
Dylan Jacobsen: Wes’s Walkabout, Ross C’s Barbershop windows smashed in rampage

A young man who mindlessly smashed shop and car windows in Wagga’s CBD has avoided time behind bars.

Dylan Jacobsen smashed up car and shop windows in Wagga CBD. Picture: Facebook
Dylan Jacobsen smashed up car and shop windows in Wagga CBD. Picture: Facebook

A young man who used wooden sticks to smash up the windows of shops and cars in Wagga’s CBD has escaped time behind bars.

Dylan Jacobsen, 23, was sentenced at Wagga Local Court on Monday after pleading guilty to 14 charges of intentionally or recklessly destroying property and driving while suspended.

In February, Jacobsen along with a co-accused, walked through the streets of Wagga carrying wooden sticks and smashed signs and windows of prominent local businesses and shattered the windows of parked cars.

Dylan Jacobsen was sentenced for destroying property. Picture: Facebook
Dylan Jacobsen was sentenced for destroying property. Picture: Facebook

Court documents reveal Jacobsen began the smashing frenzy by destroying the window of the Regional EnviroScience business located on Chaston St.

The pair then walked to Wes’s Walkabout cafe and smashed one of the store windows before throwing a metal bin to shatter another window at the cafe.

The next target for Jacobsen was the window of a car parked in Yathong St and then five cars parked in several different areas of Thorne St had their windscreens smashed.

Jacobsen then went to New Oceanic Takeaway located on Morgan St and destroyed the store’s window before breaking the business signs at Ishka, Flirt Adult Store and Kristopher Graydon Jewellers.

Finally, Jacobsen smashed the glass pane on the door to Target Country and a window at Ross C’s Barber Shop.

Police located and confronted Jacobsen and his mate at the Victory Memorial Gardens about the incidents a short time later, in which Jacobsen denied “any knowledge of the allegations”.

“The accused and co-accused were heavily intoxicated and uncooperative with plice,” court documents revealed.

After speaking to witnesses and viewing CCTV footage, the police spoke to Jacobsen at a later date about the string of incidents to which he replied “I don‘t remember”.

Jacobsen told police he had mental health issues which affected his memory causing him to forget things.

While in court on Monday, Jacobsen also pleaded guilty to driving a car along the Olympic highway in September while suspended.

“I know I’m suspended as one of your mates got me in Cootamundra as I was going to my Dad’s house in Harden as I was having issues at my Mum’s place,” he told police when he was caught.

Wes's Walkabout was one of the shops vandalised during Dylan Jacobsen's rampage. Picture: Google
Wes's Walkabout was one of the shops vandalised during Dylan Jacobsen's rampage. Picture: Google

The court heard Jacobsen had stopped drinking since the smashing rampage and had given up drugs 18 months ago.

Jacobsen lawyer told the court he was was on a disability support pension, had two children who he sees as often as he is allowed, and in his spare time enjoys working on cars and helping his mum.

Magistrate Halburd told the court Jacobsen’s record did not “really” help him.

However, Halburd sentenced him to 16 months jail to be served in the community, was fined $1500, and was disqualified from driving for nine months.

Under the sentence Jacobsen must report to community corrections, perform 160 hours of community service, must abstain from alcohol and drugs, must not enter licensed premises and must not communicate in any means with the co-accused.


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