Suburbs with biggest discounts on rent
Rents have dropped by just over a quarter in some city pockets as landlords grapple with the economic fallout of the pandemic and a major shift in tenant demand.
Rents have dropped by just over a quarter in some city pockets as landlords grapple with the economic fallout of the pandemic and a major shift in tenant demand.
A NSW court has made a landmark ruling on pet ownership that has far reaching implications for residents keeping animals in apartment buildings.
Two types of “new money” buyers have been behind nearly all the biggest recent house sales in Sydney and have continued to flush exclusive Harbour enclaves with cash during the downturn.
Houses on large blocks have attracted families prepared to spend big money at auction this week but many of them didn’t even want the homes they bought.
Onlookers were left stunned at the conclusion of a Bondi auction after two persistent families armed with plenty of cash dragged the price nearly $700,000 above expectations. But was it worth it?
Pet ownership has been on the rise during COVID-19 as more people work from home but animal experts have warned aspiring owners to think carefully about which pets they put in units.
Sydney and NSW easily remain the country’s most valuable housing market and the only capital where, love it or hate it, the median house price is above $1m.
They would normally command million dollar price tags but three luxury properties, including a unit overlooking the Opera House, are set to be given away in a landmark offer.
Landmark tax cuts and unprecedented spending in this year’s Federal Budget may have grabbed the spotlight but on the property front there were clear winners and losers.
Fancy living in a church? Multiple churches converted into amazing homes have come up for sale, including an unusual pink and gold building with a surprise behind every door.
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