

This was published 4 years ago


Economically, the jury is still out on lockdowns

It is difficult to determine exactly how far back the clock has been wound on the Australian economy. But it is some time indeed.

Certainly back before international plane travel, which takes us back before 1935, when the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services company carried its first fare-paying passenger overseas.

IIlustration: John Shakespeare

IIlustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Back even, perhaps, to before the widespread use of international passenger shipping, as our nation's borders have been slammed shut.

And yet, economies can survive remarkably well, fuelled only by transactions between their own citizens. Indeed, domestic consumption makes up the larger part of economic output.

But amid creeping internal state border closures and as the nation hovers on the precipice of more lockdowns, the clock is ticking back even further.


A nation housebound, living under lock and key with enforced curfews, winds the clock back many centuries indeed. Which is not to say such measures aren't necessary or appropriate, of course. But simply to observe the decades and centuries of progress in advancing human welfare that are being undone along the way.

If you were to sit down and design a method to deliberately detonate the entire capitalist system, a virus that made people disinclined to mingle would be it.

For the magic that lies at the very heart of capitalism is the value that is created when human beings come together to engage in mutually beneficial exchange: the opportunities that arise when the baker trades bread for meat from the butcher, and vice versa. One person's outlay becomes the other person's income, and so on and so forth, to the enrichment of all.


Of course, inequalities and structural flaws in the system can drive unfair outcomes. And that's when governments can and do step in to change the rules or influence those outcomes.

But without that driving impulse – the desire to trade, to interact, to exchange – society loses the best and most proven wealth-generating mechanism ever invented. And while some may be excited by the prospect of radically reshaping the economic system, it is, in fact, a cause for very great concern and, indeed, sadness.

A growing chorus of business people, industry groups and some economists are pointing to the huge economic costs being wrought by lockdown policies.

That's not to say all economists. Many – indeed perhaps most economists – still urge firm lockdowns as the best chance we have to stamp out the virus and reopen the economy safely. This later camp puts much faith in the ability of lockdown protocols to effectively stamp out the virus. As the New Zealand example shows, this may not always be possible.

With or without lockdowns, international experience shows that economies inevitably suffer the ill effects of coronavirus as humans take precautionary measures. Sweden took a more relaxed approach to lockdowns – it never shut schools – but has still seen a very deep economic downturn.


But the aim of the game must always be to minimise this damage.

People accuse economists and business people who argue against lockdowns of trading lives in some purely cynical pursuit of money and GDP.

Gigi Foster, economics professor at the University of NSW, is one of the most outspoken economists against lockdowns.

"Those who say 'GDP and money aren't everything, and economists only value money', it's just not true," she says. "It is just absolutely, blatantly, completely absurd that economics and economists would be targeting money just for the sake of money. What can you get with that? You can get nothing. The only thing that money is valuable for is for the promotion of human welfare."

Nor, says Foster, are economists simply cheerleaders for higher GDP. The point of trying to keep the economy open is to protect incomes. And why does that matter? Because, says Foster, income loss directly affects human welfare – happiness.


"People do spend on stuff that helps them to live better, happier, more quality lives. That's the reason why GDP and happiness are generally correlated. It's not money per se – it's the happiness part that matters ... We're saying we don't want it to shrink because we know human welfare will decline when we have a recession.”

Economists remain divided on the best strategy to maximise economic activity in the time of coronavirus. Recession, of course, is already upon us. It is now a question of how long that will last, and lockdown policies hold the key.

So far, most economists continue to support lockdown policies as the best strategy to curb the virus' spread and limit the long-term economic fallout. But make no mistake, great damage is being done.

As time wears on, and the scarring effects of lockdown policies on rising joblessness, mental illness and more widespread foreclosures on homes become clear, the question will increasingly be asked: was it worth the price?

If authorities are successful in doing what they have failed to do so far, and vanquish the virus for good, and safely reopen the economy, we may yet conclude it was. But that outcome still hangs very much in the balance.

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