

This was published 3 years ago


Enough loose lockdown talk

“It’s frustrating that the taxpayers of Australia have to continually foot the bill for system failures in Victoria,” declared the Business Council’s Jennifer Westacott this week, in a statement that neatly encapsulates the sloppiness of the moment. Which system failures, exactly? No doubt Victoria could have done some things better.

It was late to roll out a uniform QR code check-in system to aid contact tracing. It got one of the early exposure sites wrong. But there is nothing so far to suggest this has had any material effect on the current outbreak. In fact, there’s a tide of experts insisting that Victoria’s contact tracing system has done an astonishing job. Specific examples that demonstrate otherwise are very thin on the ground.

Acting Premier James Merlino announces an extension of Melbourne’s seven-day lockdown.

Acting Premier James Merlino announces an extension of Melbourne’s seven-day lockdown.Credit: Eddie Jim

The system failure here is in fact South Australia’s, whose hotel quarantine system became a source of transmission. The most germane policy failure is probably the federal government’s abject sluggishness in improving our quarantine arrangements by building new, better specialised facilities – something it finally agreed to on Thursday. Westacott went on to place the ultimate responsibility at the feet of the national cabinet. But the unacknowledged irony of the Victorian outbreak is that of the three governments involved, the Victorian government’s role seems the smallest.

But then, the Victorian government has indulged in some loose talk of its own. Perhaps the most startling example came as acting premier James Merlino first announced the lockdown, when he suggested this particular COVID-19 variant was being transmitted up to five times faster than previous ones. The prevalent view among infectious diseases experts is that while no one knows exactly how quickly this variant transmits, it’s almost certainly not that fast.

It would be safer to say, as Victoria’s Chief Health Officer did, that it is “at least” as infectious as the British strain, and maybe a bit more. The reason this virus might be, in Merlino’s words, “running faster than we have ever recorded” is that Victoria’s recording these things so much better now, capturing positive cases before they even get symptoms.

But the more politically consequential example has been Victoria’s repeated suggestion that this lockdown may have been avoided if the federal government’s vaccine rollout had been up to date. It is true that rollout has been shambolic. And it’s true that the failures in aged care might turn out to have tragic, lethal consequences.

But it’s far less likely to be true that even if the rollout was meeting its original targets we’d be at a level of vaccination that would have cut transmission significantly enough to have kept the state open. We’ve seen this in other countries, like Singapore, with much higher levels of vaccination than us, and who have nonetheless been forced into lockdown.

And then there’s the federal government’s looseness. In spending much of the week resisting (before finally relenting on) Victoria’s calls for financial support to be directed at casual workers who no longer have any recourse to JobKeeper, the Morrison government tried a sleight of hand. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg boasted of “more direct federal economic support per capita going to Victoria than to any other state”, as though that dealt with the matter. Frydenberg’s statement is true. But then you think about the numbers: some $6760 for every Victorian, compared with $6409 per person in NSW.


That’s a surprisingly small discrepancy given Melbourne spent nearly four months in a very harsh lockdown that NSW didn’t. If anything, it makes Victoria’s support look undercooked. But the Morrison government doesn’t cite all those days in lockdown in this context. It cites them only to underscore the idea that Victoria is incompetent, and rushes unnecessarily to lockdowns in exactly the way NSW doesn’t. Which, I suppose, takes us back to Westacott.


In normal circumstances, you might regard all this looseness as the ordinary parry and thrust of political life. You might even say each has a kernel of truth. Westacott’s frustration is justified, and last year’s disastrous Victorian lockdown really was down to a hopeless failure of Victorian systems. Merlino really might be looking at a uniquely dangerous variant, and is definitely looking at a poor vaccine rollout. And Frydenberg hasn’t misrepresented facts so much as moulded their meaning in contestable ways.

But these aren’t normal circumstances. It’s a pandemic of granular complexity that demands an unnatural level of goodwill and co-operation between different levels of government and interest groups. In that context, the ordinary parry and thrust of political life doesn’t serve us well.

Specifically, it allows lazy narratives to thrive. Probably the most dangerous is that the current outbreak is just more Victorian hopelessness. Sure, there might be some uniquely Victorian factors to this outbreak – notably the fact that Melburnians move across their city far more than, say, people in Sydney do – but so much of it has nothing to do with Melbourne.

What if that man who was infected in a South Australian hotel, was instead from Adelaide or Brisbane? What specific reason would you have – beyond vague generalisations and impressions – to be confident a similar outbreak wouldn’t occur, complete with a similar lockdown? And then what exactly would everyone else’s response be? Would the federal government be less inclined to see financial assistance as a reward for imposing lockdowns, and be quicker to see the need to help?


Let’s not find out. The federal government’s decision that its financial support package be done on a national basis, rather than being specific to Victoria, avoids questions of jurisdictional bias. The shock of this outbreak can finally jolt us out of the complacency – from both government and the public – that has hampered vaccination levels and made our improvements to quarantine so torpid.

But that requires an extraordinary political discipline from those charged with leading us through this historic episode. And it doesn’t happen if we’re too overcome by loose thinking in this moment to focus on the lessons in front of us.

Waleed Aly is a regular columnist.

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