

Election fixer Glenn Druery’s secret plan to Clive Palmer’s Victorian election hopes revealed

After previously working with Clive Palmer, election fixer Glenn Druery had a secret plan to derail the UAP at Victoria’s upcoming poll.

Election fixer Glenn Druery unloads on Clive Palmer

Election fixer Glenn Druery says he has created a secret plan to derail billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer’s state election hopes.

In a leaked two-hour video exposing the brazen rorting of Victoria’s voting system through sham political parties and the “sale” of seats for $55,000 each, Mr Druery explains how he has used complicated preference deals to dupe Mr Palmer’s United Australia Party.

The self-styled “preference whisperer” reveals he has worked for Palmer in the past, but the pair have since fallen out.

“Clive doesn’t like me because I told Clive to go f**k himself and get out of my face,” Druery says.

“This time with Palmer, I have tied him up in deals all over the place and he thinks he’s going to win on those deals. He’s not.

Clive Palmer has spent millions on his United Australia Party in recent years. Picture: Scott Powick
Clive Palmer has spent millions on his United Australia Party in recent years. Picture: Scott Powick

“However, I also had (a deal with) One Nation, but then Aidan (McLindon, deputy leader of the Freedom Party) gets in Pauline’s (Hanson) ear and starts to threaten her, ‘If you deal with Druery we are going to go public, we have got Avi’ or whatever his name is (Yemini) who is going to do all these videos and we are going to dump all this shit on you, and she’s run off like a bloody scared rabbit …

“I am always looking at weak points in the operation, and that’s one potential weak point, if Clive gets a run on.

“On the other side we have got this so-called progressive alliance, which I’ve pretty much killed.”

The United Australia Party hit back on Thursday, with Victorian leader Geoff Shaw calling for an urgent VEC investigation into Mr Druery’s dealings.

“The fact that a person can profit from wheeling and dealing with political parties at an election, effectively manipulating the intention of Victorian voters, should be outlawed,” Mr Shaw said.

“Trying to game the electoral system could be viewed as corruption. Trying to unduly influence the outcome of an election or intentionally mislead voters could also be illegal under the Electoral Act 2002.”

Mr Shaw said Mr Druery was “admitting he gets paid to manipulate preferences so the cross bench will work in Dictator Dan’s favour”.

So called “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery had previously worked with the UAP.
So called “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery had previously worked with the UAP.

“This is just another example of how due process has been subverted in the state of Victoria to allow the Andrews Government to retain unfettered power. The only way to stop the continued abuse of citizens is to vote Dan Andrews out,” he said.

A party spokesman also said the UAP had rejected deals with Mr Druery which is “why he has such nice words to say about us”.

In the video, Mr Druery says “I did two elections for Clive … the only two elections where he has won, where there has been a GVT (group voting ticket).

“Because Clive knows nothing of this shit. If somebody said to me ‘go and mine that bauxite site and send it to China’, I would be like ‘oh, f**k’ I wouldn’t know what to do.

“Clive in this game has no concept of what to do. Back in 2014, at the Victorian state election, I got a phone call from Clive on election night and it begins with something like, ‘What the f**k, what the f**k. Have I elected two Greens?’ And I said, ‘Yes you did’. ‘Oh f**k, how the f**k did that f**ken happen?’ And I said, ‘Ask James McDonald (Palmer’s colleague)’. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘The guy you employed to build the titanic ran your preferences not me, Clive.’

“And then I said, ‘don’t worry about the two Greens … because you’ve elected two Shooters as well, so it’s neutral’.

“Clive is erratic. He has nobody in his camp that understands this stuff …

“Clive is an autocrat who surrounds himself with ‘yes’ men - now you are never too smart to take advice in my book … but not Clive. Clive knows best.”

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