

Accused kingpin George Marrogi surfing web from maximum security cell

Accused crime boss George Marrogi had access to the internet from his maximum security cell – and is suspected of using it to run the Notorious Crime Family gang.

Crime boss charged with running drug smuggling op inside prison

Accused crime kingpin George Marrogi had access to the internet from his cell in the most closely guarded part of Victoria’s prison system, in an extraordinary breach of security.

The Herald Sun can reveal that police have recently seized tech devices from Marrogi’s cell as part of a major probe into his activities.

It is alleged he has had connection with the web, via a phone or laptop, for months.

Marrogi is suspected of using online communications to set up and run his gang, known as Notorious Crime Family, from inside Barwon Prison, near Geelong.

George Marrogi (centre) with his younger brother Jesse.
George Marrogi (centre) with his younger brother Jesse.

In April he was charged with directing the activities of a criminal organisation, despite having been locked up for almost six years.

Marrogi’s access to the ­internet was first detected in early 2020 as NCF was being set up, but police also recently seized electronic devices from him. Victoria Police confirmed to the Herald Sun on June 3 electronic devices, among other items, had been seized “as part of current investigations”.

“Victoria Police will continue to work closely with Corrections Victoria and the Australian Federal Police,” a spokesman said. “As the matter remains ­active and ­ongoing, we are not in a position to comment further.”

A source said Marrogi had been using ­encrypted apps to communicate with the outside. Having devices with ­internet access is an extraordinary breach of security. Marrogi’s status as a powerful organised crime figure made it even more surprising.

Marrogi has since been charged with importing 56kg of methamphetamine and 13kg of heroin into Australia. Picture: AFP
Marrogi has since been charged with importing 56kg of methamphetamine and 13kg of heroin into Australia. Picture: AFP

It remains unclear how he was able to get the devices, but the possibilities are limited. Corrections sources say a prisoner of his background would have find it ­extremely hard to get contraband through visits. The NCF gang was founded in about 2020.

At the time, Marrogi was on remand for the 2016 shooting death of drug dealer and organised crime player Kadir Ors. He has since been convicted of murdering Ors, shot outside an Officeworks store at Campbellfield Plaza.

Marrogi and his girlfriend Antonietta Mannella are facing drug charges laid by the Australian Federal Police’s operation Fuji and the Victoria Police Echo taskforce.

Fuji investigators charged them with importing 56kg of methamphetamine and 13kg of heroin. Echo later charged them over 356 litres of 1,4-­butanediol found in a truck near Horsham. That substance is an industrial chemical sold in small amounts as the drug GHB.

Marrogi was an organised crime target long before the April bust. He was investigated by state and federal law ­enforcement bodies for years and is well connected with Sydney crime figures.

A Corrections Victoria spokesman confirmed prison inmates were banned from ­internet access.

Prisoners, however, can have access for video calls via tablets to speak with family, friends and lawyers.

This use is monitored by prison authorities.

Since Marrogi was allegedly caught with access, tougher measures have been brought in to stamp out devices and other contraband being smuggled into prisons.

Medium and maximum security inmates being moved locations and prison visitors are now examined with body scanning technology.

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