

This was published 3 years ago

Australia lazy and dumb in mineral approach

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Australia is being held back by a government lacking in vision and ignoring both opportunities and risks (“Australia set to be green superpower: Tesla chief”, June 3). Tesla chairwoman Robyn Denholm was correct when she urged Australia to turn its focus from exporting fossil fuels to becoming a renewable energy superpower.
Australia has become lazy because of its great mineral wealth. We dig our minerals up and ship them out, adding no value, neglecting innovation, taking no responsibility for environmental and global warming damage that we cause and ignoring growing economic risks. We must reinvent our economy, leaping forward and not spring back to a decades-old economy. Keith Woodward, Avalon Beach

The Tesla chairwoman’s message to the Minerals Council of Australia is timely (“Environmental warrior is Tesla’s governance disaster”, June 3). Australia holds the resources to lead the way with renewable energy and a sustainable economy. Hopefully the Council will pay attention and take action as its critical industries embrace environmental and social governance. First, we need our government to release our economy from its fossil-fuelled policy bubble. Chris Bilsland, Lane Cove

Wonderful proposition put forward by Denholm, but entirely risible until both the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader learn to control the troglodytes in their respective party rooms. Yola Center, Lane Cove

John Hewson is right. In the absence of proportional representation in the lower house (as in New Zealand) where more parties have a say, the only path for urgent climate action is for independents to drive out the Liberal/Labor coal lovers in as many seats as are winnable ( “The sleeper election issue that could bite hard”, June 3). Sue Young, Bensville

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

On the issue of putting money into the development of the Beetaloo Basin shale gas project, Labor lost its last chance to differentiate itself from the Coalition and has become just a “me too” party. Hewson has spelt out one of the consequences of such foolish decisions, with 38 active “Voices” movements prepared to promote independents in various electorates. A large number of voters in Australia have become fed up with parties that do not listen to them and are prepared to vote for an independent. In Warringah, we did so at the last election and it is highly likely more will do the same at the next one. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Hewson believes, quite rightly, the plan to spend $600 million on a gas-fired power plant in the Hunter Valley would be bad for the environment. Not to worry, the promise served its purpose. The election is over, the Nats kept their seat so there is no real urgency in building this taxpayer-funded monstrosity. Just pop it on the back burner until the next election. Nola Tucker, Kiama

What do Whitlam, Hawke and Keating have in common? Gutsy statements of leadership that took Australia in challenging but rewarding directions. I am glad I voted for them; nonetheless, I have had flashes of regret for Hewson when I read his sage advice. Why is it that clear thinking and articulation of positive leadership positions happen in the Coalition only when a person no longer holds office? Judith Wheeldon, Roseville Chase


CCP must change is Xi wants world on side

I can’t wait to see the new loveable, cuddly China in action (“World must see the ‘loveable’ China: Xi”, June 3). Nor, I suspect, can the many thousands of Uighur Muslims held in Xinjiang’s internment camps with laughable official titles. I’m sure that Yang Hengjun would appreciate a new “humble and modest” China that allowed him an open trial instead of the farcical one-day closed court appearance he had. China, the world is ready for you to spread the love. Joan Brown, Orange

If Xi Jinping wants the world to think better of China, perhaps he should consider being less of an aggressor and bully instead of starting a PR blitz.

China’s problem is primarily its behaviour, not the world’s misperception. Stop treating non-Han Chinese as inferior citizens, stop militarising international waters around China, stop conducting malware attacks and IP theft, and stop using confected import restrictions to prosecute trade wars. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

In the lead-up to World War II, many nations failed to fully understand the threat posed by Germany and their expansionist ambitions. Many followed policies of appeasement, turning a blind eye to military build-ups. Fast-forward to now. Isn’t this almost exactly the same as today, with China just asserting rights they don’t have and most countries afraid to challenge China for fear of affecting trade deals? Frank Begeng, West Pennant Hills

I’ve seen loveable China a few times. It was called Hong Kong, before Beijing’s political crackdown. Andrew Smith, Lane Cove

Liberal Senator James Paterson suggests two alternatives for Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s comments about our relationship with China (“Government’s China hawks lash Albanese’s comments over Beijing dispute”, June 3). There is a third.

Rather than Labor playing politics or ending bipartisanship, it could be that the Coalition is appealing to a domestic audience and stoking voter fears, thus risking this important relationship. But this government would never admit a mistake, even though the evidence is that they frequently stuff up. David Rush, Lawson

Paterson claims Albanese’s latest comments, described as pro-Beijing, aren’t in Australia’s national interests, while Defence Minister Peter Dutton purports to grill Albanese in Parliament.

One supposes Morrison implying China intentionally released COVID-19 to the world without evidence or Dutton proclaiming Australia is getting closer to war with China are better ways of securing Australia’s national interests. Tell that to all the businesses now locked out of the once-lucrative Chinese market, and heaven help Australia should war ensue. Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Rugby league is losing its head

Phil Gould’s saying that those trying to reduce brain damage in rugby league “don’t understand the game” reflects an opinion pervasive among those that fear change in the game they love (“‘Understanding the game’ won’t save league from itself”, June 3). Some defenders of inaction on brain damage use the boxing excuse for allowing brain damage to continue: that the combatants, having chosen their career as enlightened teenagers, are willing participants fully cognisant of the consequences and adequately financially compensated for any brain destruction should it occur. The argument that the financial inducement to play league to entertain is adequate compensation for brain loss, fails to recognise that it is unethical and illegal to sell human organs. Michael Morgan, Manly

