
Tolland: Father blames mental health for stealing car, caravan, driving while disqualified

A Tolland father-of-seven who fraudulently obtained a car and caravan, was caught driving while disqualified and fraudulently tried to obtain a licence has escaped time in jail.

Christian Bradley faced a string of charges at Wagga Local court today. Picture: Facebook.
Christian Bradley faced a string of charges at Wagga Local court today. Picture: Facebook.

Christian Bradley, 26, was sentenced in Wagga Local Court on Monday charged with stealing a caravan, car, driving while disqualified and lying to obtain a licence.

Bradley, a father-of-seven, pleaded guilty to flying to Western Australia earlier this year and taking a a car and caravan after tricking the sellers into believing he transferred money for the property.

Christian Bradley was sentenced in Wagga Local Court on Monday. Picture - Facebook.
Christian Bradley was sentenced in Wagga Local Court on Monday. Picture - Facebook.

Police documents reveal Bradley met up with a seller of a White Nissan Patrol while visiting Western Australia and agreed to transfer them $9000 for the vehicle.

Bradley filled out the transfer forms and took off with the vehicle.

He however failed to reply to the seller after the money failed to reach his account some days later.

Bradley then went on to post on a buy swap and sell page that he was looking to buy a caravan while in Western Australia.

“Hey guys, flying over to Perth tomorrow as I’m purchasing a vehicle, looking to by either a caravan or camper trailer for the drive back. Any suggestions?,” stated the court documents.

Bradley met up with a person selling a caravan for $38,000 and repeated the same process and took off with the caravan.

The seller of the caravan tried to contact Bradley after the bank told them there were no pending transfers to his account.

Months later police spotted the Nissan Patrol bearing NSW number plates in Cootamundra and conducted a check of the vehicle.

Police arrested Bradley and managed to also recover the stolen caravan from his possession.

While fronting court Bradley was also charged with driving a vehicle on two separate occasions in Wagga and Cootamundra while disqualified.

The father of seven was sentenced after pleading guilty to a string of charges. (AAP IMAGE/ Michael Frogley)
The father of seven was sentenced after pleading guilty to a string of charges. (AAP IMAGE/ Michael Frogley)

“Police immediately recognised the driver from previous interactions as the accused, and had knowledge of the current status of his New South Wales license,” stated court documents.

Bradley who suffers a range of mental health disorders including Autism and Depression was also charged with trying to illegally obtain a license in September.

While applying for a license in Cootamundra, Bradley failed to tick the box or mention he had two outstanding charges for driving while disqualified, previous disqualifications and previously holding an interstate license.

Bradley’s Lawyer tried to divert the charges under the mental health act which Judge Halburd refused.

Judge Halburd told the court one of the reasons he would not divert the charges was because Bradley had a number of offences dating back to 2013 which were dealt with under the mental health act.

“What we’ve got is a person that just keeps offending,” he told the court.

Judge Halburd said Bradley’s mental health conditions were “very much … in his favour” and spared him time in the cells with a 13-month intensive corrections order.

Under the 13-month sentence Bradley will be subject to electronic monitoring, will participate in any program and treatment ordered by community corrections, will have to comply with a mental health treatment plan and abstain from taking alcohol and drugs.

Bradley’s lawyer agreed it was a lenient sentence and was warned by judge Halburd that if he committed any other offence while serving the sentence he would likely to be sent to prison.

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