Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:
If our Premier really believes that "hoping" more people will wear masks will prevent another Victoria she is sadly deluded ("Premier's warning: start wearing masks or face tougher restrictions", August 13). She might as well hope that more six-year-olds will stop picking their noses at the dinner table.
Instead, Gladys Berejiklian should mandate mask wearing in appropriate venues, enforce social distancing which has fast become a foreign concept, and shut down all non-essential venues such as pubs, clubs and cafes. Jeremy Cornford, Kingscliff
The Premier is again threatening to impose more restrictions if people in Sydney "don't do the right thing". How many times is she going to say this before she actually does something?
She has imposed onerous restrictions on border towns (where we have no cases) which are being decimated by them, but is loath to act in Sydney where cases are spreading. Michael Chapman, East Albury
Why is that those of us who do where masks and act responsibly will be potentially forced into a shutdown because of the failure of the state government to mandate universal usage. Their messaging is pathetic and the consequences catastrophic. Phil Amos , Darlinghurst
Illustration: Matt Golding Credit:
My other half went in to buy a few supplies, suitably covered and with sanitation fluid used. I waited at door with dog. Counted over 30 people coming into Woollies – four people used the hand wash and two had mouth/nose covers. That's about a 10 per cent success rate. Look out Victoria, we're on the way. John Verhelst, Merimbula
The immediate application of much higher fines, the public listing of safety deficiencies and mandatory closures for month or two would show that NSW Liquor and Gaming means what it says about COVID-19 safety breaches by pubs and restaurants (Venues risk closure over COVID-19 breaches", August 13). What else will get through to these businesses that putting lives at risk, when trading is being allowed, is not part of the deal. Their actions also chip away at public confidence and willingness to spend money in the hospitality sector, and end up damaging many other businesses who work hard to do the right thing. Sue Dyer, Downer (ACT)
Could Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham clarify which state or territory government budget will "prop up" sole trader travel agents whose major source of income is international travel ("States warned they will foot bill for tourism if borders stay shut", August 13)? Judith Fleming, Sawtell
Jessica Irvine refers to a growing chorus of business leaders, some economists and other pointing out the huge economic costs of the lockdown. She links this economic cost to the argument that the resultant income loss directly affects people's welfare and happiness ("The jury's still out on lockdowns", August 13).
What she doesn't mention is that the lockdown has saved huge number of lives; that not dying also adds immeasurably to a person's happiness and welfare, and that some members of this "chorus" against lockdowns are able to give voice to the choir only because they didn't die earlier during the pandemic thanks to these lockdowns. John Slidziunas, Woonona
Aged care market forces have fatal consequences
Neo-liberalism strikes again. Our elders are treated as “economic units” in an underfunded aged care system, left to the private sector ("Failure to plan has led to the disgrace of aged care", August 13). The aged care unit where a relative of mine lives has been instructed by the government to refer to those in its care as "consumers", not as residents. Fortunately the facility has rejected this instruction. The result of this government approach? When an emergency like COVID strikes, our grandparents and great-grandparents die. This underfunding of essential services is coming home to roost in the most appalling way. Michael McMullan, Five Dock
Effective risk management, disaster planning and response is complicated. Unfortunately it’s dreadfully unsexy when everything is going well and is easily targeted for cuts during those good times. Then, when such plans are required, they either don’t exist or have the depth required. So often, well-meaning ad hoc responses fail or aggravate the problem. But more importantly we are also seeing the long-term impacts of privatisation, labour reform, efficiency dividends, trickle-down economic policy and the other gobbledegook that all our politicians and their boosters spew out. Bernard Stever, Richmond
It is interesting to watch the PM spin ("Operators left waiting for financial aid", August 13). Hearing him give his heartfelt condolences to the relatives of the many older people who have died while sending Dr Brendan Murphy to the the Royal Commission on Ageing to say that deaths in aged care facilities are not that bad is disingenuous at best. Why not take the example of the NZ PM and talk straight. Or even go back to our history after WWII when the best of our national character showed itself. In this new war why can't the government step up and take care of us, especially the most vulnerable, our wonderful elders? Chris Moe, Bensville
I’m sure I, like many other "vintage citizens", cheered while reading Dr Prateek Bandopadhayay's piece ("Elderly 'residents' are not second-class citizens", August 12). He articulated the anger and frustration, and presented indisputable facts to argue that those in aged care homes should not have to “give up their personhood” or that their life "is worth less". I would add that GPs have a key role in maintaining residents’ mental and physical wellbeing, thereby also assisting their family and friends; and, importantly, the aged care facility. For this to happen, the government must adequately fund GPs’ regular visits to aged care homes. Is this too big an ask? If it is, then "we are all in this together" in our shame and predictable, tragic consequences. Jennifer Fergus, Manly
More CBD office space a tall order
The green light for building height increase in Sydney may be welcomed by developers and the construction industry ("Sky's the limit for new towers after rezoning", August 13). The reality of course is that many more thousands of people will be jammed into the CBD, placing yet more pressure on transport infrastructure and public spaces.
An innovative and inspired approach would be to decentralise out of the city, creating employment and revitalising regional Australia. In these days of computer and internet access is it really necessary to locate in the middle of an already over-crowded Sydney? Robert Hickey, Green Point
Do any of the ministers, architects or developers of these massive buildings actually walk the streets of the CBD or live in close proximity to it? Existing buildings create wind tunnels to blow the dickens out of you as well as dark, sunless corridors so I cannot see these proposed buildings giving any joy to the workers in our city.
