
Piers Akerman

ABC, Fairfax trying to undermine border security

ABC, Fairfax trying to undermine border security

FORCED to face the collapse of their repeated pre-election prediction that the Coalition’s border protection policy would be unworkable, the ABC and Fairfax are now doing their utmost to undermine the national effort.

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Rudd’s small change

Rudd’s small change

PRIME Minister Kevin (Lu Kewen) Rudd has demonstrated a keen appreciation for the art of shadow boxing, dancing around the Opposition’s legitimate questions about his involvement with the mysterious Chinese entrepreneur Ian Tang

Piers Akerman Blog Posts
PM under China’s spell

PM under China’s spell

IN an attempt to divert attention from its lack of realistic policy initiatives, the Rudd government recently attacked National Party MP Mark Vaile and Liberal MP Wilson Tuckey for absenting themselves from Parliament and picking up a few bucks in the process.

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