

This was published 3 years ago

Coalition’s disdain for ABC speaks volumes

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

It is my experience the strongest ethical work cultures are those that are led by intelligent and informed leaders who welcome different viewpoints and energise their workers (“ABC bosses block Four Corners episode on PM”, June 4). Ita Buttrose seems to me such a leader. Michael Kroger’s call for her removal is typically blinkered through the lens of the worst of party politicking where difference is so often seen as treachery. No organisation is perfect but we need an ABC committed to the truth, not to their political masters. Anne Garvan, Chatswood West

The self-censorship of the ABC over a program exploring links between PM Scott Morrison and a QAnon believer is a most dangerous development. In these times of misinformation and lies, an independent journalistic voice is essential to democratic freedom. That the ABC would run from a potentially controversial broadcast shows the dangerous path we are treading in regard to our liberty. Wayne Duncombe, Glebe

As a former BBC and ABC journalist I reject attempts by those from any political party that seeks to control the lawful, independent shape and form of the coverage of Australian news and current affairs. Kroger’s comments that Buttrose has “lost control; of news and current affairs” and that “there are many people in the Coalition including people in the Cabinet who regret her appointment” shows just how dedicated his party is to control what the ABC reports and what it does not. William Tuck, Mosman

Could it be that if the Coalition had fewer skeletons in their cupboards, the ABC would not appear to be biased against them because they would have nothing to report? Governments are always more in the spotlight than oppositions, so it is inevitable they will receive more scrutiny from the media. They are running our lives and spending our money, why should we not know what is happening with them? Why is it that other media outlets are never accused of bias? Mary Billing, Allambie Heights

This won’t be the first or last time a phone call from the PM’s office has questioned the worthiness of an ABC program. So far neither the ABC nor Morrison’s staff have explained why the offending Four Corners was withdrawn. As we’re all stakeholders in the ABC a simple explanation would surely be in the public interest. Otherwise, many will be tempted to think the worst. Nick Franklin, Katoomba

Would the Coalition complain if the ABC had a right-wing bias instead of impartiality? Doubt it. Rose Peel, Lilyfield

States must pay their own lockdown bills

Waleed Aly has come out swinging in support of fellow Victorians about who is to take the blame for another COVID-19 outbreak (“Enough loose lockdown talk”, June 5). This is an “outbreak” of fewer than 10 new cases a day in a population of 6.7 million in Victoria. The state government makes a typical response: another draconian lockdown that puts thousands of small businesses in peril. It then demands handouts from federal taxpayers for action taken in the “national interest”. If Victoria or any state decides to impose its own response to outbreaks, independent of federal advice, then funding should come from the state budget, not federal. You can’t have it both ways. Kottapadi Karunakaran, Millers Point

When the Blues play Queensland in State of Origin, I will be as parochial as anyone, but public health is not sport. Give Victoria the Pfizer vaccine it has requested (“State asked to give Pfizer vaccine to help Victoria”, June 4). Stopping the spread is in all our interests. Tony Judge, Woolgoolga


Is there anything else more ridiculous which can be done, or not done, by instruments of this federal government (“Federal Health not asking for vaccination status of returning Australians”, June 3)? It seems it is constantly exceeeding its own records of dysfunctionality. Ian Usman Lewis, Kentucky

It is hard to fathom why we have not fitted out mobile vaccination clinics to go to nursing homes and not leave until all staff and patients are vaccinated. Perhaps, now that this is being done in the US we will deem it OK to do here (“Jab blitz a bid to ‘declare independence’ “, June 4). Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

Two hundred million dollars to house 500 returnees in quarantine (“Deal in sight for $200m quarantine facility near Avalon Airport”, June 4). Back of envelope calculations come in at $400,000 per customer, and the government already owns the dirt. Sounds like it should be closer to Nirvana than Avalon, especially for the lucky contractor. Andrew Swain, Brunswick Heads

Fouling the nest

One of the deepest existential ironies of humanity’s curiosity and progress is more adventurous and stunning space exploration (“Maybe they’ve seen us: NASA heading to Venus in search for life”, June 4). How to reconcile this with our now scientifically inexcusable persistent trashing of our own, and most likely only, precious nest. The crucial existential answer isn’t out there. Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

Kate Winslet in the Dressmaker.

