Victorians could be hit with new property tax
Victorians could be slugged with a new property tax to help fund the Andrews government’s social and affordable housing agenda.
Victorians could be slugged with a new property tax to help fund the Andrews government’s social and affordable housing agenda.
Customers of failed builder Snowdon have slammed Dan Andrews for his lack of support, following another developer’s collapse.
Damning police documents have cast doubt over the explanation for not breathalysing the Premier’s wife following a horror crash.
Just hours after the release of a submission from Premier Daniel Andrews, his government was slammed by the lack of work to help vulnerable kids.
Luke Darcy has revealed his relationship with Eddie McGuire turned “frosty” after he questioned Premier Daniel Andrews over Victoria’s record-breaking lockdown.
Labor MP Sarah Connolly has confirmed she will run for the new seat of Laverton as war erupts among Victorian factions over preselections for the 2022 state poll.
A right-wing activist is back in court as he sues officers at the Victorian Parliament – and he wants an urgent hearing.
Daniel Andrews claims his government’s handling of the pandemic was a “triumph” but Victorians continue to pay the price for his gross failures.
Allowing a millionaire anti-vax tennis star to play is a slap in the face to unvaccinated Victorians who have been barred from enjoying their own state.
The Premier is facing criticism after a ruling found state border rules between July and September to be “unjust” and in several cases, “inhumane”.
Thousands of Victorians who had done nothing wrong suffered terrible hardship so Dan Andrews could pursue his Covid-zero fantasy — and it did nothing to keep Victoria safe.
It’s time for Dan Andrews to put aside his ego and acknowledge that NSW has got it right again and ditch the vaccine passports.
As jabs are approved for young children, Dan Andrews should stop crowing about his pandemic “triumph” and ensure kids aren’t locked out of the life they’ve been missing.
Victoria has recorded 1073 new Covid-19 cases as Daniel Andrews assures the state will not be pursuing an ‘Omicron zero’ target.
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