selfishness. Jack Robertson, Birchgrove

Archibald expectation

Apparently something happened to the judges of this year’s Archibald Prize, which resulted in a welcome return to tradition (“Wegner wins 100th edition painting centenarian artist”, June 6). Peter Wegner’s winning portrait of Guy Warren is both recognisable and worthy of being described as a “portrait”. Welcome back to the real world, judges, and congratulations, Peter Wegner. Alan Slade, Dover Heights

Is anyone surprised that a portrait of someone aged 100 wins the Archibald in its 100th year? Having a relevant theme, apart from it being a portrait, is all you need to win, as was evidenced last year. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

Single-sex not optimal

It has become clear the experiment in single-sex high school education is floundering (“All students in single sex catchments to get co-ed choice”, June 6-7). Closely aligned to this experiment has been justification of public funding for a choice of private school, many of them single-sex. It’s well overdue that we reverse this trend and build more inclusive, co-educational schools, rather than feed the self-serving ideology of choice for those with more money, which is nothing more than a justification for selfishness. David McMaster, Mosman

It is a fashionable assumption that co-education in schools is superior to single-sex schooling. I have worked in both and have had children in both co-educational and single-sex. My observations are that single-sex schools allow the full range of roles to be taken by boys or girls; that most who have had experience of both boys and girls will agree that there are genetic differences in sexes; and that single-sex school policies abolish stereotypes by emphasising of subjects and activities.
Elizabeth Jones, Kirribilli

Step up, sports

Liz Ellis is right to identify gambling losses as a common cause of vitriol towards sportspeople (“Antisocial media taking heavy troll, so maybe it’s time sports fought back”, June 5-6). But we can’t rely on the sports leagues to fix a problem they created. Working in partnership with the media and government, the leagues have made gambling and sport co-dependent. They collect gambling-fuelled profits while sending our young sports stars out to face the wrath of problem punters. To be part of the solution, the leagues need to go beyond trite statements of support and put genuine anti-gambling conditions on their broadcast rights. I’d like to see the odds of that happening. Ian Marschner, Lane Cove

Protect the ABC

It’s with some bewilderment I’ve been following the attacks, both editorial and financial, about the ABC for nearly 40 years (Letters, June 5-6). The attacks come in cloaks of many colours, political and from vested interests. What is intriguing is how blatant the attempts are now to silence a voice of truth in an ever-fragmented media landscape.

The only solution to protect this long-reaching arm of the media with an independent and multi-layered voice is simple. Enshrine requisite and adequate funding via legislature – the ABC at $1 billion a year is less than a fifth of offshore detention – and introduce a federal ICAC so the ABC shouldn’t do the regulators’ jobs for them.

Hats off to Ita Buttrose and Joseph Gersh. Standing for principle is such a perilous avenue these days, a bit like genuine trust, honesty and integrity. Chris Rau, Kings Langley

Rugby blindness

In a sign of the myopia plaguing rugby union in Sydney, imagine NRL clubs from the east and north calling for the axing of Penrith, Parramatta and Wests Tigers, which is tantamount to what the clubs from the eastern suburbs and north shore are demanding in the Shute Shield (Letters, June 5-6). Perhaps we should go back to the old rugby boundaries of playing for the area where you reside. I wonder how many current Easts players would be running out onto Woollahra Oval for the Beasties then? John Attneave, Strathfield

From around these parts...

Viv Munter, I am a fifth generation Victorian and I say “yellow shelf” (Letters, June 5-6). I also say “g-ah-sped” instead of “gAsped” as do most of my Sydney friends. Cynthia Rowe, Woollahra

Rob Phillips of North Epping forgot the most “impordant” example, mispronounced by many politicians and TV reporters. Carey Barlow, Middleton (Tas)

We’ve been calling it “Jarvis Bay” since I arrived in Australia 40 years ago, but now radio and TV reporters are calling it “Jervis Bay”. Ciaran Donnelly, Lane Cove West

Excess words

I have been incentivised to join Nick Andrews on the cliff after reading of the planned mathematising of the school curriculum (Letters, June 4). Regan Pallandi, Hurlstone Park

I’ve noticed people in the tourist industry talking of visitations. What happened to visits? Are all staff at tourist destinations seeing divine and supernatural beings? Pam Linnett, Twin Waters

The right direction

I agree with Stein Boddington of St Clair (Postscript, June 5-6). On the strength of the Herald’s Aboriginal land names, I took action. Anyone exiting my apartment now is alerted to this fact:
you are on Gamaragal land. Small steps but important. Jenny Forster, Manly

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
MPs lose patience with Albanese as Labor faces fourth term in opposition
From Keep it real: ″⁣At the moment they just seem totally irrelevant. Here’s a clue Labor. Stump up a Big Vision for Australia that we can get on board with. The Coalition is incapable of doing tha,t so you might get some traction for a change. Otherwise, I’m not voting for you.″⁣

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