

This was published 3 years ago


No care, no responsibility: Morrison government’s stark pandemic failures in aged homes

If the stakes weren’t so high it’d be a comedy of errors. With the stakes very high indeed, it’s closer to a danse macabre.

Of all the Australians who’ve died of COVID-19 so far, three-quarters died in aged care homes. That’s 685 people dead in aged care homes out of a national COVID death toll of 910. Specifically, the 685 people died in aged care homes subsidised and regulated by the federal government. All deaths were last year.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

When an outbreak occurs, we know the grim reaper comes calling at the aged care homes first, and it’s there that he reaps fastest and most unforgivingly. So, naturally, you’d assume the federal government would have taken special precautions. To make sure they’d put extra protections in place against any recurrence. Surely the Morrison government would have a plan for vaccinating the old folks in the aged care homes as a priority, and surely it would have a plan for vaccinating the workers in those homes.

After all, that’s how the virus got into the homes last year – in 84 per cent of the infections in aged care, it was inadvertently carried in by the staff.

Yes, aged care homes were given high priority access to vaccines, as they should’ve been. The Morrison government had said all aged care residents and staff would be vaccinated within the first six weeks of the rollout.


But we are now in week 14. And this week, with the Victorian outbreak under way and four cases turning up in aged care homes in that state, we have learned of three stark failures, uncovered through Labor’s questioning of ministers and officials in Senate estimates committees.

The first stark failure is that not all aged care homes had yet vaccinated the old folks in their care. While about 85 per cent of residents nationwide had been given at least one dose, the remaining 15 per cent had no protection against COVID. That’s about 27,900 people. These people generally declined the jab so they remain vulnerable. Which makes it vital that the workers in the aged care home are vaccinated.

The second stark failure is that it seems only 10 per cent of the workers in aged care homes have been vaccinated. And I say “seems” because it turns out the federal government doesn’t know how many have been vaccinated. Hell, they don’t even know how many workers are in the system, we discovered.


The third stark failure is that a very serious cause of last year’s mass deaths, one we thought had been tamed, turns out to have been unleashed again. Deliberately.

One of the biggest spreaders in last year’s mass deaths was aged care workers moving between two or three different establishments. They were working shifts in different homes to make a living wage in the notoriously underpaid sector. They were inadvertent transmitters of COVID so the Morrison government banned the practice.


So we thought. We learned this week that the government had quietly lifted the ban in November last year.

All in all, “it’s a terrible state of affairs”, in the words of one of the two royal commissioners into the aged care sector, Lynelle Briggs, in her first public response to the debacle that emerged this week. “The Department of Health needs to be far more actively overseeing the vaccination program,” she tells me. “It became apparent last year that the virus was killing older people at a much greater rate than younger people. The lesson the government learned at that time was they needed to do more to protect the vulnerable. So they know the lesson. But, for some reason, mistakes keep being made.”

One low point was a painful exchange in the estimates committee where Morrison’s Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck, refused to say he was responsible for aged care vaccinations.

Labor’s Katy Gallagher: Tell me: are you responsible? Yes or no?

Minister Colbeck: Well, it’s not a yes or no answer.

Labor’s Murray Watt: So no-one is really responsible.

The minister said the Commonwealth was working with the states to supply vaccines to the aged care homes, so it was a “collective responsibility”.

Watt tried again: The federal government primarily funds aged care. Correct?

Colbeck: Yes.

Watt: The federal government regulates aged care. Correct?

Colbeck: That’s correct.

Watt: Isn’t the federal government responsible for making sure that aged-care workers get the vaccine, then? It’s your job. You fund it. You regulate it. How can it not be your job to ensure that the workers get the vaccine?

Colbeck eventually told Watt he found his approach “offensive”.


But Colbeck can be excused for thinking he’s not responsible. After all, 685 people died in the aged care system last year. Colbeck was the minister responsible at the time. The Australian Medical Association said at the time: “Hundreds of elderly Australians have died needlessly, and without family by their side. This was in many ways the perfect storm – a system already in crisis was hit by a global pandemic.”

Morrison kept Colbeck in the post anyway. No wonder he developed the impression he’s not responsible. It was a stunning denial of ministerial responsibility. Under the Westminster doctrine, the minister accepts full responsibility for failures in his portfolio regardless of whether he or she has erred personally. An office of the Crown confers a great power. Great standards of public accountability go with it.

But not in Morrison’s government. Colbeck didn’t have the decency to resign and Morrison lacked the political courage to remove him.

Ministers are supposed to resign in the case of serious failure not only to accept responsibility to the public, but to allow someone new to take the post in the hope the new minister will do better.


So now there is a new debacle in the aged care system. And no one is responsible. Again. And Colbeck can carry on with the same high level of performance.

Lynelle Briggs, former chief executive of Medicare and former commissioner of the Australian Public Service, says she has heard no credible explanation for the slowness of the vaccination program in aged care. “I did hear that they wanted people [in aged care] to get the flu vaccination first, but that’s no excuse for inattention.”

Some of the homes were imposing a two-week wait between jabbing people with the flu vaccine and then the COVID vaccine. But that’s a two-week hold-up. The program is eight weeks behind.

Briggs: “It’s becoming pretty clear to me that there’s no clear strategy for vaccinating the workers in the sector, and that’s dreadful. There’s a litany of examples of poor performance.

“One, they are not actively prioritising aged care workers despite what they said publicly. Two, because they haven’t had a recent census of their workforce, they don’t know how many workers they’ve got, and that’s a minimum to know how you are going with the vaccine rollout. The safety of people in aged care is largely dependent on these people – that’s how they were infected in the past.

“They just haven’t done a good enough job with it, and they’ve neglected the workers yet again.”

Again? “The workers are not paid enough. Training support in the budget for workers is inadequate,” even after the Morrison government increased funding for the sector overall in last month’s budget, says Briggs. “Also, it’s necessary professional registration for this group of people who are engaged in personal care services.”

Morrison says the government has given its full response to the recommendations of Briggs’ royal commission; Briggs says “my view is that the government has room to do more, and should be doing more”.

But there’s a bigger transformation required. One of the greatest lessons the world has drawn from the pandemic is that there are higher priorities than the profit motive. The absolute imperative of protecting human life has asserted itself. So has the priority of reliable supply lines and sovereign capabilities.


In the case of Australia’s aged care system, the transformation required is “massive”, says Briggs. “Governments and bureaucracies have to move from ‘hands off, let the market manage it’ to being on top of it – it takes a while.”

The most common complaint about Labor’s Anthony Albanese is he “lacks cut-through”. The tragedy of the government’s aged care failures present plenty of opportunity. If he can’t cut through on this, where can he?

On Friday Morrison abruptly announced federal and state governments had agreed to move towards compulsory COVID vaccination for all aged care workers. Lynelle Briggs endorses this. But should it have taken over a year to come to this epiphany?

The annual flu vaccination has been compulsory for aged care workers in some states for years, as the chair of Aged and Community Services Australia, Sara Blunt, has pointed out.

“The main issue right now is not whether the vaccine is mandatory, it’s whether workers can get easy access,” she says. “The government has to stop blaming providers or workers when the rollout is its responsibility.”

There’s that word again. Responsibility. Vaccines may be in short supply for the sector, but responsibility is nowhere to be found.

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