Mega-storm: The worst is still to come
It’s the megastorm creating chaos across the state — and it isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Record rain has inundated NSW, with 17,000 people evacuated from their homes. VIDEO, PICTURES
It’s the megastorm creating chaos across the state — and it isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Record rain has inundated NSW, with 17,000 people evacuated from their homes. VIDEO, PICTURES
Harrowing stories are coming out of the devastating floods that have hit NSW over the past two days, with the state’s north copping the brunt.
In one of Sydney’s well-to-do communities, animosity towards teens has been expoding on local Facebook groups. After a tough year for young people in the area including a spate of suicides, what’s driving all the hate?
When a Hollywood star takes a dramatic public fall, it’s all but impossible to get back up. As far as dramatic falls go, Wesley Snipes had a pretty spectacular one when he was sent to prison. Now he’s making a come-back.
Australia’s TV ratings system is no longer an accurate reflection of when we are watching and needs to change, say industry experts.
Everyone’s been thrilled by the sightings of Hollywood stars all over Australia but how much is the movie boom actually worth? A lot — we do the sums.
He was one of the original River Boys and now Dan Ewing is returning to his role as Heath Braxton in Home and Away. He says viewers can expect “some good old Summer Bay rumbles”.
Police and council rangers will be patrolling Sydney’s beaches to make sure people are social distancing, as the mercury is set to rise over the next few days.
He was once known as the super brat of the game but Nick Kyrgios has shaped up as the Australian Open’s unexpected voice of reason during a week of tennis tantrums.
A sleepy village on the outskirts of Goulburn was the setting of a new Hollywood movie — the latest in a long line of productions heading to Australia due to the pandemic.
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