

This was published 4 years ago

Questions linger despite Ruby Princess findings

It’s puzzling that Bret Walker SC found that Health Minister Brad Hazzard should not be held accountable for mistakes in NSW Health assessing the Ruby Princess (“Commissioner slams ‘inexcusable’ errors in NSW Health response to Ruby Princess crisis”, August 15-16). The Diamond Princess outbreak in Japan hit the headlines on February 3. The Morrison government sent a charter flight to rescue Australian passengers on February 19 — a full month before the Ruby Princess docked. Are we supposed to believe that at no time in the month before the fatal disembarkation, the minister was not expected to ensure health officials paid close attention to cruise ships? Yes, public servants are responsible for expert advice, but ministers are, or should be, accountable. Ensuring we had procedures to closely check cruise ships did not require health expertise. Hazzard should resign. - Kevin Fell, Cooks Hill

I found it hard to reconcile the wording in the Walker report which uses the word “inexcusable” in relation to mistakes made by NSW Health. Later, the report apparently indicates all staff were diligent and following best scientific advice. So they had an excuse after all. They just made “serious mistakes”. - Mark Johnston, Ruse

While Commissioner Walker has been unflinching in his criticism of NSW Health, he has not gone to the root of the problem: an ineffective public sector weakened by decades of cost-cutting and restructures cowed into feeble submission by the political masters of the day. - Vincent Sicari, Haberfield

Walker’s report makes clear his dissatisfaction with the Commonwealth’s failure to co-operate. A summons to a Commonwealth officer to attend and give evidence was met with steps towards proceedings in the High Court, and Walker comments “quite how this met the Prime Minister’s early assurance of full co-operation with the commission escapes me”. It’s clear that Morrison’s promises need to be read more closely for hidden meanings which circumstances may make desirable. - James Moore, Kogarah

So Border Force is off the hook over the Ruby Princess disaster. Recruiters to this "venerable" organisation should capitalise: join up, great uniforms and no lateral thinking required. - John Kingsmill, Fairlight

According to your article, 914 people on the Ruby Princess developed COVID-19 and 34 people who had not been on board were subsequently infected by those who were ("Deadly voyage", August 16-17). While mistakes may have been made at the end of the cruise, it appears that the greater risk to public health was not getting off the ship but getting on it in the first place. - Gillian Minto, Grays Point

"They anchored in Port Jackson Harbour, when the ship was immediately put under quarantine regulations. The sick were landed and taken into tents prepared for their reception. Every plan was adopted and carried into effect that had a tendency to cut short the process of contagion. The measures adopted proved so effectual, that but one case of infection took place after the sick were landed." William Redfern to Governor Macquarie on the arrival of the Surry, full of typhoid, in July 1814. We've not learnt a lot in 206 years, have we? - Ross Millar, Turramurra

Neglected aged care sector has been set up to fail

Referring to the management of COVID-19 in aged care facilities, Dr James Branley ("Aged care laid bare", August 15-16) quite rightly references the need to pay attention to "advance care directives, and the circumstances under which the very elderly might wish to die". However, this does not address the question of how they will die. While it is certainly true that many old people do just slip away with little need of medical attention, this will certainly not be true of people dying from a disease such as COVID-19. Apart from attending to the basic needs of a person, such as toileting, the management and amelioration of symptoms must also be considered. When a patient cannot swallow medication, how is their pain to be managed? Care workers are not trained to administer injections. In a respiratory disease such as COVID-19, how will their breathlessness be managed? How long will it take for these patients to die? For how long will they need to be supported? These are complex medical issues requiring trained staff and significant resources. In my job as a specialist in palliative medicine, I have seen how labour-intensive caring for the dying can be and also how difficult it is to maintain good symptom control, particularly in respiratory disease. It is naive and possibly cruel to believe this can be achieved in an aged care setting which has been allowed to become so under-resourced. - Dr David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

Well may the PM apologise for failings in the aged care system ("Morrison is ‘deeply sorry’ for aged care failing", August 15-16). I trust he regrets cutting more than $1 billion from the aged care budget while treasurer. He might also regret John Howard’s government deregulating the system, which has allowed unscrupulous characters to drive around in Lamborghinis while their clients suffer neglect and abuse. - Alan Watterson, Hastings Point


Labor's Bill Shorten delivered a pertinent description of the low-paid, casualised aged-care workforce as "doing the work of angels and being treated like fruit-pickers". This is the problem at the heart of the profit-driven aged care sector. - Ray Alexander, Moss Vale

Morrison has asserted time and again that the government had a plan. Even if there was a plan it was obviously an awful one given COVID-19 deaths in aged care facilities in NSW during the first wave. Plans should also never be static documents; they need to be constantly updated to remain plans. Whatever update occurred, it was woefully inadequate, given the terrible outcomes in Victoria’s aged care sector during its second wave. - Ian Caddy, Cheltenham

I just hope that euthanasia is legalised by the time I need aged healthcare, as I don’t want my last act to be illegal. - Tim Schroder, Gordon

Don't tinker with tertiary, fund it

I know my thinking is out of date, but I remember when the sole function of the then well-funded TAFE and university systems was to train and educate the Australian population ("Training days: new boss holds license for change", August 15-16). Now it seems their main functions are to operate as businesses, make lots of money, educate wealthy foreigners, assist the immigration program and, as a sideline, squeeze in educating and training locals. - Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