I believe Andrew Johns’ call to find the middle ground on head high crackdown is misguided (“This is madness: NRL must find middle ground on crackdown”, July 3). The middle ground is where lawyers operate to advantage. Players may accept the risk of repeated concussions that may lead to CTE but their grieving families may not. CTE is only detectable on autopsy. It is the players’ relatives that could litigate the game out of existence. No contact with the head is the only way forward in the interests of the players and the game. Michael Keene, Stanwell Park

The diametrically opposed viewpoints expressed by Johns and Peter FitzSimons regarding high tackles have confirmed a long-held league tenet; if you want an informed opinion ask a back, not a forward. Any fan, let alone an on-field referee or linesman, can easily distinguish the difference between a dangerous or deliberate head-high tackle and accidental contact to the head. If you want to keep the game watchable, stringently penalise the former, not the latter. Col Burns, Lugarno

Economic mismanagers

It’s tough to read in one edition of the Herald about financial deception by NSW Treasury (“NSW budget ‘mirage’ to hide the size of deficit”, June 3); to be reminded of Perrottet’s connection to iCare by the Cathy Wilcox cartoon; and then an editorial where the Treasurer relies on a “smorgasbord of ideas” for reform (“NSW must relearn lost art of long-term economic reform”, June 3). The tactic of government has been, since 2011, to present vague “plans” that blow out into enormous deficits which will saddle future generations with debt and interest. NSW needs careful planning, not a smorgasbord. Glenn Johnson, Leura


The research suggesting that one in four of us are pandemic panic buyers with a number of personal traits didn’t identify them all (“Reasons for coronavirus panic buying flushed out”, June 3). Stupidity and selfishness weren’t mentioned. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Normalise womanhood

Free tampons and pads in schools would be beneficial in normalising female bodily functions (“Paid leave for periods critical for equality”, June 3). However, encouraging sick leave supports the idea that periods are an illness whereas they are the result of a healthy body. If a woman is debilitated then medical help would be warranted. Wendy Crew, Lane Cove North

Boundless plains

The report that Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews is negotiating a refugee resettlement deal with New Zealand must give hope to those still in limbo after the failure of medevac (“Andrews in talks over New Zealand asylum-seeker deal”, June 3). The mental and physical stress suffered by refugees under our watch is unimaginable. As is the amount of money spent to keep them in detention. It is hoped too that as a matter of human urgency the Minister immediately releases the family on Christmas Island back to the community in Biloela. What price compassion? Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Building support

I wish the NSW Heritage Council would explain why the 1950s MLC office building in North Sydney is worthy of state heritage listing but not the Powerhouse Museum, a revered 140-year-old cultural institution in a Sulman award-winning building (“MLC Building to be heritage listed”, June 3). Last year the Heritage Council refused to consider listing the Powerhouse Museum. Apparently only the brick walls of the former Ultimo Power Station are worthy of state heritage listing, not the museum itself and its nationally significant collections now at risk. Is it one set of heritage standards for private owners and another for the places the NSW government wants to develop? Kylie Winkworth, Newtown

It is puzzling to read of plans to heritage list the bland, soulless MLC building. Would anyone in North Sydney actually miss this building if it disappeared? It makes one wonder where the heritage consultants were, when the wrecking ball smashed through some of the real glories of Sydney’s recent past, like the Regent, Palace, Royal and Prince Edward Theatres. Greg Vale, Kiama

Politics as usual

Michael Daley says that “asking the branch members to pick their leader is just democracy in action”(“Key MP flips for Minns as Daley digs in”, June 3). I’m sure he could tell me about the many ways he supported Jodi McKay when she was being white-anted by those who could not accept her leadership. Colin Stokes, Camperdown

Standing ovation

At last a future for the Hub theatre in Newtown (“Taming of the brew, theatre to double as craft beer joint”, June 3). What a thrill to see the Hub reopen as a stylish performance and craft beverage venue. I applaud owner Chris Vlattas for his enterprise. The Inner West Council agreeing to add the Hub into their Enmore Road entertainment precinct is an ideal match. Paul Brennan, Woollahra

Solecisms abound

If I was to add to Steve Cornelius’ litany of solecisms, I suggest that one should eschew archaisms, avoid the subjunctive, and that the passive voice should not be used (Letters, June 3). Evan Bailey, Glebe

Your correspondent fails to mention that you shouldn’t use a preposition to end a sentence with.
Ian Morris, Strathfield

The use of “gifting” instead of “giving”, “impacting” instead of “affecting” makes me want to jump off the nearest cliff. And please don’t get me started on those who want to “speak with me”, let alone anyone who wants to “speak to an issue”. Nick Andrews, Bellevue Hill

Mind your language

An apology to your correspondent from my granddaughter aged two years three months who can count to 10 but can’t quite pronounce three correctly. We are hoping she will come good before her fird birthday (Letters, June 3).
Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

There’s a new trend creeping into our speech. “R” is now often pronounced as a “w”, “s” going to “th”, “th” moving along to “f” and the mispronunciation of words such as worried, we will soon become unintelligible to each other. Tony Hunt, Gordon

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Biden launches vaccine blitz in bid to ‘declare independence’ from COVID
From globetrotter: ″⁣This is the one time we should be trying to emulate America. Why not have pharmicists deliver the vaccine, have 24/7 walk-in clinics, community hubs. We should have a hall in every suburb and town to deliver the vaccines.″⁣

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