
Have archaeologists discovered the secret grave of legendary British racehorse Doctor Syntax?

THE secret grave of one of the most famous sporting heros in history may have been unearthed by archaeologists in the backyard of a king.

Is this the secret grave of Doctor Syntax, one of the most famous racehorses in British history?
Is this the secret grave of Doctor Syntax, one of the most famous racehorses in British history?

THE carefully buried skeleton of a thoroughbred racehorse discovered during the excavation of the former royal stables of King Charles II could belong to one of the most famous racehorses in British history.

Doctor Syntax was the Phar Lap of his day, winning 36 races between 1814 to 1823 (Phar Lap won 37). Born in Yorkshire in 1811, the much-loved stallion won the Preston Cup a record seven consecutive times as well as five Lancaster Gold Cups and five Richmond Gold Cups.

He was put down in 1838 and buried in a secret location.

A portrait of Doctor Syntax by James Ward
A portrait of Doctor Syntax by James Ward

Now historians and archaeologists have reason to believe they have found Doctor Syntax’s long lost grave in the grounds of 17th century Palace House at Newmarket in Suffolk, where Charles II was known to house his favourite racehorses.

National Horseracing Museum historians have told the UK Telegraph that the positioning of the horse’s remains underneath the outdoor yard indicated that the animal — whether Doctor Syntax or not — was much loved by the King.

It was discovered during excavations for the new National Heritage Centre for Horseracing and Sporting Art which will be built on top of the demolished former stables.

The mystery stallion’s skeleton was found carefully buried in the grounds of Palace House at Newmarket, where King Charles II, a horseracing lover, once lived.
The mystery stallion’s skeleton was found carefully buried in the grounds of Palace House at Newmarket, where King Charles II, a horseracing lover, once lived.

“A member of the public told us he had read that Doctor Syntax was buried at Newmarket Palace House stables,” Museum curator Graham Snelling told the newspaper.

“Then, when the skeleton was discovered, it was a potential possibility. Where it was buried, it would make sense. Doctor Syntax was euthanised here in 1838.

“It was a very careful digger driver that spotted the skeleton. It would be an amazing find if it turned out to be Doctor Syntax.

“He was one of most consistent racehorses of his time. He went to stud here in 1824. He was a good sire as well as a great racehorse.

“It could also be a royal racehorse. Its location does not suggest it wasn’t. It is very exciting. It makes you think what else is there to find.”

Doctor Syntax was the Phar Lap of his time with 36 wins compared to the Australian champion’s 37. Phar Lap is pictured above at the 1931 Melbourne Cup.
Doctor Syntax was the Phar Lap of his time with 36 wins compared to the Australian champion’s 37. Phar Lap is pictured above at the 1931 Melbourne Cup.

Preliminary forensic investigations revealed “a substantial amount of wear and tear” to the skeletal joints, indicating the horse had been regularly ridden and measures 15 hands — the same height as Doctor Syntax.

Others are sceptical that the remains are Doctor Syntax.

Archaeologist Chris Faine examined the skeleton’s teeth and placed the animal’s age at between 18 and 20 years old at the time of death. Doctor Syntax was believed to have died at 28.

“The skull was heavily smashed, which means I can’t tell from it whether it was euthanised,” Mr Faine said.

“I’m told that the preferred method from that period was a medium gauge shotgun behind the ear which wouldn’t have done the skull lot of good anyway. It’s more than possible it was put to sleep.

“It was certainly a racehorse, all the evidence points to that. I don’t think it could be Doctor Syntax, but you would have to carry out DNA tests to make sure.

“It was in a specifically dug grave and was not just manhandled in. It could be a royal racehorse, but it is impossible to say for sure. It was carefully buried.”

King Charles II of Britain in a portrait by John Michael Wright
King Charles II of Britain in a portrait by John Michael Wright

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