

This was published 4 years ago

Aged care laid bare as true toll revealed

By Deborah Snow

Professor Brendan Murphy does not give the appearance of someone easily stirred to anger.

His avuncular manner proved to be a prime asset for the federal government in the early months of the pandemic, when, as the nation's then-Chief Medical Officer, he became a familiar voice and face to millions of Australians.

A resident of a Melbourne nursing home is taken to hospital.

A resident of a Melbourne nursing home is taken to hospital.Credit: Getty Images

But anyone watching the public hearings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care this week would have seen a feistier side of Murphy, who last month took over the job of heading up the federal Health department.

What stirred the senior bureaucrat's intense irritation were claims by an expert witness, geriatrician Professor Joseph Ibrahim, that Australia now had probably "the second or third highest" rate of death in residential aged care facilities in the world following Victoria's disastrous COVID-19 outbreak.

Ibrahim, head of Monash's Health Law and Ageing Research Unit, further warned that hundreds of residents could die prematurely because "people have failed to act".

Sounding a warning: Professor Joseph Ibrahim.

Sounding a warning: Professor Joseph Ibrahim.

That the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the aged care sector has been devastating in Victoria, as elsewhere around the world, is beyond question.

By Friday morning there had been 1374 confirmed COVID-19 cases in residential aged care in Australia, of which 1311 were in Victoria. Of the more than 200 deaths attributed to the virus in aged care across the country, 172 had been in Victorian facilities. Overall deaths in the sector amounted to around two thirds of the nation's overall death toll from the virus.

But Murphy said this statistic was "completely meaningless". He argued that aged care's high proportion of deaths from the virus was rather a "reflection of the extraordinarily low community death rate", and that any other interpretation was "pejorative". For good measure, he pointed to the fact that 0.1 per cent of aged care residents in Australia had succumbed to "this terrible disease" compared with 5 per cent in the UK.


Death rates of course don't tell the full story. They don't speak to the misery and neglect which became the inadvertent side effect of whole workforces at some Victorian homes being forced into self-isolation as community transmission rates soared. They don't reflect the grief and suffering of families, struggling to discover the fate of loved ones as care providers and governments scrambled to find replacement staff.

So of fundamental concern to the commission this week was whether the Commonwealth – which is the level of government with primary responsibility for funding and regulating aged care – had done enough to plan for and strengthen the sector's defences in advance of the ravages wrought by the virus.

The grim toll among the elderly in the UK, Italy and Spain in the first quarter of 2020 had provided plenty of warning. And in Sydney earlier this year, there had been two deadly outbreaks: at BaptistCare's Dorothy Henderson Lodge between March 3 and May 7, and at Anglicare's Newmarch House between April 11 and June 15.

Had the lessons been learnt? On Thursday, the counsel assisting the Royal Commission Peter Rozen QC submitted they had not. The Commonwealth had lacked a specific and proactive plan to move swiftly and decisively when the stealthy invader crept into the two Sydney homes, he said.

Rozen argued that the "lessons of those two [Sydney] outbreaks were not properly conveyed to the sector and as a result the sector was not properly prepared in June 2020 when we witnessed high levels of community transmission in Melbourne".

Twisting the knife further, he added, "There is reason to think that in the crucial months between the Newmarch outbreak in April and mid-June, a degree of self-congratulation and even hubris was displayed by the Commonwealth government".

Department of Health secretary Brendan Murphy and Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck appearing at a Senate select committee hearing in Canberra this week.

Department of Health secretary Brendan Murphy and Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck appearing at a Senate select committee hearing in Canberra this week.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

He cited the delay in making mask-wearing mandatory inside Victorian aged care homes as an example of slowness to act. The requirement did not come into effect until July 13, when community transmission rates had already started to rocket. Had it happened earlier, Rozen said, lives might have been saved.

Such devastating criticism has come as a rude shock to Canberra, which until this week has been spared the blowtorch applied to the Victorian government over its egregious failures in supervising hotel quarantine.

And on Friday it met with a forceful response from Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who said the government "completely reject[s] the assertion that there was not a plan, because there was a plan … [ a plan] was in place from March, and indeed going back to January preparations had been made".

Among a raft of other measures, the Commonwealth has provided more than $850 million to the aged sector in extra support during the pandemic, including funding a "surge" workforce for badly affected homes. And on July 25 a Victorian Aged Care Response Centre was set up to bring together all the relevant federal and state agencies battling to get on top of the crisis.

Yet critics say many of the government interventions have come too late. It was a known vulnerability in residential aged care that many low-paid casual staff have had to work across a number of facilities to make a living-wage. It provided a perfect avenue for the virus to spread.

While Canberra has said it is now making funds available to help ensure aged care employees in Victoria work at one site only, unions say there's confusion on the ground about how the measure is being implemented.

Annie Butler, the federal secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), says reports from her members suggest half of the country's aged care providers have not "bothered to apply" for the aged care retention bonus, which is designed to go into workers' pockets. That's disputed by federal government sources, who claim the figure is approaching 95 per cent.

Ian Yates, chief executive of COTA Australia - the country's peak organisation for seniors - says some care providers have been diligent about putting COVID-19 management plans in place and practising them ahead of any infection entering a facility. But others, he says, have been "flat-footed and underprepared".

Yates says overall the sector is dogged by the fact that there is "hugely variable quality in aged care in Australia – we have providers who ought not to be in the industry."

Federal secretary for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Annie Butler.

Federal secretary for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Annie Butler.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Patricia Sparrow, CEO of Aged and Community Services Australia which represents not-for profits providing residential care, says this week's finger-pointing has been "unhelpful and distressing".

