

Election fixer Glenn Druery caught out lifting the lid on manipulation of Victoria’s voting system

An election fixer boasted he was working to deliver the Andrews government minority parties he could do deals with in voting system rort.

Election fixer Glenn Druery’s secret rorting

A bombshell video has exposed the brazen rorting of Victoria’s voting system through sham political parties and the “sale” of seats for $55,000 each.

Whistleblower candidates have released a damning two-hour recording of a meeting with election fixer Glenn Druery, where he boasts about how he will “control” who wins multiple upper house seats in this month’s election.

Mr Druery – dubbed the “preference whisperer” – also lifts the lid on why Victoria is the only state in Australia not to have changed the law to stop the manipulation of votes, saying it is because Labor benefits from the scam.

He crows in the video – which the whistleblowers are providing to Victoria’s anti-corruption watchdog – how his deals to direct preferences between minor parties in 2018 elevated nine MPs into the upper house, where they held the balance of power.

A screenshot of Glenn Druery holding up a Labor Party red shirt during a video meeting with Chris Burson and Heston Russell.
A screenshot of Glenn Druery holding up a Labor Party red shirt during a video meeting with Chris Burson and Heston Russell.

Some of the group have backed critical Andrews government bills – including Premier Daniel Andrews’ controversial pandemic laws, he says.

Mr Druery, who refers to candidates he helps as “the family”, says he is plotting to deliver a crossbench Labor can work with again.

“We’ve got to give the government, which will be the Andrews government, we’ve got to give them a crossbench they can work with,” he says.

He also explains how in one backroom deal the CFMEU was keen to fix a candidate to get a seat in parliament with Mr Druery’s help – and in return would ensure Labor preferenced other Druery-controlled parties above the Greens.

“We’ve got to f---ing chip, chip and retreat and attack and attack and f--- and piss off – we’ve got to fight like the Vietcong against the Yanks,” he says. After listing a handful of minor parties he does not have a deal with, Mr Druery declares: “The rest I control. Everybody … I’ve got more balls in the air than a vasectomy doctor.”

The video has been leaked by the Angry Victorians Party, which is the Victorian entity of the Australian values Party founded by former Australian commando Heston Russell.

Heston Russell and Chris Burson from the Angry Victorians Party. Picture: David Caird
Heston Russell and Chris Burson from the Angry Victorians Party. Picture: David Caird

Mr Russell and ex-soldier and police officer Chris Burson, who is contesting the upper house seat of Western Victoria, held the recorded meeting with Mr Druery on November 1, after being advised that the election fixer was their best chance of success.

They are providing the recording to the Victorian Electoral Commission and Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission for investigation.

“Victorians deserve to know what’s going on,” Mr Burson said.

Mr Druery is able to game the system because Victoria still has a Group Voting Ticket system in its upper house, the Legislative Council.

The GVT system means voters who number one box at the top of their ballot paper, rather than at least five boxes at the bottom, lose control of where votes are directed – known as “preferences” – if their favoured candidate is knocked out of the race.

Instead, the party is allowed to direct preferences wherever it likes, in return for favourable treatment from allies in other seats.

Mr Druery said Victoria was the only state not to change the law to stop the manipulation of votes because Labor benefits from the scam. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Mr Druery said Victoria was the only state not to change the law to stop the manipulation of votes because Labor benefits from the scam. Picture: Andrew Henshaw

Mr Druery also boasts how he has been instrumental in setting up dozens of sham parliamentary parties with catchy names, solely to get other candidates elected via those parties’ preferences.

“So, let me tell you about Sack Dan Andrews, and I am bringing you into confidence here – it is one of mine,” he says of the new Victorian party contesting this month’s election.

“I could have called it the Pro Jet Trails Party, I could have called it the Port Arthur Conspiracy, I could have called it the Whacko Crazy Lunatics Party but I didn’t. “Every other party was (saying) sack Dan Andrews, sack Dan Andrews, sack Dan Andrews and I was like, ‘Ah ha. We are going to call them the Sack Dan Andrews Party’. And we did. We, me and my allies.

“That has been formed because if that gets a decent draw it is going to completely usurp Clive (Palmer), One Nation and poor little Aidan (McLindon, deputy leader of the Freedom Party). Little bitty Aidan. He’s not smart.”

When Mr Russell asks in the meeting why the laws have not been changed in Victoria, Mr Druery says: “Well, I won’t go into private conversations, but suffice to say, let’s say you are the government, you need to govern, you don’t like the Greens, you can join the dots, right?