Kate Winslet in the Dressmaker.Credit:

Sew punny

I have the identical Singer sewing machine as Kate Winslet carried in The Dressmaker and it weighs 34.2 pounds: kilograms weren’t with us in 1951 (Letters, June 3). Your correspondent was right about it being heavy but Winslet was toting only an empty wooden carrying case of the machine. And I’ve got to hand it to her, her acting wasn’t just sew-sew … it seamed first-class and it had me in stitches. Robert Cann, Bellevue Hill

Toddler time

PM, you are just like my three-year-old doggedly determined to do it your own way despite the best support and advice from those with far greater wisdom and experience than yourself (“Britain warns Australia over climate inertia”, June 4). The call is for global collaboration on fighting climate change. There is a time for flexing independence but this is not the time for doing it your way. Helen Cameron, Tamworth

NDIS recipients join line of heartless Coalition’s victims

Clearly the dystopian strategy is to dupe NDIS recipients into believing their concerns about private assessments have been listened and responded to, when in fact they are pressing on with legislated change anyway (“Coalition’s secret spin strategy for NDIS”, June 4). The Morrison government despises any form of assistance or welfare. Offshore refugee detention, robodebt, mutual obligation, stranded Australians overseas and now independent NDIS assessments indicate a trail of victims of this heartless government. Mark Berg, Caringbah South

The Coalition’s NDIS strategy: say you’re listening when you’re not, act on no objections, then tell the applicants the dodgy assessments you had were what you wanted using a taxpayer funded marketing campaign. All done without shame. Kerry Stratton, Wombarra

Whale of a time

For the vast majority of nations the ethical and scientific decision to cease whaling represents one of humanity’s finer moments (“Oh my pod! Whales bounce back”, June 4). We increasingly take note of the awe inspiring whale migrations in our seasonal calendars and watch in wonderment as mother and calf loll along the inner coastal waters and when through maybe a sheer joy of existence the pods choreograph their breaching ballets.

Yet as much as we celebrate their miraculous return from the brink, it may be a fleeting moment. Whales live in an ocean of plastic fragments, residual pesticides, shipping acoustics and collisions. The decline of krill from gargantuan vacuuming trawlers and the insidious rise of ocean temperatures and acidity threaten their existence. The whales have bounced back but for how long? Steve Dillon, Thirroul

Busted system

Bus route cuts have also been implemented in Pyrmont (“Bus route cuts draw flood of complaints from locals”, June 4). As the Premier rolls out her “revitalisation” plans for the Pyrmont peninsula, the private operators of the 389 service have changed, without consultation, the final leg of the incoming route. For some this makes a visit to Barangaroo or Circular Quay arduous, to say the least. Those who live and work in the south-east of Pyrmont have to walk much further to reach the only public transport service taking Pyrmont residents and workers to and from the centre of the CBD. Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont

Dropped the ball

The reason why western Sydney rugby clubs such as Two Blues, Penrith and West Harbour are struggling is due to the neglect of rugby development in those areas for the past 20 years (“Call for western clubs to merge”, June 4). Over this period all of the officials running rugby union have come from the same six clubs who now seek to obliterate rugby in western Sydney. There are no development officers allocated, no funds for restructuring the clubs: no assistance from the top. Each of these six elite clubs have plundered the best players from the west and have successfully engineered the demise of Combined High Schools rugby – which once had more than 100 teams engaged, predominantly from the non-elite suburbs, but now has fewer than 15 teams and struggles to remain viable. David Hawkins, Newport Beach

Butting heads

Phil Gould, and those with his mindset, need to visit a dementia specific aged care facility to see what can result from contact sports (Letters, June 4). I have cared for men with dementia, some from sport-acquired brain injuries. I enjoy watching league, but cringe when I see bodily contact where players’ heads are knocked, visualising their brains hitting their skulls and the damage caused. The downplaying of head injuries in league is detrimental to the players’ future health. No amount of money compensates for brain injury. Rosemary Wolf, Mount Warrigal

