
The Editorial Team

Jo Thornely
Jo ThornelyContributor

Jo Thornely


Reality TV
Tears flow in the new MKR crew

Tears flow in the new MKR crew

IN LESS time than it takes to burn a piece of Goldband Snapper, we’re onto the second group of MKR contestants, and already there are some pretty strong personalities.

Reality TV
The lowest MKR score ever

The lowest MKR score ever

LOOKS, charm and the ability to flirt underwater might have got them this far, but it didn’t stop Bek and Ash from making unwelcome history on MKR.

Actor Natalie Portman in scene from film "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones". two /Films/Titles/Star/Wars/Episode/II/Attack/of/the/Clones

Terrible movies you have to watch

THE first of these movies is so bad that James Franco is currently making a movie about the making of the terrible movie. These are the best bad movies ever.

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