40-year trap: risky home act getting popular
More Aussie households are turning to a form of short-term financial relief that could lock them into pricey obligations for four decades.
More Aussie households are turning to a form of short-term financial relief that could lock them into pricey obligations for four decades.
Sydney Roosters star Mark Nawaqanitawase is eyeing off a $500,000 collect before the NRL season kicks off.
Aussies with big savings balances have been warned to consider moving their money following a stunning bank finding.
A popular Bunnings has come up for sale giving a rare peek into the staggering amount the landlord pockets each year.
A ‘knockdown’ semi has sold for more than $10m — smashing the record by more than $2m — to a buyer who fell in love with the view.
This is where you can live a luxury lifestyle on an affordable budget.
A huge number of Australian banks and lenders have yet to pass on the RBA’s historic rates cut. If your bank is on this list then you need to make a call.
Flat Chat columnist Jimmy Thomson says a forgotten law can give you peace and quiet.
Touring Canadian rapper Drake is blowing massive cash to make sure he’s living the high life while in Australia.
A crumbling home deemed “the worst ever seen” in a popular locale has hit the market but it’s the events behind the sale that have got people talking.
Within hours of being listed, The Boat House with its infinity pool and incredible ocean views was all over social media.
Homeowners and others will get relief from today’s rate cut but it will also strike a blow to some already struggling sectors.
A traveller has revealed the smart hack she used to travel the country without spending money – and it’s something anyone can do.
Amid his worrying health scare, radio king Kyle Sandilands has finally made a huge move that’s been three years in the making.
Banks made a cunning move before the RBA announced a historic rate cut designed to squeeze homeowners for more, experts warn.
Homeowners who rejected multiple offers from developers in the hope of getting a windfall later on are now facing a brutal reality.
Even though the RBA has cut interest rates, there are thousands of Australians doing vital work for the nation that are facing a grim reality.
The RBA has finally cut the cash rate. But that doesn’t mean your repayments will reduce. Here’s how to fix it ASAP
A single rate cut is like ‘throwing a cup of water on a bushfire’ and will do next to nothing to ease at least 1.5 million Aussies. Here’s why.
A hoarder house once “full of junk,” has sold for a crazy price, while the now deceased owner had a unique Aussie job after responding to an ad in The Daily Telegraph in London in the 1950s.
Experts say Aussies can slash a massive six years off their loan and pocket $250,000 with this simple move.
Rents in parts of Sydney are set to fall by up to 25 per cent by year-end, but the outlook isn’t good for all tenants. See what rent will be in each suburb
It can be tricky enough to get a home loan, without getting distracted by the wrong advice and misinformation. With rate cuts looming this is what you should be doing.
Almost 1.6 million NSW households are at financial breaking point, according to staggering new figures. Is there a way out or will it get worse?
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/real-estate/nsw