Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:
The altruistic David Crowe asks why politicians cannot own up to failure ("Admit it, mistakes will be made", August 14). His argument is compelling as he acknowledges that making mistakes is as human as drawing breath. However, our politicians and their counterparts in other countries try their very best to almost repudiate their humanity by denying error, deflecting blame and side-stepping responsibility. Many of us wish it was otherwise as it cannot be healthy for our political system if significant sections of the electorate are disillusioned by politics and distrustful of politicians resulting from the behaviour of our elected representatives.
It will be a big ask to reverse the culture of spin that has pervaded politics so deeply for at least a generation. One can only hope that a green shoot from the current pandemic is a growing preparedness to be open, transparent and able to say "I made a mistake". Ross Butler, Rodd Point
After weeks of ugly accusations and unproven allegations, it's revealed security staff were not responsible for Victoria's "second wave" ("Victoria's 'patient zero' was not a security guard", August 14). The weaponising of the virus by attack dogs in the government has been ugly and seditious.
This may be a good time to reflect that the federal government also bears responsibility for the aged care sector and they also waited too long to block travel from the US, opposed lockdowns and state border restrictions. Daniel Andrews has worked 42 days straight, in the face of a co-ordinated campaign to destroy him. This is the kind of indefatigable and genuine leader this country needs right now. Shayne Chester, Potts Point
To Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott I say good luck ("PM must climb off the fence: business", August 14). You will need it, when we have a Treasurer who can only suggest people have more children to grow the economy and the head of the COVID-19 Commission using his position to push his own gas industry barrow to advocate using taxpayer funds to benefit private corporations exploiting gas resources. Not a sign of a proposal to do something positive, such as a manufacturing industry. Peter Wilson, Quorrobolong
Thank goodness, something somewhat constructive about the economic future of the country from a body with a link to the government. Australia has great comparative advantage in a vast number of areas. Renewable energy from solar is just a start.
However, it's time that the federal government, which has always had a laissez faire attitude to the economy, gave direction and showed an interest – especially at this time of upheaval. A committee with economic credibility could be drawn from both major parties, business entrepreneurs and other business heads with a view to identifying which future industries are likely to succeed. Stewart Copper, Maroubra
Masked life: get used to it
It’s perplexing to see the NSW government is keeping a watch on how many people are wearing masks on busy train stations but it won’t make it compulsory (''CCTV keeps watch on how many wear masks'', August 14). Why so much reluctance? While the virus is spreading its tentacles, NSW government keeps fidgeting on a clear advice for the use of masks on public transport. Bipin Johri, Epping
Seat belts were fitted in cars long before their use was mandatory (Letters, August 14). Most people chose not to use them. There was a dramatic decline in road deaths only after their use was made compulsory in the early 1970s. Since random breath testing was introduced in the 1980s there has been a big reduction in fatal road crashes involving alcohol. With face masks, legislation is necessary to change behaviour. Only then will people’s attitudes change to fit in with their behaviour. Judith Pellow, Black Head
I went shopping at Coles and was pleased to see all the staff were wearing masks as were at least 80 per cent of customers. Then I went for a coffee at a shop nearby. There, none of the staff were wearing masks and of the customers only one, yours truly, was wearing one. In future I'll opt for a takeaway. Gerry Foley, South Turramurra
My two-year old grandson lives on the Gold Coast. The current travel restrictions mean I cannot see him without an expensive 14-day quarantine in Queensland. Unless NSW gets its act together I will be lucky if I see him before he turns 21. Mask up people, and socially distance, lest we enter a hard lockdown like the one in Melbourne. Tim Overland, Castle Hill
A tale of two cities. Decision and vacillation; Jacinda Ardern and Gladys Berejiklian. How can a woman who held out for so long about the Powerhouse Museum and demolished a stadium be so weak? Just make masks mandatory. Judy Copeland, Willoughby
Borders not barriers
Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:
Human existence is not a thing that a line can be drawn through (“Borderline ‘perverse’: closures hurt rural communities”, August 14). Maps were divided up into neat rectangles by public savants in city offices. Governments and administrators need to be aware of this and avoid the tendency to see borders as immutable barriers. People suffer if this fact is not heeded. Phil Armour, Yass
