Darwin rental market tightens
The Darwin rental market tightened across 2024 but while demand increased, rental prices remained somewhat stable.
The Darwin rental market tightened across 2024 but while demand increased, rental prices remained somewhat stable.
Owning a new home might seem out of reach but with this savvy move you can get into the market and earn serious money.
Under-pressure landlords are offering massive savings of up to almost $13,000 in free rent in a massive momentum shift for desperate tenants.
Renters are finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as the sting comes out of price surges in the majority of Australia’s rental markets.
Sydney renters have been given more positive news but the latest data shows it’s not the same story for tenants in some popular markets.
Shocking new figures show renters in Queensland’s regions copped the biggest rises in the country in 2024, with weekly rents on track to overtake Brisbane.
If you had bought in these suburbs at the start of 2024 you would be very pleased with yourself.
Desperate Aussies are crying out for an interest rate cut to ease the cost of living crisis but for some this could help them out more.
Australian sports hall of famer, Olympian Sally Pearson is revving up her fallback plan as the shock shutdown of Ch7’s local news bulletin fades into 2024’s background.
Aussies are finally breathing a sigh of relief after new data has shown a major freeze in an area no one saw coming.
Weekly rental prices across regional Queensland have surged to the same level as in Brisbane.
Aussies might not get a break from the cost of living crisis at all in 2025, with experts predicting interest rates aren’t going anywhere.
Remember back in the day, when you could buy a two-bedroom unit in an inner city suburb of a major capital city for $210,000? It isn’t as long ago as you might think.
Plunging prices and limited competition are making the Mornington Peninsula a buyer’s dream. Find out the suburbs offering luxury and affordability before the market heats up.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/real-estate/renting