‘Sprawling’ crisis leaves Aussies on brink
New analysis has revealed key Aussie workers are being priced out of homes further and further away from the city, as the rental crisis begins to “sprawl”.
New analysis has revealed key Aussie workers are being priced out of homes further and further away from the city, as the rental crisis begins to “sprawl”.
Australia’s rental market remains in a severe shortage and things are not expected to get better for some time. However, there is a slight silver lining.
Overcrowding could be on the rise again as experts warn one group may be particularly vulnerable to sub-par accommodation amid the rental crisis.
A Sydney real estate agent has come under fire for offering one piece of brutal advice to would-be renters.
A capsule “apartment” listed for $300 per week has sparked criticism, with renters questioning whether the property meets minimum living standards.
With Australia’s housing and rental crisis set to get worse before getting better, there’s one quick fix that can government can do right now.
A Melbourne comedian has revealed the landlord act that left her feeling “worthless”, branding the city’s rental crisis a “dumpster fire”.
A “frantic and desperate” mother says their desperate search for a rental included being shown safe places to pitch a tent and being told to ‘manifest’ a home.
The unusual pad of flamboyant celebrity photographer and reality TV star Darryn Lyons has hit the market asking $3500 per week rent. But his interior stylings may not be everyone’s cup of tea.
Homeowners are revelling in profitmaking conditions not seen in almost two decades, however there is evidence of increased stressed sales, the latest research reveals.
Tenants have been delivered some rare good news, with the supply of available homes increasing over recent months – and it’s due to the actions of one group.
With home prices continuing to rise despite high interest rates, where is the best place to buy a home?
Celebrity real estate icon Ryan Serhant, who recently visited Australia, explains the biggest mistake he sees people making when it comes to property.
A long-term tenant was left ‘terrified’ by a trespassing real estate agent who woke her and her two-year-old son in their bedroom during an inspection.
Home loan guru Mark Bouris has issued a stern warning for Aussie homeowners.
Data on Australia’s precarious housing crisis has revealed the hot spots where rents are soaring, with some tenants slapped with rises above $350 a week.
A young Aussie earning what many might consider a dream salary has revealed why it’s no longer enough to cover the most basic of needs in 2024.
The government is spending tens of billions of dollars to address Australia’s housing crisis, but will it move the needle? A top economist has issued a grim prediction.
A key group of capital city workers will be able to access cut-price rent in brand new apartments under a new subsidy program.
Furious landlords are vowing to flee one Aussie state, with one claiming selling is the only way to “end the nightmare”.
Aussie renters have been offered some relief after a surprising decline was recorded in advertised rents in capital cities.
This could just be the never-ending skyscraper.
Unhappy landlords in one Aussie state are raging over proposed changes to rental laws, with some going as far as threatening to sell their properties.
The number of homes occupied by renters in one state has plummeted by more than 10,000 as rents continue to rise.
Cash strapped tenants could play a decisive role in the next federal election, with key marginal seats now recording some of the worst rental affordability in the country.
New build-to-rent project is coming to a sought over Sydney suburb set to inject 291 apartments into the rental market.
These are the Sydney suburbs with the most affordable rentals, including where rents are still below $500 per week.
A bigger battle is shaping up between landlords and renters, but one property owner has argued they should combine forces to fight against the government.
A bold new housing proposition calls for older Australians to leave the country to help fix a major crisis.
Renters and first home buyers are facing the “sharp end” of a hostile housing market, with one Aussie state revealed to have the worst housing stress than anywhere else in the country.
A couple who befriended an elderly bachelor and moved into his six-bedroom ski lodge have been blasted as manipulative “rogues”.
Hard work and dedication have landed a migrant couple keys to their first investment property to have a go in ‘the country of opportunity’. FIND OUT MORE
Aussie house prices have reached record highs in May with one capital city spiking a whopping 20 per cent in the space of a year.
A jaw-dropping post in a secret Facebook group for landlords has sparked fury among renter advocates, amid Australia’s worsening housing crisis.
Almost 900,000 migrants have descended on Australia in the past two years but they reject “appalling” claims they’re to blame for the housing crisis.
A horror warning has been sent out for one-in-three Australians who are about to fork out a significant amount more money.
An Aussie landlord has had her fellow property owners turn on her after whinging about not being able to get around a “frustrating” rental rule.
Millions of renters have dreamt of taking on their landlord and, even better, scoring cheaper rent. Now one Aussie has revealed how he did it.
A single mum has shared her devastating experience at the heart of a worsening crisis that shows few signs of easing.
The Darwin rental market tightened in April with new data showing the Territory capital recorded the sharpest monthly vacancy rate decline in Australia.