Lay off principals
After schools closed, the Premier suggested principals need to be more stringent about COVID. The Premier has handled a difficult situation well but it's not necessary to make political fodder of school leaders. With three children at three different schools, I can attest the pandemic is being taken seriously. Let's stop putting unnecessary pressure on them when they are already under enormous pressure. Kim Millar, Coogee
Contagion contentment
I can inform Waleed Aly that a regular morning walk, a couple of hours in the garden, a good book in the afternoon and a restorative beverage on the back verandah in the early evening provides this homo covidicus with a very contented inner life (''Can we find inner life again?'', August 14). James Laukka, Epping
Licence loser
Damn (''Linfox heir drives truck into Qld", August 14)! If I hadn't surrendered my truck-driving licence a couple of years ago, I could be enjoying the final day of my holiday in Port Douglas. Norm Neill, Darlinghurst
Don't punish those who fail, support them
I am an excellent student. I maintain high grades as I work two jobs. I am the president of two campus societies and have volunteered as a firefighter. I am also a serial failure (“Backlash over Uni changes”, August 14). My first attempt at a degree ended miserably. Anxious and depressed, I crashed and burned. Scratch one. My second attempt ended even more dramatically, and I had to move back in with my parents for years to recover. Scratch two.
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity of a third chance at university. I have done the best I possibly can with that chance. Had these regulations existed a few years ago, I may well have been prevented from attending university again. Few who know me would question that I belong at university, or that my chosen path does not suit me. Yet this is exactly what this new policy suggests – that failure renders you unworthy.
Failure is an integral part of growth. Those who fail deserve compassion and support, not rejection. I could not have succeeded as I have without failing as I have. Rhys Smith, Wollongong
This government has had years to do something about students failing at university. Why do it in 2020? It would be appropriate to praise those who succeed in 2020, not punish those who don’t. Judy Sherrington, Kensington
A plea for patients
With the release of the pertinent report, why would government not plan to double the number of registered nurses in affected facilities in line with the research, rather than just replace staff lost (“Hiring more nurses could slow the spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes”, August 14)? The provision of enough workers to have a staff cohort dealing only with positive patients would cut down PPE changes and risk of spread. I am pleading for the lives of my patients. The love they give their families is worth the cost. Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay
I wonder which aged care facilities politicians have engaged to look after their elderly loved ones? Viv Munter, Pennant Hills
Too many choices
What a tangled web the school system is becoming (''Give low-income parents more school choice'', August 14). The number of “choices” offered for schooling in NSW continues to be absurd, and exhausts funds. Doubling down on discrimination by offering a hybrid form of private and public institutions, the charter school, is another step in inequality. Why doesn’t the system get back to basics, and fairness, with only one option, the fully funded, local government school? Vanessa Tennent, Oatley
Date with density
People are going to keep coming to live in major cities like Sydney because that’s where jobs are, where civil and cultural life is centred (Letters, August 14). Density is a driver of human interaction and creativity. The alternative to housing them in high rise in and around the city is further suburban sprawl with its attendant long and polluting commutes, and further destruction of the remaining farmland in the Sydney basin. I know which alternative I prefer. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park
Follow the money
Russ Couch asks why Kamala Harris isn’t the Democrat’s nominee for the “top job” (Letters, August 14). The answer is simple – she wasn’t able to raise enough money to run the full course. And that’s perhaps the saddest indictment on the US electoral system. Even sadder, it’s the same direction we’re heading in. Eric Hunter, Cook ACT
Libs NBN 'basket case'
Stephen Bartholomeusz is wrong that the NBN was a "failing project" under Labor. He provides zero evidence for that assertion, just opinion (''After 10 years of angst, NBN's big milestone has come in the nick of time'', August 12). The current NBN management’s media briefing team have obviously been hard at work doing the government’s political bidding.
