

This was published 3 years ago

If this is Porter’s idea of a win, what defines defeat?

Illustration by Cathy Wilcox

Illustration by Cathy WilcoxCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

No surprise that Christian Porter is trying to spin his defamation case outcome as a win (“Porter stares down detractors but drops his case against ABC”, June 1). Still, his brazenness really is quite something. The original ABC story still stands. It remains in the public domain without alteration. The ABC has not apologised for it. It stands by its importance. Mr Porter hasn’t received a cent in damages, and is out of pocket for his legal expenses. He would be well advised to feel grateful for the trifling sweeteners he’s been given in the settlement and go back into hiding. - Michael Hinchey, New Lambton

George Orwell must have Porter in mind when he wrote: “to see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle”. If this is his idea of victory, I would love to see what his definition of defeat is. - Han Yang, North Turramurra

Porter appears determined to behave more like an outraged and hurt politician than a balanced lawyer. The timeline is telling: one of Porter’s important barristers was judicially disqualified from acting in the case on Thursday; it was, accordingly, reported that he sought mediation on Friday; and suddenly abandoned his defamation action on Monday. Yet he continues the unsustainable claim that the ABC regrets publication of the offending article in its entirety, whereas all that it says is that it regrets that some people have misconstrued it. Then he misrepresents these events as a “back-down” by the ABC, while what has really happened is that he has abandoned his case. All of this “spin” and special pleading make it plain to me that he is not fit to resume the responsibilities as Attorney-General. - John Carmody, Roseville

No, David Crowe (“Everyone claims victory, but clear winner is PM”, June 1), there are no winners in the defamation case brought against the ABC, but there are some pretty big losers. Though the Australian public may feel some relief that a minister with such poor legal judgment as Porter is no longer our A-G. - Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

You can spin it as a win for Morrison (or Porter) but that would be the equivalent of sweeping the accusations under a carpet and has more in common with Coalition talking points. - Graeme Finn, Summer Hill

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

Crowe compares the Porter and Shorten alleged rape issues and complains about double standards but apparently forgets that in Shorten’s case, the allegation was able to be fully investigated by police and was found to lack substance. Additionally, Shorten was questioned by the police. Neither happened with the Porter allegations. - Peter Wotton, Pyrmont

I’ve always thought it was too easy to win a defamation case in Australia. So the collapse of Porter’s case seems to suggest how weak it really was! - John Christie, Oatley

Porter’s claims about “a humiliating backdown by the ABC” after discontinuing his defamation action might have provided a face-saving headline to certain news outlets, but it has also exposed him to ridicule to those among the legal profession, of which he was once the chief officer. - Mark Pearce, Richmond


In the wake of the mutually-agreed end to Porter’s defamation suit against the ABC, the ABC has said it “did not intend to suggest that Mr Porter had committed the criminal offences alleged” and “did not contend that the serious accusations could be substantiated to the applicable legal standard – criminal or civil”. The ABC’s statement begs the question as to what it intended to achieve by reporting on an allegation-loaded letter apparently penned by an unnamed person, now deceased. Any further inquiry into wrongdoing should be into what the ABC has done, not what Porter might have done. - Ross Drynan, Lindfield

Calm, insightful Plibersek could be our Ardern

Jenna Price has highlighted a discussion that has been circulating for years (“Plibersek should be the next PM”, June 1). Why doesn’t Labor do the obvious? Tanya Plibersek as leader with Penny Wong as treasurer (or perhaps foreign minister). Calm, insightful, clear, direct, without bluster or artifice. The recent Canberra shame and scandal around women’s treatment opened many eyes. Now is the time to change the leadership – the best people to meet new and extraordinary challenges. And these two women are the leaders to do it. - Jan Allerton, Huntleys Cove

I agree with Jenna Price. Anthony Albanese is not cutting through. He should selflessly stand aside and endorse Plibersek as leader. In 2017, the New Zealand Labour Party under Andrew Little was suffering abysmal polling figures. Little stood aside, for the sake of his party, two months out from the general election. Jacinda Ardern was unanimously elected as his replacement. The rest is history. - Pam Timms, Suffolk Park

