
Piers Akerman

Confusion, chaos and buffoonery
Piers Akerman Blog Posts

Confusion, chaos and buffoonery

CLIVE Palmer’s buffoonish presence in federal parliament is a continuing indictment of the voters in the Queensland seat of Fairfax. Whatever could they have been thinking last September when they elected the erratic twerker to represent them?

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Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Empty words can’t fill black hole

Empty words can’t fill black hole

BEFORE the casual reader even opens Commissioner Ted Mullighan’s report into the abuse of children in the Anangu, Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands in the central desert in South Australia’s northwest, there is a confronting caution.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
ALP’s rotten moral core

ALP’s rotten moral core

THE ALP’s moral core has been placed under scrutiny with the pre-sentencing hearings of former NSW minister Milton Orkopoulos, allegations of harassment involving the Western Australian Premier Alan Carpenter and senior MPs and charges of rank hypocrisy laid against the federal ALP by the ACT Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Summit of the smug self righteous

Summit of the smug self righteous

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd opened yesterday summit of his government’s anointed self-righteous with a call to let “fresh air” into Australian thinking but the quotes from New Age poet Kahlil Gibran and the soundtrack from Over The Rainbow gave his retro game away.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Green aim hits red tape

Green aim hits red tape

WHEN Australian families start asking what killed full employment, two answers can be guaranteed: trade union wage claims and the cost to industry of compliance with the Rudd government’s panicked response to the climate-change bogey.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Mugabe’s last stand

Mugabe’s last stand

When former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said “life wasn’t meant to be easy”, he might well have been predicting the lot of the Zimbabwean people under dictator Robert Mugabe.

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
Blood on Fraser’s hands

Blood on Fraser’s hands

IT is usually impossible to avoid hearing the former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser apportioning blame for the world’s problems on his most recent Liberal successor or the Great Satan – the United States – but in recent days he has held his counsel.

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