
Why radio host Jackie O has sworn off dieting for good

Top radio host Jackie O has tried all the fad diets. Here, she opens up about how she changed her lifestyle for good.

Jackie O on The Masked Singer. Picture: Nigel Wright
Jackie O on The Masked Singer. Picture: Nigel Wright

Fad diets … Jackie ‘O’ Henderson has tried them all.

The popular radio and television personality however has sworn off quick fixes.

“I am done with dieting,” Henderson told Confidential.

“If you diet, it most likely always comes back on because you can’t sustain it. If we lose weight super quick and we are really depriving ourselves, we know that is never going to last.”

One half of top FM breakfast radio duo, Kyle (Sandilands) and Jackie O, the 47-year-old said she has “always had to watch what I eat”.

Jackie O pictured for The Masked Singer. Picture: Nigel Wright
Jackie O pictured for The Masked Singer. Picture: Nigel Wright

It was tougher to maintain discipline through Covid, she added.

“I have never been one of those people that can just really eat anything and not put on weight.”

The former Masked Singer judge has issued herself a challenge for summer.

“They do say summer bodies are made in winter,” she said.

“For the last couple of years, when summer comes, I panic. I dread a hot day. I dread having to get out there in a little sundress because I don’t feel good about myself and I didn’t want to do that again so I thought start in the middle of the year and have your goal in December.”

But she isn’t going for a quick fix and is less focused on her weight than feeling good and being able to fit into her favourite clothes.

Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.
Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.

“I have tried them all – I feel like every woman has at one stage in their life done the Beyoncé lemon cayenne pepper diet, the lemon detox, which is the most hideous of them all,” she said.

“I have done Atkins, Keto, there has been so many over the years and what I’ve learned is that at the end and you go back to what you normally eat, your body goes back to the weight again. It is about trying to find something that doesn’t feel like you are depriving yourself.”

On the personal front, Henderson said she is single.

“I wish I was more exciting and honestly tell you that I’ve met someone but I haven’t,” she said.

Jackie O has revealed she's single and thinking about speed dating.
Jackie O has revealed she's single and thinking about speed dating.

“I haven’t got time. Between (daughter) Kitty and my work, that is really all I want to dedicate my time to.”

In saying that, Henderson recently went out for a night on the town with a girlfriend.

“It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time and I met lots of different people and I thought, ‘So this is what it is like out in the dating world’. I was having fun so we are toying with the idea of our next thing being speed dating because I’ve always wanted to try that out of curiosity but I am not really looking for someone as such, more just looking to get out there and have a little bit of fun.”

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