

This was published 3 years ago

Reward whistleblowers for exposing financial duplicity

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

The Premier must be quite shocked and disappointed at her Treasury’s nefarious bookkeeping (“Money’ mirage’: Billions in state costs hidden”, June 2). Only an outbreak of a COVID variant across the CBD would help her paper over these revelations. She could at least show leadership by giving the cluey yet brave whistleblowers public service medals and substantial monetary rewards for upholding the public interest, as well as jobs for life in the NSW Auditor-General’s office. And ensuring that office now receives a copy of the “highly confidential” KPMG report that was done for Transport late last year, before its analysis was amended at Treasury’s instigation. Sue Dyer, Downer (ACT)

The financial trickery by government members should come as no surprise. Cost and time blowouts in light rail projects, cross-city tunnels, SCG rebuilds, declining government services, deliberately slippery processes and blatant pork barrelling of their electorates is, sadly, approved and encouraged deliberate disingenuous unethical behaviour by this state government. Considering the icare debacle he supervised and now his ultimate responsibility for this, Dominic Perrottet’s behaviour, along with his supplicants encouragement, is a textbook example of the cleverness that drives cynicism and distrust of our politicians at the local, state and federal levels. Surely there must be someone among them that wants to do the right thing, rather than endlessly dissembling their actions in a quest for power? Bernard Stever, Richmond

Given his previous form in denying any responsibility for the icare debacle, no doubt the Treasurer and would-be-premier Perrottet will brazen away the Transport Asset Holding Entity scandal, the latest revelation of this state government’s duplicity. Business as usual in NSW. Rob Phillips, North Epping

The Treasurer’s department has again been revealed as responsible for questionable accounting fiddles in the oversight of his portfolio. The response of the doyen of financial probity, the proliferating privatiser, will be interesting. I imagine it will be similar to his handling of the icare fiasco – he has had some experience. Gus Plater, Saratoga

This story channels the valid, if cynical, view that behind every good Treasurer or government there is a great accountant. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

The latest report regarding mismanagement by the NSW government highlights why the state needs – and has for some time – a functioning opposition not the quiet mob that has sat on the opposition bench. There is a responsibility on opposions, whatever party it is, to hold governments to account. The NSW government has a long history of dubious behaviour that must have the light put on it. Arthur Hennessy, Gymea Bay

Another headline that highlights the NSW government’s financial skill at continuing the false promise of better financial management. I am interested to see how this will be spun by the Treasurer and Premier as normal practice. Meanwhile the poor governance over public funds continues to lead to poor provision of services and value for our tax money. The threat of death or injury while using our public services such as hospitals and transport are the real concern. There is always hope that SMH stories will lead to better performance by our political leaders and perhaps even admission of their failures and resignation. Robert Mulas, Corlette

Athletes mental health is as critical as physical


What a tragedy; the world no. 2, and a young woman with great talent, brought down by an administration ignorant of an illness that plagues our world, silently (“Osaka has drawn the line in the sand”, June 2). Naomi Osaka, made the point before the tournament, asking for consideration of her mental illness. It is completely wrong for the administrators to pressure her in the way they did. One must ask, would Osaka have faced the same pressure if she reported a severe physical illness due to which she may have been unable to do a press conference? One must weigh whether the loss of a press conference is worth seeing a star perform. Charlton D’Silva, North Sydney

Osaka mentions an interesting issue: “Anyone that knows me knows I’m introverted” (“Osaka’s sad exit could have been avoided”, June 2). In line with our obsession for celebrity, it seems, people in many professions are called upon to be a lot more available to the public. Does it have to be that way? If you are good at spending days, weeks or months in solitary, writing or painting or in her case training should you also be expected to have the capacity to flip the switch to extrovert when demanded? If you’re great at tennis, or swimming, or playing the piano or writing is it really necessary to also be a “great” publicist? Shouldn’t it be enough to simply watch Osaka play great tennis? Arna Radovich, Faulconbridge

When Osaka was a little girl she did not say “When I grow up I want to be interrogated by the world press”.
In my 32 years of teaching I handed the terrorising task of whole school announcements to others. Not until late in my career, at the age of invisibility, did I brave the platform alone to speak. Heather Lindsay, Woonona

There is big money in international tennis these days. Corporate sponsors and media giants want their pound of flesh hence who pays the piper calls the tune. As part of their training, tennis aspirationals should be provided with instructional material on how to handle media appearances and given psychological support when experiencing mental health issues on their way up the rankings. The onus of responsibility to resolve these should be evenly divided between the International Tennis Federation and the Players’ Association. Andrew Mitterdorfer, Gordon

Most sportsmen and women have supportive teammates around them. Tennis players do it alone – travelling and competing on the international circuit, winning, losing, enduring the pressures that all that entails. Osaka’s experience is a wake-up call for us all. Hopefully, it’s not too late for her to get the help she desperately needs. Vic Alhadeff, Kirribilli

Our easy money, their future debt

Congratulations to the august members of the Reserve Bank board (“City house prices rise by $1220 every day”, June 2). Your interest rate policy has allowed me to sit on my backside (I can hear the Productivity Commission grinding their teeth at this outcome) and make thrice as much money in a year out of my quite moderate portfolio of a house, super and a few shares, than I earned from my salary as a hard-working, productive professional manager and technologist. Pity, though, about the Himalayas of debt the board has created for future generations. Duncan Cameron, Lane Cove