Plibersek should be the next federal Labor leader and prime minister. But given the treatment given to other women leaders, why would she want it? - Marina Garlick, Balmain

Maybe Santa will grant my wish that the Labor dream team of Plibersek, Wong and Kristina Keneally lead the opposition into the next federal election. - Lorna Denham, New Lambton Heights

While Price is babysitting Plibersek’s kids she can read them a fairytale about their mother becoming Australia’s next prime minister. - George Fishman, Vaucluse

NSW will choose a bland new leader

I don’t know why NSW Labor is so fussed over the leadership (“MPs urge speedy end to Labor leadership void”, June 1). It doesn’t matter who is chosen as most voters won’t care. I doubt many could name any of the past three Labor leaders, let alone what they stood for. Minns and Daley should just draw straws. - Graham Lum, North Rocks

Michael Daley’s remark about “Asians with PhDs” was making a point about a strong work ethic that we all should heed (“Why I cannot back Daley for Labor leader”, June 1). But yet, he was torn down by opponents who chose to see it as racist. The union movement-Labor Party relationship is both an institutional strength and a barrier to the power ranking for people who do not fit neatly into both – which includes migrants learning about Australia. We like to see people of all cultural backgrounds succeeding in all fields including politics, but we are not much interested in different political cultures to the ones we have. - Peter Egan, Artarmon

It’s time the Herald stopped describing the democratic process of the Labor Party as “protracted and messy”. Yes, elections take time but members are entitled to have their say. Democracy is worth the investment of some time and effort. - Robyn Gilbert, Randwick

Prioritise jab for all in aged care

The federal government should make COVID vaccination mandatory for aged care workers (“Aged care vaccine scandal deepens”, June 1). These workers are in frequent close proximity to, or contact with, the frail and elderly, who are at greatest risk of deadly infection by the coronavirus. I live in a retirement village. Last month, village management arranged for a doctor and a nurse to visit the village and administer the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine to all who volunteered. Most of the 121 residents received their dose in less than a day. Surely it is not too much to ask for the federal and state governments, with all their resources, to arrange a similar vaccination procedure for all aged care facilities. - Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin (ACT)

The casualisation of the aged care industry should be abhorred. The government – through legislation, agencies, monitoring and enforcement – could readily address this situation. Surely, it is only responsible to have competently trained, skilled, fully employed, professional staff in well-equipped decent facilities. Elderly Australians deserve at least this! - Michael Wheatley, Rock Forest

Why would anyone believe that a student accommodation block would be any more suitable as a quarantine facility than a hotel (“The Block on site list for student quarantine hub”, June 1)? - Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

Rather than delay, deliberating about duplicating Howard Springs, is there anything wrong with caravan parks and resorts as quarantine locations instead of hotels and, if not, could the federal government just commandeer a few, appropriately compensating the owners? - Jeremy Macdonald Steele, Glenhaven

Rather than incentivising the recalcitrants, how about we reward those who have been vaccinated? - Carmen Fenech, Frenchs Forest

The Prime Minister should set a date (Jan 1, 2022?) to open the borders and let citizens know that after that time the only guaranteed protection from the effects of COVID-19 is through vaccination. This will incentivise people to get the jab and fervent anti-vaccination folk will need to keep to themselves after border opening, while the rest of Australia can get on with life. All governments need to do is supply and efficiently administer the vaccine. This shouldn’t be too hard. - Ian Carmody, Broulee

Gas plan stinks

The NSW government ironically claims a national first in wanting us to burn methane instead of natural gas, calling it “clean energy” (“Renewable gas may soon join renewable electricity as household staples”, 1 June). Maybe they were behind the door when the world discovered methane is a potent greenhouse gas, as the Herald article points out. It’s a suicidal step for a state-owned utility to push methane use and it won’t help stop climate change. - Barry Laing, Castle Cove


