Piers Akerman Blog PostsIF TODAY’S budget bonus left Australians feeling a little out of pocket, they will experience real shock when they read the recommendations in Ross Garnaut’s climate change report to be delivered on Friday.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsTIME is rapidly running out for the tortured people of Zimbabwe, but the solution to their ongoing tragedy may lie at the feet of South Africa – the host of the 2010 Soccer World Cup.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsAUSTRALIA and its allies in the civilised world dismally failed the bleak moral test presented by the murderous dictator Robert Mugabe and his hordes of thugs.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsDEPENDING on your politics, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard were amigo heroes or a demonic gang of three, when they were united in arms at the pointy end of Western democratic politics.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsGIVING Japanese car manufacturers millions to build green cars in Australia is the 21st Century equivalent of paying people to paint rocks white.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsT had been widely suspected but it is now quite apparent that the Rudd Labor government makes up both policy and process as it goes along, and bad policy and bad process at that.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsFIVE years ago, Kevin Rudd sneeringly referred to (erroneous) reports of an Australian troop withdrawal from Iraq as an attempt by then prime minister John Howard at “trying to crab-walk away from its (Australia’s) responsibilities”.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsAUSTRALIA is about to see the greatest increase in its migrant population since the post-World War II immigration scheme began.Last week, the Rudd Labor Government announced a lift in permanent and temporary migration for 2008-09 to nearly 300,000, and Immigration Minister Chris Evans has indicated that some of the rules will be eased to ensure those numbers are met.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsON Sunday, I swung the family car into a BP service station on Warringah Road at Forestville to top up the tank.
Piers Akerman Blog PostsTHERE is no denying that Treasurer Wayne Swan’s first Budget is a Rudd Labor Budget.