
Gold Coast bikini model details awful remarks about cellulite

A Gold Coast woman has revealed the shocking remarks she receives about her cellulite as she urges people to “normalise lumps”.

Karina Irby on being bum shamed by an elderly woman (Hughsey, We Have a Problem)

A bikini model who proudly shows off her unedited figure in photos on her social media has revealed the horrifying messages she receives online about her cellulite.

Gold Coast influencer and bikini designer Karina Irby regularly celebrates “real female bodies” on her social media account.

However, her body-positive attitude and efforts to normalise unedited photos often opens the business owner and influencer to vile abuse from strangers.

Recently, the 31-year-old revealed a particular video that showed her booty in its unedited glory attracted a number of horrendous messages, including one telling Karina to self-harm.

As a result, Karina called out the comment, telling her 1.2 million followers the abuse is unacceptable.

Karina Irby has detailed the awful abuse she receives about her cellulite. Picture: Instagram/KarinaIrby
Karina Irby has detailed the awful abuse she receives about her cellulite. Picture: Instagram/KarinaIrby
The Gold Coast woman is fighting unrealistic beauty standards. Picture: Instagram/KarinaIrby
The Gold Coast woman is fighting unrealistic beauty standards. Picture: Instagram/KarinaIrby

“Yes I put myself out there on the internet but that doesn’t allow you the right to abuse, shame and attack me. Or anyone for that matter,” she said.

“I get told to end my life, I’m fat. I’m revolting, I’m a disgrace to females.”

Karina went on to say many claim she’s “asking for it” because she posts bikini photos but states: “I can assure you I’m not.

“But unfortunately for you I’m stronger than what you think and I’ll always come out on top thrusting to your STUPID comments …”

Karina then described herself as a “work of art” in the powerful posts to Instagram Stories.

In a second post to her social media account, Karina shared the same image and asked, “What’s the first thing you noticed about these photos?

“If you’re (sic) answer was my cellulite and uneven skin then you’re probably not seeing enough normal/unedited female bodies in your feed enough.

“Normalise the normal. Stop editing your lumps.”

The 31-year-old receives awful abuse online. Picture: Instagram/KarinaIrby
The 31-year-old receives awful abuse online. Picture: Instagram/KarinaIrby

Followers were quick to praise Karina, agreeing with her message.

“In unlearning stupid beauty standards I’ve shifted how I see pictures like this and instead of even thinking of picking you apart I’m just like wow she’s f***ing beautiful,” one said.

“Happiness. Confidence. Normal life,” another stated.

While one woman wrote, “No I was admiring those freaking curves honey. Gorgeous. Get it!”

Others pointed out things they noticed aside from her natural figure in the snap.

“I noticed the shadow of your hair on your arm and thought it was a tattoo,” one said.

“Ngl I noticed the umbrella on the right and thought you broke your thumb,” another wrote.

“Your nails, the swimmers AND THEN your beautiful bod. you go girl,” someone posted.

In the past Karina has also been vocal about her plans not to have children as well as tricks to help women feel more confident in their bodies.

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