Because Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott terminated construction after the 2013 election, we’ll never know the final cost and timeframe of building a full-fibre NBN. There’s no doubt that, had the Liberals continued our rollout, it would certainly be nearing completion (if not finished) and any cost overruns would be a mere trickle compared to the flood of debt-fuelled spending on which Scott Morrison has now embarked.
Today’s NBN bears little resemblance even to the network that Abbott and Turnbull promised in 2013. They promised every home and business could have 25 megabits per second by late 2016. The project has just been “completed”, more than three years overdue, and some 7.6 per cent of fibre-to-the-node services are failing to deliver the 25Mbps benchmark. The Liberals didn't fix a basket case; they created one. Kevin Rudd, Sunshine Coast (Qld)
Cinema paradise
My parents were keen attendees at the travelling version of the Sydney Film Festival at The Empire Cinema in Bowral, and took teenaged me (Letters, August 14). The suggested ratings were ignored, as a result of which I was treated to foreign movies which frequently included explicit sex scenes. They got more interesting as I got older, but I recall I being very bored in one Brazilian movie in which it went on for an eternity and I had no idea what they were trying to achieve. It made sex ed at school seem very tame by comparison. Eva Elbourne, Pennant Hills
It happened again and again mid movie. Our dog would jump the fence down Woolloomooloo, race up the Butler stairs, dodge through the legs of the Kings Cross picture show usher and hunt down me and my twin brother. He'd go through every aisle popping his head up and down like a dog lost in a tall wheat field till he found us. Then we'd be forced to take him home and miss the serials. RIP, Boots. Joe Whitcombe, Bronte
Southpaws united
Thanks Meena Evers for calling out to all us lefties (''Left right out: I'm a lefty who leans right'', August 13). I am a true leftie: I do everything with my left hand and kick a ball with my left foot. I’ve adapted to live in the right-handed world where I’ve had wine spilt on me and clashed chopsticks and elbows sitting next to the dominant right-handers. My maternal grandfather was a leftie made to be a right-hander so when I started school, my mother told the teacher under no circumstances was I to be forced to change. But I used to hold my knife and fork the wrong way around: mum made me change as she thought it looked awkward. I still hold the spoon in my left hand. Meg Dunn, Mona Vale
Meena Evers, you kick with your right foot because you feel more secure standing on the left one. It is a mark of left-handedness. Martin Bibby, Beecroft
Our son had the perfect response for being left-handed: a T-shirt proclaiming: ''Everyone is born right-handed/Only the greatest can overcome it.'' Katrina Avery, Fullerton Cove
All those letters about the wonderful world of the left-handed are just a sinister plot to make the rest of us feel gauche. Bob Selinger, Eastwood
''It seems that as well as the virus, the 'she'll be right, mate' attitude is alive and well'', wrote Jenny Forster of Manly. ''Sorry to say but Premier Berejiklian asking for ‘help and support’ from the community about wearing masks won’t work''. It's this attitude that inspired many to write letters this week, calling on the Premier to not just encourage the community to wear a facemask, but to mandate it. Many wrote of their experiences on buses and trains, in supermarkets and churches. The frustration felt at people's complacency was obvious in many letters.
Kathleen Macdonald of Warners Bay also voiced her frustration in a letter congratulating the ''fossil-fuel industry for 50 years of building useful contacts with those in power, of infiltrating jobs in parliament and positions on expert panels'', leading Scott Morrison to spruik a “gas-led recovery”. Many echoed this view: bewilderment at the government's announcement, in spite of the science and available alternatives that could benefit the economy and the environment.
On a brighter note, Kath Hollins of Northmead, who joined the entertaining conversation this week about long-gone picture theatres, described in a letter how special she felt when her boyfriend bought her upstairs tickets at the Astra in Parramatta and then gave her a box of Winning Post chocolates. She wrote again to tell us her letter elicited an ''unexpected and delightful response'': ''My grateful thanks to the very kind lady who sent me the much cherished Winning Post chocolate box her mother had used over many years to hold small items. The box and the thoughtfulness made me smile in these dreary, pandemic days.''
Stay safe and keep writing. Pat Stringa, letters editor