Is the government asleep at the wheel? Our young ones, assured by their elders that a university education is the way to a bright future, find on graduation there is no guarantee of decently paid employment. However, they do have the certainty of a HECS debt that will follow them to the grave. Unless they are independently wealthy, many young people have no chance of buying a home of their own and can’t afford high housing rents so will probably live in rented share-accommodation for the foreseeable future. Marriage and children? Not likely in this lucky country. Kathleen Hollins, Northmead

Shameful record on aged care

Aged care has been administered for many years by the Department of Health (“Eight aged care facilities get no vaccine”, June 2). Its failure to effectively do so resulted in the Royal Commission into Aged Care. There cannot be stronger evidence of the manifest failure of the Commonwealth department than the outbreak of COVID last year causing two-thirds of Australia’s virus-related deaths. That failure has been exposed once more now in Victoria. Not only has the rollout of a vaccination program for the elderly and workers in aged care been an unmitigated disaster, but the government doesn’t even know how many workers have received one dose of vaccine. And we hear now that the government has once again allowed the movement of the workforce between aged care institutions. The royal commission recommended that the management of aged care be given to an aged care commission: this recommendation has been either ignored or rejected. Eugenie Lumbers, Medowie

Put a sock in it

Does anyone really care what the gun-toting, whip-cracking member for Manila thinks (“Strike while the iron is hot: MPs furious at ABC after Porter case”, June 2). There is a reason he and his cronies are on the backbenches and not the front: out of sight, out of mind, which sums up George Christensen pretty well. John Grinter, Katoomba

Towering infernal

The citizens of Sydney have just had one demonstrably bad idea foisted upon us with Packer’s block of flats overriding long-term planning of the city’s northern edge. Now that the precedent has been set, we are having to bat away the proposal of another over-scaled eysore to the city’s south-west (“Mirvac told to shrink $708m tower plan for Harbourside Shopping Centre”, June 2). More of these proposals will undoubtedly bombard us into the future, with the potential to turn Sydney’s overall aesthetic into an ad hoc collection of blah. Benjamin Rushton, Birchgrove

Property developer Mirvac claims any reduction in the size of its proposed Darling Harbour 42 storey tower would render the project financially unviable. So be it. David Grover, Chatswood

Conservative failures exposed

Thank you Ross Gittins (“Size matters in government”, June 2). The holy trinity of conservatives “smaller government, lower taxes, more freedoms” has failed us on many fronts. Gittins points to smaller governments bumbling their way through COVID. Lower taxes assist to deliver terrible outcomes such as aged care. Bizarrely, more freedoms foist the ideologies of the few onto the population at large. Basically, society is being hollowed out, inequality on the rise. Eighteen of the past 24 years have been under conservative federal government, plenty of time to bend, mould and shape. Brian Jones, Leura

Sold short

It was the headline that first grabbed my attention (“ASIC switches rules in short-seller crackdown”, June 2). Assuming there must be issues associated with selling shorts, I moved on to page eight for the rest of the story. I was at first puzzled, then defeated by the material. In short, I was brought up short by this article. I now understand that activist short sellers have nothing to do with clothing, and that there are communities and fraternities involved, between which there is a schism. Before turning in despair to the comics, it occurred to me that this element of stock exchange activity could be easily incorporated into the next iteration of Game of Thrones. Mark d’Arbon, Chittaway Bay

I may be naïve, but the solution to the illegal practices being used to screw us small shareholders is very simple. You cannot sell what you don’t own, so you cannot sell shares at a lower than market price if you have not already purchased them. Richard Kirby, Campbelltown

Cormann sees the light

Mathias Cormann, a former minister in the Coalition government calls for an “ambitious and effective” plan to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in his first speech as head of the OECD (“Plan needed for net zero: Cormann”, June 2). I can’t remember him calling for Australia to develop one when he was a highly influential member of Parliament. Rather the opposite in fact. Steve Bright, North Avoca

Many will ask was Cormann hypocritical while he was part of our government or is he being hypocritical now?
Howard Clark, Ryde

Cormann’s sudden change to radical climate change activism must have the Prime Minister spitting chips. After spending tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on an executive aircraft to transport Cormann on his European tour to support his “private” application for the position of head of OECD, Morrison might want to get his (our) money back. Robert Fisher, Leichhardt

Freely gifted

While on the subject of free items, may I include “free gifts”? I have yet to pay for any gift I have received (Letters, June 2). Dee Wyatt, Old Junee

I hate “free” when it’s used in counting, as in one, two, free, four. Michael Deeth, Como West

“For free” is nothing compared to the intensely jarring “arrive back”. It surprises me how ubiquitous this has become in general conversation. Have we forgotten the perfectly suited “return”? Marie Del Monte, Ashfield

Just between you and I, you’re correspondents what criticised “for free” should of went further. What needs to happen is, is less people misabusing apostrophe’s, and more corect speling adn grammer. And starting sentences with a conjunction, proper English that ain’t. We don’t need no double negatives neither, plus always avoid clichés like the plague (their old hat). All ways proffread to cheque if you any words out. Don’t overuse exclamation marks!!!! If youse want more suggestions four writing good, I got plenty from whence that lot have came. Your welcome. Steve Cornelius, Brookvale

Something for Kate

I admire Kate Winslet’s acting skills, but I am more impressed with her ability to carry an old-fashioned sewing machine as if it was an empty handbag (“From Rose to thorny cop”, June 2). Those things were damned heavy. Dorothy Filshie, Port Macquarie

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Mathias Cormann calls for ‘ambitious’ plan to reach net zero emissions
From Eric Olthwaite: ″⁣Give the man a cigar. Next he’ll start believing in science. It must have been so hard for Mathias Cormann, trapped in a climate sceptic cult for over a decade.″⁣

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