

Inner West
Venezuelans line up to fill their tanks at "international price" in a petrol station in San Cristobal, Tachira state, Venezuela, on November 16, 2017. The Venezuelan government applied "alternate" solutions in Tachira selling petrol at the "international price" to avoid the contraband of subsidized fuel to Colombia, where a litre of petrol costs almost 50 cents of US dollar. / AFP PHOTO / George Castellanos

Global forces push fuel prices up

THE owners a phone “app” designed to encourage lower petrol prices say the reason for increased fuel costs in the inner west could be put down to volatile global factors.

Inner West
Abandoned shopping trolley. generic

Lazy shoppers of Rhodes

LIKE a scene from a western starring John Wayne chasing cattle rustlers, council workers are planning a blitz on the Rhodes Peninsula in a bid to catch trolley bandits in the act.

Students at Erskine Park High School are painting footballs for the City v Country rugby League game.Rodney Carlin, Hayden Day, Tremayne Yule and Brendan Thompson

Going dotty over footy

Erskine Park High School has enlisted the help of aboriginal artist Darren Dunn to help steer kids in the right direction.

Winners of Tickets to Georgy Girl

Winners of Tickets to Georgy Girl

Groove to the tunes of one of Australia’s most beloved pop groups at Georgy Girl – The Seekers Musical from April 2 to 5 June at the State Theatre.

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