The undue haste in railroading convention and building Sydney’s tallest residential building at Barangaroo is forever a testament to avarice and the problematic relationship between government and big business. Monday’s Four Corners episode on ABC TV plainly lays out how this disaster for the harbour was approved and built. Now those casino high rollers aren’t coming, I say get rid of it and make the tower all residential or just a hotel. Spare the state the problems that gambling brings. - Peter Neufeld, Mosman

How nice of Mr Packer to build a “six-star” hotel on Sydney Harbour. Air circulation and other fittings must be of the highest standard: so superior it would make an excellent quarantine station. - Grant McCall, Darlington

Barry O’Farrell must swell with pride when he reflects on his primary contribution to public life as Premier of NSW: an unwanted, towering casino built on public parkland at Barangaroo. - Ray Morgan, Maroubra

Mind games

Naomi Osaka is an incredible role model for all. When she spoke out about her need to focus on her mental health, those more interested in the money and publicity they can make from her got angry and tried to threaten, ridicule her stand and bully her into submission (“Osaka’s boycott risks forfeiting publicity control”, June 1). They are the ones who now look churlish and foolish because they have forced out an outstanding athlete instead of providing her with the needed support. - Merilyn McClung, Forestville

Are people really suggesting Osaka must give up her sport because she can’t handle the press after her games? It seems we pay lip service to mental health when it suits us, but ignore it when it means someone doesn’t play by the rules off the court. - Margaret Grove, Abbotsford

Desecration disconnect

Interesting that five young men are facing charges of desecrating a protected site and offensive conduct relating to climbing on the Martin Place Cenotaph, almost certainly while drunk (“Five charged over cenotaph damage”, June 1). Mining executives destroyed a site sacred to our First Peoples at Juukan Caves, causing irreparable damage, but I haven’t noticed the police fronting up at their headquarters. Have I missed something? This might be the right time for some equality in action. - Margaret Short, Belmore

Dad’s army

Surely it is common sense to make sure that your armaments are in tip-top condition before you talk about going to war, especially against a country like China. So, I was surprised to read that Defence has allowed our key military weapons to be out of action for more than half a year and had failed to meet the benchmark for keeping the assets operational (“Combat systems up in the air? Not so much: time flies when work’s undone,” June 1). So is Peter Dutton, the Defence Minister, planning on a kamikaze type of warfare when he talks of war? Or is the sabre-rattling just for domestic consumption to help the federal government get re-elected? - Thiam Ang, Beecroft

Missing the buzz

Some 45 years ago, I had to continually clean my windscreen of dead insects while driving to and from Broken Hill. On my recent trip, I did not have to clean it at all, just had to avoid the feral goats.
One must ask, is this due to monoculture crops and the spraying of insecticides? (Letters, June 1) - Brian McDonald, Willoughby

Altared reality for British PM

British PM Boris Johnson last week married in a Catholic Church although both of his earlier marriages ended in divorce. They were in another “brand of religion” and thus “didn’t count”. This is news to me. I’m sure I was taught a different story during my Catholic school education last century. - Bernie Carberry, Connells Point

The bride rightly assumed it would not cost too much to outshine Boris (“Rented dress shows first lady’s eco-cred”). - Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

More free advice

Hallelujah, the letters page turns the spotlight on the long-standing, universal and grossly incorrect use of “for free” (Letters, May 31). Your COVID-19 vaccination is free, free of charge or, at a pinch, for nothing. All media newsrooms and social media commentators please take note of this advice. It’s free. - Phil Rodwell, Redfern

Chorus of approval

With regard to Shakespeare (Letters, May 31), Campbelltown’s theatre has just had a three-week run of a brilliant Macbeth with widely experienced actors. Suburban Sydney theatre, with its far cheaper admission charges, deserves more attention. Our local production of Phantom of the Opera, for example, was better than the production I saw in New York. - John Bunyan, Campbelltown

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
No jab, no work on COVID front line for aged care staff
From Ira: “With the continuing casualisation of the workforce, fewer people have access to paid sick leave and may need financial support for a day or two to cover loss of income. My side effects were bad enough for me to take a day of my paid sick leave but I know many people in low-paid casual positions such as aged and disability care don’t have access to this.”

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