Aim for elimination

It is very unlikely that the best way forward with this pandemic is to aim for a balance between health and economic outcomes. In the past, it was believed that there had to be trade-offs between cost and quality, in cars for instance, and between profit and safety in the manufacturing industry. Not so. Aiming for zero defects and zero accidents produces the best outcomes. To be able to keep our economy open we should aim for elimination of community transfer as the new norm, especially when we get to very low or even zero new cases. We will need constant vigilance and continued use of a range of medically advised risk minimisation practices until a vaccine is in widespread use or we have a cure. - David Hind, Neutral Bay

Rocks in our head

I know that our states levy some mineral royalties, but on any measure you’d have to ask whether the miners’ share of our wealth is deserved and reasonable. If only we’d been smart enough to do as Norway did by claiming their natural resources for their people, we too would have an enormous Sovereign Wealth Fund – a handy thing to have had to cushion our economy through a pandemic. - Charles Kent, Hunters Hill

Foxing clever

No longer a fox on the run, Peter cops it sweet (“Linfox heir entered Queensland legally”, August 15-16). - Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

Indigenous insult

How dare the state government attempt to block the Indigenous from claiming land rights? Particularly now, when it has moved to shut down any public protests, as we recently saw with the "Black Lives Matter" movement ("Land rights claims impeded by state", August 15-16). - Peter Mahoney, Oatley

With respect to the State standing over Aboriginal people for land that the Parliament determined they should have back in 1983, begs a larger question. Who is the State acting for? If not the Parliament, nor the government of the day, then who? Certainly not me, or many of your readers who would agree that it is a small portion of what was taken and long overdue. - Kathryn Ridge, Manly Vale

Australia has an appalling history of disrespect towards Indigenous culture and knowledge. Imagine the French government allowing a mining company to blow up their 20,000-year-old Lascaux caves? - Cassi Plate, Currarong

Whistled delight

I remember it well: August 15, 1945 ("A rolled gold triumph for the good and great over the absolutely evil", August 15-16). We were living in Junee, I was two weeks off my eighth birthday, it was a Saturday, and we were intrigued by a chorus of railway steam engine whistles all cock-a-doodle-doing non-stop. My parents turned on our lovely AWA wireless and we learned that the war against Japan had ended. I decided to join in the celebration. So I got Dad’s railway whistle – an Acme Thunderer, which I have still – and walked down to the town centre and joined the chorus, thundering along with the engines’ steam whistles. - Tony Griffiths, Terrey Hills

Cynicism to blame

Nick Greiner laments the lure of authoritarianism ("Our straight man in Trumpistan", August 15-16) but part of the reason this is occurring is due to the cynicism of our politicians, as described by George Megalogenis ("Cold war of words won't stop the virus", August 15-16), and their obsession with Thatcherite free markets. Let's not forget, it was Greiner's government which accelerated the race towards privatisation in NSW, particularly with toll roads and electricity. - Chris Yates, Pennant Hills

Greiner as Consul-General to New York? Really? What a peachy job when you already have such a great pension, have enjoyed so many prestigious positions and, at 73, are well past retirement age. In this time of job losses and uncertainty for the younger generation, how about freeing up such a job for an up-and-coming young diplomat? - Toni Lorentzen, Fennell Bay

Woodwind banned

The move to ban woodwind instruments from school bands is a disgrace and underlines the total inconsistency of the NSW State Government approach to containment ("COVID school rules to be tightened", August 15-16). There is zero evidence of any cases being generated from infected children playing woodwinds. The decision is administrative speculation, not science-based. Juxtaposed against this is the strong case evidence community and school team sport produces. This decision will yet again displace band directors from their main source of income. The government has assessed it affects a minimal group of voters just so they can say they are doing something. A cynical position with zero impact for the greater good. - Gary Bigelow, Teralba

I am a supporter of clear guidelines but I have to wonder if the Premier is shooting at shadows here. The suggested changes to music ensembles in NSW schools come as restrictions in England around singing, woodwind and brass instruments are being eased in response to new research by Public Health England. - Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

Where's the bright web?

With so much focus on fake news, ‘truth’ and malign interference with democratic processes, I suspect there is a widespread craving for reliable and authentic information online. It is perplexing and infuriating that the billionaire social media opportunists do not seem to recognise the potential, let alone the benefits. Surely Google or Microsoft or Facebook or Apple might be motivated to counter the insidious ‘dark’ developments we hear about. Where is the ‘Bright Web’ of enlightenment? Where is the Troogle search engine, dedicated to algorithmically validating research, news or advertising claims? Where are the tools which provide easy access to sites which cherish authentic information? With the unprecedented wealth and power of social media, why does so much ‘easy’ effort go into gaming the shallow, self-delusory foibles of humanity, with its worrying collateral effects? - Larry Matthews, Ballina

Face up to it, Premier

Is the reluctance to mandate the wearing of masks a case of Gladys saving face? - Fran Kirby, Castle Hill

Your correspondent asks of Gladys Berejiklian, regarding masks, "how can someone who held out for so long about the Powerhouse Museum and demolished a stadium be so weak?" (Letters, August 15).
The answer is easy. No developer interest. - Trevor Sheridan, Charmhaven

Sure bet?

I've never been a gambler but I'd be willing to bet a motza that, despite all the evidence emerging at the NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority’s inquiry, Crown will be found fit to hold a licence for its new casino at Barangaroo ("Crown fails in bid to dodge grilling over China arrests", August 15). - Karen Coleman, Waterloo

How's the serenity?

Sorry, Andrew Taubman (Letters, August 15-16), but my creative soul craves the tranquillity and sounds of Mother Nature minus the racket of man. The constant sounds of competing humans is all hollow show, and the only "driving" is towards inanity and insanity, I fear. - Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

Calling the tune

School recorders being banned ("COVID school rules to be tightened", August 15-16)? Thank you, there is a God after all. - Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

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