The Townsville rental market eased in April with new data showing the vacancy rate increased for the month alongside national figures. SEE HOW TOWNSVILLE COMPARES.
Desperate Aussies struggling due to the cost of living crisis are resorting to ditching essential items to manage their money.
A family-of-four has been in a desperate battle to get one simple change made to their rental.
The Prime Minister’s tenant has asked for mercy but his story hasn’t attracted much sympathy among neighbours.
Anthony Albanese’s defence of his eviction plans for his investment home tenant have centred around rental costs, but are they on the money?
First home buyers are flooding back into the property market, seeing opportunities not witnessed since before the Covid pandemic.
Brisbane’s rental storm shows no signs of ending as vacancy rates barely rise, according to the latest PropTrack Market Insight Report.
The ex of Anthony Albanese tenant has let slip a massive claim about the PM’s eviction drama.
The rise of Australians with their own home office has contributed to Australia’s rental property shortage, a senior RBA official has warned.
A notorious housing justice campaigner has revealed his newest target that has caused the internet to erupt in laughter.
A Victorian landlord has generated controversy after sharing a photo of an evicted living in their car at a sports ground carpark.
Twenty-year-old homeowner Amity Williams began saving for her first home when she was 18 but had her eye on the property market long before that. Here’s how she did it.
The government has gone all-in and upped the stakes on its $32 billion plan to solve the housing crisis — a goal experts say can’t possibly be met.
The budget is set to see struggling Aussies left behind, with little immediate relief for millions buckling under one particular bill.
One of Australia’s most prominent financial experts has sounded a grim warning about a growing crisis that threatens to derail the nation.
A young landlord who owns three properties has defended a controversial act many of her fellow investors keep doing to their tenants.
Waleed Aly has taken aim at calls for a rent freeze in a heated clash on The Project after the Greens suggested it could save the average tenant $3,000.
A Victorian landlord has been torn apart online after admitting to forcing her renters to make a specific $1000 payment despite knowing it’s “not legal”.
In a move sure to capture the interest of Disney Pixar fanatics, Airbnb has announced a partnership that will see the iconic house from the 2009 film suspended in the air, balloons and all.
A young family from Melbourne has migrated to the Sunshine State for a new bilingual French program in Brisbane’s southeast. FIND OUT WHERE
Vacancy rates remain critically low across Queensland with a new report revealing just one rental market in the entire state is deemed to be healthy.
Singer Natalie Bassingthwaighte’s plans to rent out her very cool Byron Bay home haven’t gone according to plan.
Australian’s migration “hot spots” which saw double-digit rent increases from record overseas arrivals last year have been revealed.
The housing crisis in Australia is “the worst it’s ever been”, according to a shocking new report.
A former tenant has left a handwritten note for prospective renters, warning it was their “worst rental experience ever.”
Logan couple Lauren and Tyson Halliwell have plunged into the investment market for the first time after renting out their first home. HERE’S HOW THEY DID IT
Tips for buying a house before selling, the Australian suburbs most popular with investors and a mansion in Adelaide tipped to break new state record, here’s the top Australian real estate news from last week.
Public housing tenants in one state are taking their fight to end no-grounds evictions to the Supreme Court.
A startling new report into the state of Australia’s housing markets has revealed just how bad things have gotten – and everyone is impacted.
A young Aussie has taken aim at landlords in a furious rant, revealing her plans for her 20s have been derailed because of one greedy act.
Singer-songwriter, Australian Idol co-host and Nova FM presenter Ricki-Lee Coulter has found a new luxury home in the same building where Delta Goodrem owns.
Brisbane tenants have been given some reprieve as rental prices remained flat, despite the ongoing crisis with supply and demand.
A staggering 96 per cent of Aussie Millennials wished they had done things differently when it comes to one major life choice.
A disgruntled renter has called out east coast property investors who are hiking up prices in Western Australia.
Landlords have been warned they won’t be able to increase their rents any further because tenants are running out of money.
The final apartments for one of southwest Brisbane’s most anticipated developments are ready to be sold off to eager buyers and investors. SEE THE PICS
Queensland’s rental crisis continues to pain seeking tenants as Brisbane remains one of the tightest rental markets in the country. FIND OUT MORE
The Project panel has split opinion online after grilling a rental advocate for encouraging struggling Aussies to squat in vacant homes.
Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen could have had it all when it came to an Aussie lifestyle, but the former Home and Away star won’t walk away with nothing.
New modelling has revealed how much rents are likely to grow in the next three years – and it suggests things could improve for tenants.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/renting/page/7