

This was published 3 years ago


Vaccination is a race and Australia must catch up

National cabinet had one of its more productive meetings on Friday but it is the federal government that must take the lead on the key challenge of getting the country vaccinated.

The profile of national cabinet, which has brought together state and federal governments to fight COVID-19, has waxed and waned over the past year. It was crucial in the early stages but at times since it has served only to highlight differences or to shift blame.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in April placed the body on a “war footing” with meetings twice a week after it became clear that the vaccination program was well behind schedule. But it has returned to a peace-time monthly schedule since then.

The meeting on Friday addressed some of the issues that have surfaced as a result of Melbourne’s lockdown, such as the gaps exposed after a worker spread the disease to two aged care homes.

Leaders want to make vaccination compulsory for all aged care workers and the federal government said it would start collecting data on how many workers had received their vaccines.

National cabinet also approved the federal government’s planned emergency support of up to $500 a week for workers affected by lockdowns now that JobKeeper and JobSeeker supplement subsidies have been abolished.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison appeared reluctant to offer any support earlier this week. Some in the Liberal Party complain it provides a perverse incentive to states to opt for economically damaging lockdowns rather than the NSW approach of trusting contact tracing and testing.

Mr Morrison has, however, come around to the idea as it became clear that Victoria had little choice but to reimpose the latest lockdown after the outbreak from Adelaide hotel quarantine threatened to spread out of control.

The agreement at national cabinet gives the federal government significant leverage, however, since the financial aid only goes to regions declared hotspots by federal health officials based on objective criteria.

One decision at national cabinet, however, might be a case of too little too late. Mr Morrison has belatedly agreed to fund a purpose-built quarantine facility at Avalon in Victoria.


He should have acted a year ago when his own inquiry by former public servant Jane Halton warned that capital-city hotels are not designed to be quarantine stations. There have been 21 leaks from hotel quarantine nationally in the past year.

The leaks are rare compared with the 385,000 people who passed through the hotels but the cost of building well-ventilated accommodation in safe locations would have been a fraction of the damage caused by snap lockdowns that have shut down state economies.

The new facility must be constructed quickly, given the likelihood that borders will remain shut for some time.

The federal government must now put all its efforts into accelerating vaccinations. It must drop the silly buck-passing slogan about vaccination not being a “race”.

The pace is starting to pick up after the slow start. About one million doses were administered in the past 10 days, taking the total to 4.8 million but only 19 per cent of the population has had at least one shot and less than 2 per cent has had both. In the US, 45 per cent of people have now had both shots.

Mr Morrison and Health Minister Greg Hunt are still reluctant to set clear targets which could help motivate the bureaucracy and generate interest. They have still not launched effective media campaigns telling the public to get the jab.


National cabinet on Friday took a positive step by starting work on a vaccine passport which would entitle people who have had the shot to travel across state borders in lockdowns and, perhaps, eventually overseas. It will provide a strong incentive to get vaccinated.

Yet, here again, federal leadership is needed. Many risk-averse state governments are hesitant, despite the mounting evidence that people with the vaccine are both safe from disease and also much less likely to spread it even if they catch it.

Mr Morrison appears to have taken the politician’s message from the Coalition’s losses in the WA and Queensland state elections that Australians put safety ahead of opening up to the outside world.

Certainly, Australia has performed well so far. Despite the tight controls, the national accounts for the March quarter this week showed the economy has bounced back from the recession last year faster than expected and is now bigger than before the pandemic started.

Yet the recovery can only be sustained if Australia keeps state borders open and starts reopening to the outside world. Vaccines are the only way to take that next step with safety. It all turns on speeding up vaccinations and that is the federal government’s job.

Note from the Editor

The Herald editor Lisa Davies writes a weekly newsletter exclusively for subscribers. To have it delivered to your inbox, please sign up here.

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