With working from home gaining more acceptance, and many workers preferring working from home, at least for part of week, are we going to need all these high-rise towers in the future? Approving higher buildings in this part of city opens the way for removing restrictions in other parts of city. The contempt with which the government regards the people continues. Sue Durman, Pyrmont
Democratic decision
I applaud the choice of Kamala Harris by the Democrats to run for vice-president of the USA ("Child of marchers a step closer to top job", August 13). However, I look forward to the day when someone like her is discussed because of her achievements and character rather than her gender and colour. When that happens we will have come a long way. Pauline Paton, Centennial Park
How wonderful to now see Kamala Harris in the US presidential elections line-up, but why the hell is she not the Democrat's nominee for the top job rather than second-in-charge? Russ Couch, Woonona
Biden's selection of Harris as his VP running mate clearly changes the state of play. Add a Susan Rice or Elizabeth Warren to the team as secretary of state and America could possibly begin to recover from its fall under Donald Trump. Robert Caraian, Crows Nest
Not right, for mine
What kind of a state do we live in if the Independent Planning Commission can approve Whitehaven Coal's $607 million Vickery mine development application a day after the Resources Regulator issued 16 charges against Whitehaven over alleged breaches to its mining and exploration licences ("Whitehaven approved to double output of coal", August 13).
Surely, if matters such as "past planning law breaches are irrelevant considerations for consent authorities such as the Commission", then the evaluation rules and procedures are in dire need of change. Otherwise, if it is not so already, the IPC will be regarded as a straw man or even a laughing stock. Peter Nash, Fairlight
Duty sidelined
The Premier should give Dominic Perrottet a rest on the backbench for a few years ("Icare had 'direct line to Perrottet'", August 13). It would be small punishment for his neglect of those that needed iCare to do an efficient, ethical and empathetic job and it failed on all counts. Perrottet's hubris knows no bounds. Wendy Atkins, Cooks Hill
Culture pays a price
Your excellent article examines the circumstances leading to the destruction of the 46,000 year old caves in Juukan Gorge ("Funds call out Rio Tinto over cave", August 13). The article makes it clear that the destruction of what could arguably be a site of world heritage significance was done "legally". What kind of legal system would countenance the destruction of such priceless human heritage? Vincent Sicari, Haberfield
A brave soul
A monumental backflip of Olympian proportions has seen the Morrison government finally seeing the light by posthumously awarding of a Victoria Cross to Edward 'Teddy' Sheean, who was 18 years old in 1942 when off the coast of what is now Timor-Leste died defending his sinking vessel – the Royal Australian Navy warship HMAS Armidale – after it was attacked by Japan ("Queen approves Victoria Cross for Edward 'Teddy' Sheean",, August 12).
Sheean, at the time the youngest sailor on board, ignored orders to abandon the sinking ship, instead strapping himself to an anti-aircraft gun and firing in defence of his shipmates. This then young Tasmanian's heroism in battle deserves nothing less than being immortalised on film. Russell Crowe, are you reading this? Eric Palm, Gympie QLD
Why art thou mad?
I love, with a passion, art in all its forms ("Everyone's an art critic in Shire's mural stoush", August 12). I detest smoking, with a passion, for all its harms. The mural at Miranda indicates a relationship between chic and smoking; it's counter-intuitive to the efforts to get youth off the habit. Steve Dillon, Thirroul
I'd like to think the lady on the left in the Miranda mural is blocking her ears and blowing a raspberry at the wowsers of the Shire. Jeffrey Mellefont, Coogee
Moving house
This state government just doesn't get it when it comes to heritage concerns and the loss of the local community's sense of place ("Union rejects 'bizarre' plan to move house", August 13). Surely it would be of much greater benefit to the community to relocate the State MP for Parramatta. Bob Edgar, Westmead
Textbook inequality
Removing public schools from "wealthy" suburbs is no solution (Letters, August 13). All parents, wanting an education for their children that is truly inclusive, are entitled to properly funded public school. John Cotterill, Kingsford
Electric wheels
My wife and I are recent converts to e-bikes ("No, it isn't cheating to ride an e-bike", August 13). Age, wonky knees, local hills, and the COVID-19 closure of our gym lead to our e-bike purchase. It has been a revelation.
As I lap Centennial Park for exercise, the bike speedo informs me that I am not "cheating". I cycle comfortably in the range from 25-30 kilometres an hour, which is above the electric assist cut-out. In traffic, the extra assist away from traffic lights and on hills means less of a speed hindrance to following motorists. Most of my cycling is now electrically assisted and I am enjoying it far more than I ever thought I would. Peter Robilliard, Bronte
Keep left
Adaptivity, intuition and creativity are common traits of left handers, sadly missing in several leaders (''Left right out: I'm a lefty who leans right'', August 13). For example, four of the last five US presidents have been left handed. Only the present incumbent is right handed. Pamela Duffin, Birchgrove
Cheers chipmunks
As a seven-year-old recently arrived with family in Australia in 1956, my mother handed me a Chip'n'Dale comic and told me to work out what these chipmunks were saying to each other (Letters, August 13). She spoke no English herself. Within 12 months I was swapping hundreds of comics each week and had become a pest at the local library. I thank mum, now departed, for the foresight (learnt as a pre-school teacher in Germany) that made me an annual recipient of prizes for English throughout school. Wolf Kempa, Lithgow
Theatre thrills
Ah, The Shadow: the profundity, the portent, the fear (Letters, August 13). Sonorous words, slithering through the ether of the darkening Liverpool Regent theatre. The lights go down; the popping eyes of the 10-year-olds in the front stalls light up. And that voice: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men. The Shadow knows.”
Sheer terror! Loved it. Malcolm Miller, Leura
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