
Andrew Rule

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Andrew Rule
Supplied images of Jennifer Cruz Cole and Ultratune boss Sean Buckley.

Mr UltraTune now Mr UltraTarget

Sean Buckley the enigmatic UltraTune tycoon has been hard to miss this year. With skin is so tight, his hair so black and his teeth so white that wags have dubbed him “Waxworks”, who is he?

Andrew Rule
web Rule Rowland Legg Case

A life dedicated to catching killers

It takes a certain sort of person to catch killers — to remain professionally detached yet never forget the horror of the crime. Rowland Legg never wanted to do anything else, writes Andrew Rule.

Andrew Rule
Calabrian crook lived life Donald Mackay missed out on

Calabrian crook lived life Donald Mackay missed out on

Another Sergi from the infamous Calabrian family just died at aged 81, a “nonno” of 15 grandchildren and one great grandchild, reaching all the milestones that their honest victim Donald Mackay didn’t, with the Sergis never charged thanks to the cops and pollies in their pockets.

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