Ancient sands reveal million mummies
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered an ancient cemetery with more than a million mummies buried around 1500 years ago – but where did they come from?
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered an ancient cemetery with more than a million mummies buried around 1500 years ago – but where did they come from?
KING Arthur had one: A medieval sword so strong it was deemed magical. Some have survived to this day. Now we have any inkling of how and where they were forged.
BEADS discovered on the other side of the world from Egypt have been linked to King Tut’s death mask. The revelation has historians very intrigued.
IT was an incredible find: 70,000 ancient Celtic coins unearthed on an island off the coast of Britain. But now the loot is revealing even greater treasures.
THE lid has been opened on a coffin holding the 2500-year-old mummified remains of an Egyptian boy. So what’s his story?
THEY scaled the side of a Dead Sea cliff to slip inside the Cave of Skulls and steal the biblical scrolls. But all did not go as planned.
AN AUSSIE researcher has stumbled across a shell that could ‘rewrite human history’, as it changes everything we thought we knew about our ancestors.
REMEMBER when they found the body of King Richard III buried under a car park? His DNA has big implications for the royal family.
IT’S a gruesome sight: Medieval skeletons with iron scythes and rocks cutting into their throats. Now archaeologists know who, and why.
COINS featuring the face of Alexander the Great have been found at the largest tomb ever unearthed in Greece. The hunt is on for clues to determine who lies buried there.
THE world’s oldest computer — the Antikythera Mechanism — has been found to be older than we thought, placing it squarely in the age of history’s greatest minds.
RESEARCHERS knew there were ruins of some sort in the shallow waters near a Greek island. But little did they realise the extent of what they would find below.
SCIENTISTS have found the bones of a new species of dinosaur, a horned plant-eater the size of a buffalo that roamed Earth 75 million years ago.
WANT to win a heart? Got a ghost to get rid of? What about a persistent infection? A recently deciphered ancient Egyptian codex has a spell for that.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS are hoping that a skeleton found in ancient Greece’s biggest burial mound will reveal the mystery of who is buried there.
SCIENTISTS were looking for something else when they peered into a slab of sandstone. What they found was an enormous freak that walked with dinosaurs.
IT’S older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids combined, and its hidden message could shake the world. So what exactly is the Shigir Idol?
IT’S one of history’s greatest mysteries: A 4000-year-old clay disc covered in spirals of enigmatic writing. Now scientists think they have extracted key words.
IT was sealed 2000 years ago, but researchers have finally reached the end of this tunnel. What they’ve found will unlock sacred secrets buried long ago.
A CHILLING tale of lost love is echoing through the millennia as archaeologists delve into the mysteries of an immense 2300-year-old Greek burial mound.
A SKELETON with a stake through its chest has been found in Europe by ‘Bulgaria’s Indiana Jones’ in an area being referred to as a ‘vampire grave’.
ANCIENT bones found in a royal tomb in northern Greece belong to Alexander the Great’s father King Philip II, a team of Greek researchers have confirmed.
WE learn about Captain Cook’s historic journey on HMS Endeavour at school but what ultimately happened to the ship? An American thinks she knows.
THE skeleton of a teenage girl who died in the Middle Ages has been uncovered by archaeologists, revealing the terrifying reality of her burial.
A MYSTERIOUS crop circle has been spotted in an English hamlet founded by medieval order the Knights Templar — and it’s the second to be found in the area.
HE found tons of sunken gold worth millions of dollars. But Tommy Thompson’s lust for treasure consumed him – and now no one knows where he is.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have discovered a third chamber of a mysterious, massive tomb in northern Greece – and had a glimpse of what it contains.
WITH torn sails and splintered timbers, a Roman ship foundered in the savage seas off Greece. Some 2000 years later, what it carried would rattle the world.
A NEW survey of Stonehenge’s surrounds has exposed a hidden hive of activity — including a long-lost “super henge” that dwarfs its famous counterpart.
FOUR thousand years ago a mighty warrior stashed his prized possession. Today, his amazing suit of bone armour has been unearthed in remote Siberia.
ALMOST two thousand years ago British warrior-queen Boadicea stormed a Roman stronghold. Today, the tale of one of her victims — a rich noble woman — has been unearthed.
GHOST ships, alien contact, and technology built thousands of years before their time. This creepy list will have you seeking the answers nobody knows.
WHAT’S a European’s skull doing inside an ancient Chinese tomb? The answer could expose a 1400-year-old story of exploration and trade.
