Vacancies ease as landlords cut rents
Rents are still dropping and Sydney continues to have the highest number of rental vacancies in the country, but there are signs the rental market could be stabilising.
Rents are still dropping and Sydney continues to have the highest number of rental vacancies in the country, but there are signs the rental market could be stabilising.
Residents in one capital have been declared the country’s biggest neat freaks, devoting by far the most time to household cleaning, according to a study that also revealed the messiest homes.
Being stuck at home during the pandemic has encouraged families to seek out their dream houses in areas much further from the CBD in what’s becoming a shake up for the housing market.
It’s been an unusual winter for auctions in Sydney with multiple homes selling well above $5m and auction clearance rates rising over recent weeks. SEE WHAT THE BIGGEST SALES WERE.
A one time bank branch complete with a vault guarded by a one tonne door has been converted into a stunning luxury residence – but you might need a big loan to afford it.
Closed borders have dragged Australian population growth to its lowest level since the First World War – and it could have a disastrous impact on the housing market.
A house in Sydney’s northwest will be going to auction under unusual conditions after the late owner decided he wanted the sale to make a positive difference.
Current conditions in the Sydney housing market are unusually variable going into spring and there are bright spots of activity emerging despite projections of further price falls.
A historic shed converted into a unique house has been getting a swell of interest – and could be country Australia’s answer to the trendy inner city warehouse conversion.
Opportunities are increasing for home seekers to snap up a unit at a bargain price, but property experts have warned buyers need to make a vital check before signing on the dotted line.
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