The Sack Dan Andrews Party was formed to try to usurp Clive Palmer, One Nation and Aidan McLindon’s Freedom Party (above).
The Sack Dan Andrews Party was formed to try to usurp Clive Palmer, One Nation and Aidan McLindon’s Freedom Party (above).

“I caused four Greens to lose their seats last time. Four of the suckers, so suffice to say that the Greens and Greens supporters don’t send me Christmas cards. Now, the Labor Party was very happy with that. They could govern.”

Asked if he is afraid the Liberals will reform the system if they are elected, Mr Druery says: “Oh, they will. They will”.

Detailing his conversations, he says: “I had an emissary come to me from the Libs a year ago, in the height of Covid, lockdowns … and he said ‘We want you to do your best to get rid of Dan, it’s the right thing to do for the community – you’ve got to do it’. He was appealing to my sense of community and self and I said, ‘I agree. What is going on with these lockdowns is terrible’. And he said, ‘So, you’re going to help?’

“And I said, ‘Well, what you need to do is come back to me and say that the Liberals will make a public statement to say they are not going to get rid of the Group Voting Ticket’.

“‘Oh, they will never do that!’ Then I’ll never help. Why the f--- would I help somebody – the minute they get in, they want to put their finger here and just start pushing until I can’t breathe anymore?”

Some of the minor parties Mr Druery helped get elected backed Daniel Andrews’ controversial pandemic laws. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Some of the minor parties Mr Druery helped get elected backed Daniel Andrews’ controversial pandemic laws. Picture: Andrew Henshaw

Asked if Labor had committed to keeping the system that delivered him so much power and money, Mr Druery says from his boat in Sydney: “The conversation is – ‘I want you to be able to govern and I will help you find a pathway forward. Of course, if you announce early on that you are going to get rid of the GVT, the crossbench will become a very, very cross bench. And you want to govern – I can help. You want to keep the GVT – that’s great. We can keep the Greens at bay. That’s how the conversations go”.

Mr Druery goes on to detail how he expects to receive $55,000 if the Angry Victorians Party signs up to his scheme and wins a seat.

“If you win you will give me $55k. Well, normally, I would charge you $5k (upfront) … everybody gives me 5k as a member of the family, I’m not going to charge you that, but if you win you can give it to me,” he says.

Explaining how the money would be paid, he adds: “Let me say this – what I would suggest you do if you win is, I know my way around the parliament, I know my way around legislation, I know all the players – I would urge you to take me on as an advisor and consultant. You can pay me through the administration fund and I’d be charging you roughly $1000 a week. And I think you’d probably only need me for a year and a couple of weeks.

“You can’t pay me out of the admin fund for electoral work, and I would not seek that. That is not appropriate but I think guys like you need advice. And I give advice to lots of pollies.”

Mr Druery boasted he had helped Fiona Patten get into parliament. Picture: David Crosling
Mr Druery boasted he had helped Fiona Patten get into parliament. Picture: David Crosling

The admin fund – shorthand for administrative expenditure funding – is public money provided by the Victorian Electoral Commission to political parties with candidates elected to parliament, and is worth at least $216,210 to each party.

Boasting about how he has subverted the whole system, Mr Druery says: “A minor party has had the balance of power in this country at a state or federal level for nearly 25 years, and my fingerprints have been on almost all of them …

“I have put people in parliament who have been executives at airlines, a divorced mother who hadn’t had a job in 20 years, a former prostitute – Fiona Patten – taxi drivers, school teachers, accountants, a guy who was a gravedigger … We are guerrilla fighters. We fight on our terms, not the enemy’s. If we go out there and try and fight an imperial power on the field, we are going to f---ing lose … The only groups you’ve got to worry about are those Freedom f---ers, Craig Ellis which is Cannabis and Reason. Pets, of course, you’ve got to talk to him. The rest I control. Everybody. I will be filling in their GVTs … You don’t learn this in a book, right? There’s no TAFE course for this shit.”

Mr Burson said: “Since seeing, behind the scenes, how government is formed and how money talks in both the big and small parties, the people need to know so they can vote accordingly. If the process is reformed to bring about real, even, fair, democratic debate and choices, I’ve already achieved more than I could have hoped.”

Mr Russell said: “We first spoke with Glenn in May and immediately understood the temptation of signing up to his system and guaranteeing a seat but we knew it was wrong and needed to expose it. Integrity and transparency starts with each person running for election.”

A Labor-chaired parliamentary committee this term deferred plans to hold an inquiry into the system, which has been slammed by political experts such as Antony Green.

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