

Aqua Dining and Ripples Milsons Point close for pool redevelopment

Scott Bolles
Scott Bolles

The view from Aqua Dining at Milsons Point.
The view from Aqua Dining at Milsons Point.Steve Lunam

Two dining stalwarts on Sydney Harbour's northern foreshore are closing, with Ripples Milsons Point shutting on the weekend and the luxe Aqua Dining to follow at the end of the month.

The good news is both will eventually return, temporary victims of the redevelopment of North Sydney Olympic Pool.

"The timeline is we'll be back in two years," says the co-owner of both restaurants, Bill Drakopoulos.

The restaurateur, who is also a co-owner at Pyrmont two-hatter LuMi, is expanding his portfolio in postcode 2009, signing a deal in recent days to take the waterside Yots cafe site at the front of the National Maritime Museum.


"The plan is to run it [Yots] as it is for a month, then relaunch it as Ripples in April," Drakopoulos says.

Aqua Dining will serve its last confit of calamari with ink emulsion on March 31, so regulars still have a few weeks to pop in. That or wait until 2023.

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Scott BollesScott Bolles writes the weekly Short Black column in Good Food.Connect via email.

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