
Illegally parked car sparks frenzied attack on elderly woman

A Sydney man called an elderly woman a “b***h” and threatened to kill her after she left a note on his car pointing out he was illegally parked for the 94th day in a row.

A Sydney man has been convicted after he threatened to kill his elderly neighbour when she pointed out his car was illegally parked.
A Sydney man has been convicted after he threatened to kill his elderly neighbour when she pointed out his car was illegally parked.

A Sydney man called an elderly woman a “bitch” and threatened to kill her after she left a note on his car pointing out he was illegally parked for the 94th day in a row.

Ashok Kumar, 52, was caught on video attempting to bash his 72-year-old neighbour’s door down with a wooden object after she reminded him it was against the body corporate rules to park his car outside his garage.

The woman had documented Kumar’s illegal parking at their Narwee unit complex for 94 days before she wrote the note on December 14, reading “14/12/18, still here, as usual, illegally parked again”.

Hours later Kumar began screaming at his terrified neighbour and pounding on her door over several minutes in separate attacks that left the hallway littered with wooden splinters.

“The accused has yelled out, “Come out here, you bitch, I’m going to kill you”,” the agreed police facts read.

“The victim leaned against the door with her shoulder because she believed that the force the accused was using could break the door.”




Kumar pleaded guilty at Sutherland Local Court to one charge of intimidation and was sentenced to a two-year community corrections order and fined $2000.

Kumar originally told police he was not at the unit during the attack and could prove his innocence, but when police searched his phone they found video footage of the frightening attack.

“When the accused was asked if he had spoken to the victim about the note she had left the accused stated “I don’t like to scare her, she’s like my mother”,” the agreed police facts stated.

“The accused reluctantly provided his passcode and police located a video sent via Facebook Messenger capturing the accused loudly striking the victim’s front door with a timber object.

“He can clearly be heard screaming “come out, come out you bitch, I will kill you”.”

Police said the attack left the victim extremely scared as she believed he was trying to get into her apartment.

“She is also scared about the way in which he may act towards her in the future,” the agreed police facts stated.

Kumar flew in from Fiji, where he now lives, to face court.

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