Insane amount Albo’s mansion will cost you
The PM has officially found a tenant for his new clifftop mansion and it’s going to cost taxpayers big.
The PM has officially found a tenant for his new clifftop mansion and it’s going to cost taxpayers big.
Aussies have revealed how much money they think is a good salary – and those from Gen Z have given a number totally out of whack with everyone else.
Aussies have revealed what they think the start of a good base salary now is in each capital city – and it’s not what you’d think.
Owning a home in our capital cities now requires a jaw-dropping salary to be affordable – and home prices are falling because not enough people earn it.
Sydney families are squeezing into ever smaller housing as alarming figures reveal just how much more you have to pay for each additional bedroom in a home.
The Sydney housing market has become trapped in a downturn, with home prices falling significantly in some areas since late last year.
Under-pressure landlords are offering massive savings of up to almost $13,000 in free rent in a massive momentum shift for desperate tenants.
Hope has emerged for homeowners after a surprise economic finding that’s paved the way for the RBA to cut interest rates – but any relief will come with a catch.
Anthony Albanese’s election hopes could hinge on a vital finding today, with the PM warned he “may not be re-elected” if a key issue emerges.
Tradie and long-time host of The Block Scott Cam has revealed an increasingly common way Aussies are damaging and devaluing their homes during the summer.
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