IT’S ominous. Forbidding. Mystical. But everything we think we know about the ancient landmark Stonehenge may be wrong.
HOPES are rising that a massive Ancient Greek tomb has remained untouched after the huge stones sealing its entrance were found to be intact.
GOLD and silver coins glinting in the murk. Bullion bars scattered over the seabed. It’s the stuff of treasure-hunting fantasies. But this time it’s for real.
IT’S been called a giant sundial. Or a temple for human sacrifice. But researchers now think Stonehenge was a giant xylophone.
A CRACK in the wall. A growing pothole. Strange rumblings in the night. When a sinkhole in suburban Abydos collapsed, it opened a portal to a long-lost temple.
STUDENT archaeologists have made a ‘hugely significant’ discovery of five skeletons that could rewrite Roman history in Britain.
THE story behind the Terracotta Army has been plaguing archaeologists for decades, but now one of man’s biggest mysteries could finally be solved.
THE story behind the Terracotta Army has been plaguing archaeologists for decades, but now one of man’s biggest mysteries could finally be solved.
THE survival of humans and Neanderthals mirrors the Game of Thrones saga, say scientists who have discovered a hoard of ancient skulls.
A GROUP of men at a bachelor party in New Mexico have made a once-in-a-lifetime discovery – a three-million-year-old prehistoric elephant skull.
A TEAM of archaeologists may have stumbled upon a holy discovery after uncovering what they believe could be one of the oldest pictures of Jesus.
A TEAM of archaeologists may have stumbled upon a holy discovery after uncovering what they believe could be one of the oldest pictures of Jesus.
HISTORIANS say they have discovered what Monty Python could not — the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus drank from — in a Spanish church.
ONE of the deadliest diseases ever recorded has had us running scared of rats ever since. But new findings reveal we might be wrong for blaming our furry foes.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unveiled two colossal statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III in Egypt’s famed temple city of Luxor.
A TEAM of archaeologists have discovered the almost complete remains of a Roman school of gladiators and virtually recreated the site.
A $10 MILLION gold coin stash in California isn’t the only recent treasure find. A Roman gold hoard and a cache of medieval coins have also been unearthed.
SCIENTISTS have discovered footprints in England that are the oldest ever found outside Africa.
IT’S a few notches on a 4000-year-old clay tablet. But what it reveals about the ancient biblical story of Noah’s ark has scholars crowing the world over.
EXACTLY what drove two men to hack away at an inscription inside the Great Pyramid? Atlantis. It’s a tale of cranks, conspiracies and an ancient cartouche.
FOR more than 3800 years the final resting place of Pharaoh Sobekhotep I has been lost to history. Now, his tomb has emerged from Egypt’s sands.
NEW research suggests Tutankhamun’s mummified erection may have been an attempt to combat a religious revolution unleashed by the boy-king’s father.
A US team in Egypt has identified the tomb of pharaoh Sobekhotep I, believed to be the founder of the 13th dynasty 3,800 years ago.
A WRECK in New Zealand has been dated to some 70 years before Captain Cook. It is just the latest find showing seafarers explored our great southern lands – but never returned.
WE know they’re there: King Thutmose. Rameses VIII. A handful of queens. Now, archaeologists have a good idea where they are.
SCIENTISTS have discovered a cave in Sumatra that provides a “stunning” record of Indian Ocean tsunamis over thousands of years.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed the skulls of more than 80 young women who may have been sacrificed more than 4000 years ago.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered a 10,000 year old house near Jerusalem showing “evidence of man’s transition to permanent dwellings.”
THE discovery of a wooden structure at the Buddha’s birthplace suggests he lived in the 6th century BC, two centuries earlier than thought.
A SKULL of an aristocratic woman with a deformed, pointed ‘conehead’ has been found in an ancient burial plot in France.
WERE you taught that tigers, lions and leopards were from Africa? It seems our teachers were wrong after a fossil 4.1 – 5.95 million years old found.
NEW research reveals the famous pharaoh’s body may have spontaneously combusted inside the sarcophagus after a botched mummification job.
BRITONS often make fun of the French for feasting on frog. But now a new discovery suggests their prehistoric ancestors may have had a taste for toad.
AFTER a long day hunting cavemen would return home to chart their exploits on the walls in paintings…or would they? Analysis of humanity’s oldest artworks has provided convincing evidence that most of them were actually painted by women.
A LAKE so poisonous that almost nothing can live there has become a canvas for an artist who has captured the essence of life in death.
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