I gave up watching thugby league decades ago because of the dangerous and damaging head-high tackles – applauded by some as “the biff”. It’s a game played for fun, not to win at substantial human costs. I have since turned to AFL but might return to thugby if V’landys’ crusade is successful. I like watching sport and human competition, not brutality. Shane Nunan, Finley

Sinking money into defence

The turmoil around the contract for the building of the 12 submarines is an opportunity to reflect on a questionable and absurdly expensive acquisition (“Defence lifts periscope in hunt for subs”, June 3). Imagine if even half of the $90 billion initial cost was invested in a public good like social housing or aged care. Does Australia really need 12 submarines that will cost $250 billion ? There needs to be far greater scrutiny of this purchase before proceeding. Alan Morris, Eastlakes

Period of change

With apologies to the authors, I can’t let the following sentence go unchallenged: “this is a controversial but evolving policy area, in which Australia is emerging as a leader” (“Paid leave for periods critical for equality”, June 3). Back in the 1990s I worked at a remote hospital in Zambia, where hospital nurses were entitled to one day’s paid leave a month, which they would call their “Lady’s Day”. It seemed strange at the time to my western worldview. We shouldn’t be too surprised; Zambia gained their independence from Britain and became a republic in 1964. Helen Smith, Culburra Beach

Oh, to be so lucky and not think periods can warrant time off (Letters, June 4). I used to have a horrible time and wasn’t able to take pain medication because it messed up my tummy, so took time off work. The world is only just starting to talk about it; it’s been a taboo topic for too long. Vivienne Sander, Turner (ACT)

The gift of giving

Some of the delights of the English language are the subtle differences between near synonyms. But what are the differences in meaning between “gifted” and “gave” and between “loaned” and “lent”? Why do we now prefer the first of each pair (Letters, June 4)? Martin Bibby, Beecroft

“Gifting” is what Centrelink considers the action of “giving” a hand up to one’s children after one receives a small windfall. One’s age pension is then reduced for five years as punishment for one’s generosity. Hope this clarifies matters. Christine Tiley, Albany Creek (Qld)

Please don’t “reach out” to me. Craig Lilienthal, Wollstonecraft

Let’s not forget the use of “invite” as a noun. What happened to invitation? Claire Edmonds, Floraville

When T becomes D

Speaking of mispronunciation, let’s not overlook the abominable substitution of “d” for “t”: “pardy”, “warder” and “dawder”. Rob Phillips, North Epping

Our Victorian neighbours tend to replace a soft “e” sound with an “u”. Now the “uluctronics” are found on the “yullow shulf”. Before, the electronics were on the yellow shelf. Before we know it, they will sound like they have crossed the ditch instead of the river. Viv Munter, Pennant Hills


“I congratulate the Herald for including at the end of each letter the name of the Aboriginal land where the writer lives,” wrote Stein Boddington of St Clair. “It serves to remind people that this land has a history of more than 232 years and makes those names an everyday part of our conception of Australia. It is a public step towards reconciliation and a proud day for our beloved Herald.” Many wrote to congratulate us for our initiative to mark National Reconciliation Week in last week’s Saturday edition. Others said the special edition gave them “a deeper understanding of this ancient continent”.

As always, some held different views, strongly so. One letter writer said she was “affronted by this action”. “I have no objection to Aboriginal Australians campaigning for their rights and I support most of their actions but what I don’t like is when actions like this are forced down our throats.” Others said it was “political correctness gone mad”, claiming we had been “hijacked”, and asking if it was “editorial wokeness or were we fostering secession”. Some described it as tokenistic and many suggested we should use the Indigenous land names all the time.

The responses to the letters, the majority of which were supportive, were a reflection of the work that still needs to be done to make us a truly reconciled country, accepting and supportive of our differences and similarities. As always, thank you for your feedback and letters this week. The final words go to Ronald Elliott of Sandringham (Vic) who says he is looking forward to a front page with this masthead: The Gadigal Morning Herald. Pat Stringa, Letters editor

  • To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.

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