Ballina teacher survives shark attack
His students call him “shark boy” but this Ballina teacher has learnt some serious lessons since tangling with a great white and living to tell the tale. Here is his story.
His students call him “shark boy” but this Ballina teacher has learnt some serious lessons since tangling with a great white and living to tell the tale. Here is his story.
Police have arrested protesters who interrupted logging at a forestry site that has been described as a refuge for animals affected by bushfires.
Lismore has six candidates running for the top job and 40 candidates running for the 10 councillor positions. See the list of who they are and what they stand for.
The 17-year-old fell from the rear of a vehicle being driven along Airforce Beach and was later flown to Lismore Base Hospital.
From innovative business ideas to new owners revamping an iconic nightspot, Lismore is on the move. See what’s in store in our bumper business list.
A Northern Rivers high school student has outsmarted more than 3000 other kids to be the only member of a national science team from outside a capital city.
World Vision CEO Daniel Wordsworth has returned to Lismore to ask whether the NGO should be working alongside flood impacted communities at home. Here are the details.
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