
The key questions for what will happen in Stranger Things

STRANGER Things season 2 ends on a high — and then prepares to go straight into season 3. Get ready for a spoiler-filled review of episodes eight and nine of Stranger Things Season Two.

STRANGER Things season two ends on a high — and then prepares to go straight into season three.

Get ready for a spoiler-filled review of episodes eight and nine of Stranger Things Season Two.

Eleven and Hopper descend into the final gate.
Eleven and Hopper descend into the final gate.

The action picks up again at the lab, where the Demodogs are ready for some payback.

It’s not surprising that the lab’s defences aren’t up to scratch but Hopper and Dr Sam manage to get back to where Joyce, Bob and the boys are hiding out.

Will is now fully in the control of the Shadow Monster so they drug him and lock themselves into a room — where the Demodogs cut the power. Bob has to go and restart the power and reboot the system to allow everyone to escape.

This is a classic sequence right out of the 1980s hit Aliens, which also starred Paul Reiser as the traitorous Carter Burke. Here, his character Dr Sam always teeters on the edge of being a traitor but, with Demodogs trying to break down the door, he’s still a “good guy”. Or is he ...?

Anyway, Bob manages to get everyone out — and then gets well and truly Demodogged.

While they enjoy a nice Bob sandwich, the others manage to get back to Joyce’s place, where they try to find a way to stop the Shadow Monster through Will.

After trying to draw him back through loving anecdotes, they discover that while Will cannot talk to them, he is using morse code to tell them: “Close gate”.

It’s at this point that Possessed Will discovers where he is and summons Demodogs to deliver some death and destruction.

Eleven, feel the Force ... apparently you need to do something visual to trigger unseen powers.
Eleven, feel the Force ... apparently you need to do something visual to trigger unseen powers.

Luckily Eleven arrives in time to save them. Obviously bus services in 1980s rural America are a damn sight better than 21st Century Sydney. If Eleven had to rely on our transport system to make it home in time to save the day, the Shadow Monster would have taken over years ago.

Anyway, with Eleven back, it’s time for a tear-jerking reunion. Except with Max. Eleven doesn’t like her.

So the gang splits up, with Hopper and Elven off to close the gate; Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy go to Hopper’s old cabin to try and free Will from the Shadow Monster and the rest of the gang hang out at Joyce’s.

Or they do, until Max’s stepbrother Billy turns up to beat up Steve and Lucas. Max, however, uses Will’s drugs on him and then threatens to drop the nail-studded bat on his plums.

With Steve half-conscious, the gang decides to jump into the tunnels and set fire to the vines to create a distraction for Eleven.

Steve leads the gang into the tunnels.
Steve leads the gang into the tunnels.

And so it happens.

Using heaters — and a well-placed hot poker — Joyce and Nancy drive the Shadow Monster out of Will, the boys and Max set fire to the tunnels and Eleven shuts the gate.

Although not without a few dramas — Dustin gets sprayed by the same thing that got Hopper a few episodes ago and the boys get cornered by a Demodog — only for it to be Dart, the one that Dustin adopted. It remembers his nougat bar, not his attacks on it and lets them go.

Hopper and Eleven hit the lab.
Hopper and Eleven hit the lab.

In the aftermath, the lab is shut down and Dr Sam — who was attacked by a Demodog but survived thanks to Hopper — creates a new identity for Eleven as “Jane Hopper”.

There’s just time for them all to hook up at the school’s Snow Ball but, in the Upside Down, the Shadow Monster is hovering over the school ...

The Shadow Monster is not happy.
The Shadow Monster is not happy.

So season three will happen but it leaves us with plenty of lingering questions:

What will happen with Kali and her gang — and the rest of the Lab Kids out there?

Dr Sam seems to be nice but he’s lost his job. Will he turn into Carter Burke in Season 3?

Is Dr Brenner — Poppa — still alive? And will he come for Eleven?

How will the Shadow Monster open a new gate?

Has Will been removed from the infection or will it strike him again?

Has Hopper and Dustin also been infected from the spores in the tunnels?

The gang, all dressed up and hairsprayed.
The gang, all dressed up and hairsprayed.

Now Dart has shown the Demodogs can think for themselves, will he help the gang again?

Will Joyce and Hopper hook up?

How will Eleven go at high school, amid all the mouth-breathers?

What’s happening with the dead Demodog in Joyce’s fridge?

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