But she says the pandemic has thrown into stark relief the fact that while the federal government is responsible for regulating and largely funding residential aged care, it is the states which run hospitals and other health services that elderly residents also need to access.

That interface has proven troublesome, especially when aged care facilities have encountered resistance from state health departments over admitting elderly COVID-19 patients, as happened with Newmarch in April, and as has reportedly occurred in isolated instances in Victoria.

Sparrow says it is "ridiculous" to think that aged care homes can "contain such a deadly and contagious virus" without "unfettered" support from the public health system.

But she says the "bigger question - and we hope this is the question the Royal Commission answers - is what do we want aged care to be?"

"Are we saying that we want residential care to be more like a hospital or a sub-acute setting with lots of clinical support? If we do, it needs to be funded and regulated [and staffed] differently. Or are we saying that it's home-like and that we access [externally] all the health services that the older person needs? Some fundamental questions like that have come to the fore through this whole period."

Major implications for government funding would flow from how such questions are answered. For instance, Sparrow says that a sub-acute hospital service would normally receive around $1200 to $1300 per person per day in government support, compared with $265 to $300 a day in aged care.

The weight of evidence given to the Royal Commission this week suggests aged care facilities have fared better with COVID-19 outbreaks when they are able to get their first cases to hospital quickly – both for treatment, and to allow the home to then get strict infection controls in place and to start "cohorting" patients and staff to allow separation of positive cases from other residents.

Only two infected residents at Anglicare's Newmarch House in Sydney went to hospital.

Only two infected residents at Anglicare's Newmarch House in Sydney went to hospital. Credit: Edwina Pickles

Yet none of this had been clearly thought through when Newmarch House faced its outbreak, which ultimately claimed the lives of 19 residents.

This week Rozen cast fresh light on the stand-off that developed between NSW Health, which was reluctant to accept COVID-19 patients into nearby Nepean Hospital, and the Commonwealth aged care regulator whose chief clinical adviser Dr Melanie Wroth "strongly recommended" removing infected patients from the site.

Rozen told the royal commissioners there had been "vigorous disagreement between the Commonwealth and NSW officials on this question".

The state authority preferred to keep elderly virus-stricken patients on site and treat them through a Hospital in the Home program. But the federal Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner, Janet Anderson, wrote in an email dated April 16 that "if there is a view sitting behind the NSW Health position that aged care residents with COVID-19 should always be cared for in situ and should not be transferred to a hospital in any circumstances, then WE MUST CALL THIS OUT [sic] as an intolerable and unsupportable assumption."

Struggling to control the wildfire of infection spreading through the home, the head of Anglicare Grant Millard, took the dispute to the federal aged care minister, Richard Colbeck, but was subsequently told the NSW Health advice would prevail. Ultimately, according to Millard, only two of the 37 Newmarch residents who contracted COVID-19 were transferred to hospital (a figure NSW Health disputes.)

Just why the state health authority took the position it did was partially explained in evidence from Dr James Branley, head of infectious diseases at Nepean Hospital who attended Newmarch during the crisis.

Branley said the "person-centred care of [an] elderly resident" had to be balanced with "society's public health need not to spread this [because] we know that internationally residential aged care facilities and hospitals have acted as the big amplifier and spreader of the virus throughout society".

He gave as an example the challenge that would be presented by an infected elderly resident with "cognitive issues" walking out of a four-bed hospital bay and into a corridor, where physical restraint was harder than in an aged care home with "individual rooms, doors on those rooms". Branley also raised the need for discussions around advance care directives, and the circumstances under which the very elderly might wish to die.

Rozen said it was still not clear that the Commonwealth had worked out protocols with all states and territories to co-ordinate government support for aged care facilities in managing a COVID-19 outbreak. "It is unacceptable that such arrangements were not in place in February. It's unforgivable that they are not in place in August," he said.

In their evidence, health sector unions focused on long-standing concerns about understaffing, low pay and insufficient clinical expertise among workers in residential aged care. Diana Asmar, secretary of the Health Workers' Union, told the commission that the pandemic had "laid bare'' these issues in "very confronting ways".

She cited the experience of one worker, Lily, who'd been one of only two personal care workers left to tend 150 residents on the night of July 22 in one COVID-19 stricken facility. "Residents were not showered or fed … A resident was left on the floor after a fall because there were not enough carers to attend to each buzzer call," Lily told the union.

Secretary of the Health Workers' Union Diana Asmar said aged care workers were being forced to ration personal protective equipment.

Secretary of the Health Workers' Union Diana Asmar said aged care workers were being forced to ration personal protective equipment.

Both Butler and Asmar also gave graphic evidence of the paucity of personal protective equipment [PPE] available in some aged care homes. There were instances of some workers being told to use just one protective glove instead of two. Others were ordered to use no more than one or two masks per shift and many were struggling with how to properly use PPE because of poor training, she said.

"Unfortunately, our members right now feel like they're on the bottom of the Titanic ship," Asmar told the commission.

Significantly, among other measures Morrison unveiled on Friday was sending Australian Defence Force personnel into Victoria's aged care facilities to help with PPE training.

"On some days the pandemic gets the better of us, and on other days, it doesn't," the Prime Minister acknowledged. "There are no absolute guarantees in a global pandemic."

Royal Commissioner Tony Pagone has yet to issue formal recommendations on combating COVID-19 in aged care but he did endorse as "practical" several suggestions made by Rozen late this week, of which the most significant was a proposed new, dedicated national body to co-ordinate the pandemic response for the sector.

In remarks seemingly aimed at all health authorities, Pagone said: "The virus doesn't wait - and nor should the measures that need to be implemented to deal with the virus wait either."

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