EXCLUSIVE: Maclean IGA build to start soon
Despite a long wait, and several plans, Ritchies will start the build of new supermarket
Despite a long wait, and several plans, Ritchies will start the build of new supermarket
FOR YEARS Nicholson and Page Transport has wanted to show off the Lower Clarence, and with their new trailers aerial photography is set to showcase the region
Two strike code of conduct policy is just one of the measure in a new State Government plan to regulate short term holiday rentals.
TWO people were hospitalised for puncture wounds after an alleged dog attack in South Grafton yesterday afternoon
OPTIONS for a cycleway between the South Grafton railway station and the school precinct at Clarenza have been put on public display by Clarence Valley Council.
THE Clarence Valley Council has been granted $300,000 to help with the restoration of assets damaged by floods in June last year.
WOOLI residents will be warned about possible threats to the fragile peninsular section of the village as part of a Wooli Beach EASP endorsed by council.
A MATTRESS discarded as part of Clarence Valley Council’s kerbside clean-up became the ideal fuel for Saturday night vandals in Grafton on the weekend.
VICTIMS of domestic break and enter offences in Grafton and South Grafton will be given a helping hand to make sure their homes more secure.
THE Clarence Valley Council will take a public stand against coal seam gas mining if Mayor Richie Williamson gets his way at tomorrow’s meeting.
AN UNLIKELY coalition has formed to fight proposals to mine areas on the Dorrigo plateau.
LAND-USE restrictions placed on Graham Sheridan’s Hernani property by Clarence Valley Council are against planning guidelines, according to the businessman.
WOOLI business owners have offered general support for a Clarence Valley Council plan to build a sewer for the town, but the support is not universal.
RESIDENTS living along the Glens Creek Rd say they are getting a raw deal from Clarence Valley Council with conditions along their road declining dangerously.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/topics/clarence-valley-council/page/190