
Why Bronn should be dead and the show has wimped out if he’s alive

GAME Of Thrones made its name as a show that’s not afraid to kill off characters — but it missed badly when it let Ser Bronn of the Blackwater live through the last episode.

Game of Thrones - Season 7 Ep 5 Preview

GAME Of Thrones made its name as a show that’s not afraid to kill off characters — but it missed badly when it let Bronn of the Blackwater live through the last episode.

Of course, we might find out that he has died, in which case the following article looks a little silly, but the point remains: we should have seen Daenerys Targaryen kill someone we love.

Just like Bronn.

As spectacular as the battle of the Loot Train (as it seems to be called online) at the end of episode four of season seven was, it missed a crucial emotional element.

Jamie Lannister had his butt saved by Bronn in battle.
Jamie Lannister had his butt saved by Bronn in battle.

Characters have gone out of their way to show how Daenerys is different from other would-be rulers and has only gone around killing evil people. Think back to the various slavers she’s bumped off, as well as the faceless Sons of the Harpy.

They are all nice, safe targets.

However, while Randall Tarly is a nasty dad and his son Dickon has a truly stupid name, they are not really evil. And Jaime Lannister and sidekick Bronn of the Blackwater are fan favourites.

Bronn, in particular, is a fantastic character.

He saved Tyrion by defeating a knight of the Vale when Catelyn Stark and Lyssa Arryn wanted Tyrion thrown out of the Moon Door.

Tyrion and Bronn made a great — and entertaining — team.
Tyrion and Bronn made a great — and entertaining — team.

From then on he delighted us as Tyrion’s hard-bitten companion, saving him at regular intervals, defeating Stannis at the Battle of Blackwater, teaching Jaime how to fight left-handed and almost single-handedly (!) making the disastrous Dorne subplot entertaining by being poisoned by Tyene Sand.

Then comes his heroics in the battle — skewering a Dothraki with Qyburn’s giant catapult and taking on Daenerys and Drogon with the same weapon. That’s before he plucks Jaime off the horse and into the lake to save him from a fiery death.

Bronn’s great — and that’s exactly why Dany had to kill him.

Bronn takes on Daenerys and Drogon with the catapult.
Bronn takes on Daenerys and Drogon with the catapult.

By killing Bronn, she crosses a line and makes herself less black and white, more grey — and more interesting.

The best characters are the ones with problems. By making sure that Dany avoided killing anyone we liked, it actually makes her less interesting.

It also makes her a little like Cersei and her Wildfire, which the producers don’t want because they want that point of difference, but the fans need. It’s a far stronger message when we know Dany has the power to lay waste to Westeros but holds back.

It also lessens the impact of the dragons.

Sure, they’re big and impressive and scary — but if they can kill anyone, indiscriminately, then they are truly terrifying.

At the moment we all want Dany to let them loose on more baddies. But if there’s a fear they kill anyone and anything in their path then in essence they become the nuclear bomb of Westeros warfare.

Just because you have them, you don’t want to use them.

I hope Bronn of the Blackwater is dead but I’ll raise a glass to him either way.
I hope Bronn of the Blackwater is dead but I’ll raise a glass to him either way.

I love Bronn. I wanted to see him finish up marrying some rich heiress and living in a castle. He deserved it. But this is Game Of Thrones and you don’t get what you deserve.

For the good of the story, he should have died last episode.

I hope we find out that he has.

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