
This one line may prove fan theory that GoT will get a happy ending

One line and a look in Episode 2 of Game Of Thrones may have just confirmed a fan theory that the show will have a happy ending.

Game of Thrones Season 7:  Weeks Ahead Comic Con Preview

IT was the throwaway line in the last episode that may have confirmed a dramatic fan theory that Game Of Thrones is a history being retold by Samwell Tarly.

This fan theory isn’t nearly as interesting as the famous R + L = J theory that revealed Jon Snow was actually a Targaryen or the ongoing struggle to identify just who is the Prince/Princess That Was Promised to save the world from the Night King.

But it does offer a huge amount of hope for a happy ending (or at least as happy as is possible in George RR Martin’s world).

Get ready for some spoilers!

Samwell Tarly may be the one writing A Song Of Ice And Fire.
Samwell Tarly may be the one writing A Song Of Ice And Fire.

Basically it’s that A Son Of Ice And Fire is not just a story made up by GRRM but instead a history of these events, written by Samwell Tarly.

Part of that is revealed by the famous opening credits, in which a strange device called an astrolabe, decorated with the sigils of the various great houses, spins above a giant map of Westeros. At different times, the screen clicks in and focuses on different places, giving us a clue as to where we will go that episode.

The astrolabe sits in the library, looking down on everything the maesters are doing.

They are tasked with writing the history of the world and, last week, Archmaester Ebrose told Sam that you need to write with both accuracy and style if you want to be read.

“I’m not writing A Chronicle of The Wars Following The Death Of King Robert I so it can sit on the shelf unread,” he tells Sam.

Sam, on the other hand, looks unimpressed, so Ebrose asks what Sam would name the book instead.

“Possibly something a bit more poetic?” Sam suggested.

And about a million viewers yelled: “A Song Of Ice And Fire!” at the screen.

This could mean that the final piece of the show is Sam sitting down, with astrolabe, to write the story of his friend Jon Snow.

Sam’s had a pretty rough time of it in the Citadel.
Sam’s had a pretty rough time of it in the Citadel.

So why is this important?

Well, apart from anything else, it means Sam will survive and so the Night King will be defeated. We don’t know how but it is comforting to think at least some of our favourite characters will make it to the end of the show.

It also implies that Sam will spend more time at the Citadel, something that looked a little doubtful this week, given he disobeyed the Archmaester’s orders to try and heal Ser Jorah Marmont.

Although, between the poo montage of episode one and the pus-filled skin peeling of episode two, we could probably do without too many more Citadel sequences!

Will Ser Jorah return to die at Dany’s side after Sam heals him?
Will Ser Jorah return to die at Dany’s side after Sam heals him?

So, will healing Ser Jorah secure Sam’s spot at the Citadel? Surely it is too early for him to be kicked out, given he has only just scratched the surface (groan!) of the uses of dragon glass.

Or will he be kicked out and only the fall of the wall will wake up the maesters to what is going on in the outside world.

We shall have to wait and see ...

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