
Seven vital plot points that must happen in season seven

The TV series has left the books far behind, so fans are only guessing what will happen in season seven. But we do know there are a number of developments that have to take place before the series can end.

TV trailer: Game of Thrones season 7

SEASON Seven of Game Of Thrones is almost upon us and, while there are many things we want to see happen, there are also vital plot points that need to set up the final season eight.

With that in mind, here are our fearless predictions of seven vital developments that need to take place in this season.


The Night King has to get through The Wall before the final season.
The Night King has to get through The Wall before the final season.

We’ve been waiting for the army of the dead to invade for quite a while now. The White Walkers were in the first scene of the TV show but haven’t got close to invading yet. The Night King’s army is going slower than the final week before GoT returns. And thinking the army is made up of zombie corpses that are not typically known for their natural athleticism is wrong. As we saw at Hardhome in season five, they sure can move when they put their undead minds to it.

But what happens when they finally reach the wall? How will they get through?

We were given a hint towards the end of season six when Bran is marked by the Night King during a vision.

The icy brand breaks the magic spells protecting the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave, allowing the armies of the dead to enter and leading to the tragic demise of everyone’s favourite giant simpleton, Hodor.

Actor Isaac Hampstead Wright, who plays the young Stark, summed up how we were all feeling after the episode when he tweeted: “nice one, Bran”.

But the hints didn’t end there. Later, when Benjen Stark rides to his nephew and Meera’s rescue he tells them, due to his new undead status, he cannot follow them through the wall as there is strong magic woven into its foundations.

When the marked Bran passes through the wall he will also undo its protective magic and in true dramatic GoT fashion it will come crashing down, allowing the Night King’s army to march south. Nice one, Bran.


Jaime has always loved sister Cersei but now he must confront her over the wildfire.
Jaime has always loved sister Cersei but now he must confront her over the wildfire.

When Jaime Lannister arrived back in King’s Landing to see the destruction wrought in the capital by his sister Cersei in the final episode of season six, there was a good reason why he suddenly looked like his pet puppy had just been run over by a drunken Westerosi chariot driver.

He was hit with the realisation that in his absence Cersei had gone completely off the reservation, using wildfire to avoid her religiously-rigged trial and in the process had blown up the Sept of Baelor and a sizeable portion of the city.

If you recall Jaime killed “the Mad King” Aerys Targaryen for just thinking about using the highly flammable green goop on the local populace. Jaime even got a sweet new nickname — Kingslayer.

The difference this time is Cersei has actually gone and done it. In the process she’s killed the High Sparrow, Queen Margaery, a raft of lords and ladies, countless innocent civilians and her own son King Tommen — although not directly.

If he lets his sister live, then it repudiates everything he told Brienne of Tarth. The whole reason for Jaime’s redemption will be blown up.

He has to at least try to stop his mad sister. The lovers must become fighters.


This season will be Sam’s time to shine.
This season will be Sam’s time to shine.

He’s the dorky, funny fat man we all love but his cruel father loathes. And it’s time for Sam to step up and justify why his character is actually in the show.

Season seven will be his time.

He will discover something in the citadel’s library that every other learned Maester has missed and it will change everything for the upcoming battle with the armies of the dead.

He’s already stumbled on the rather useful fact that White Walkers can be killed using dragon glass. Hmmm, does anyone know where we can find some dragons on short notice? And let’s not forget he’s carrying his dear old dad’s sword made of Valyrian steel — also rather effective against the icy bad guys.

He just needs to win the battle with the citadel bureaucracy first. The incredibly unhelpful and grumpy guy at the Citadel’s front desk when Sam first arrives would have reminded everyone over the age of 40 of the bad old days trying to renew their rego at the RTA. No, wait, that’s unfair … the citadel guy was way more helpful.


Bran Stark might be the new Three-Eyed Raven but he’s also likely to mess things up.
Bran Stark might be the new Three-Eyed Raven but he’s also likely to mess things up.

They say bad news comes in threes and a source of a lot of the recent bad news on the show has been Bran Stark. So far he has foolishly allowed himself to be marked by the Night King resulting in the deaths of the Three-Eyed Raven, everyone’s favourite loveable big oaf, Hodor and a whole bunch of those half cute, half freaky children of the forest.

And as discussed above, he is about to unwittingly bring down the wall. But Bran will do something else in season seven that will stuff everything up right royally. He will reveal to everyone that Jon is not Ned Stark’s bastard son but in fact the bastard son of Ned’s sister Lyanna and “the Mad King” Aerys Targaryen’s eldest son Rhaegar. It’s classic Bran, right when all the Northern houses have finally rallied around Jon declaring him the King In the North, in he wargs to ruin everything. How loyal do you think the northern lords will be when they hear that bombshell?

And let’s not forget Sansa. As the rightful heir to Winterfell, she is already showing signs of discontent at Jon’s elevation to royalty. Surely even she will not sit back and let the North be ruled by the Mad King’s bastard — and especially if Littlefinger has anything to say about it.


Daenerys will get to blow up some stuff with her dragons this season.
Daenerys will get to blow up some stuff with her dragons this season.

The book series is called A Song Of Ice And Fire for a good reason. We think.

We’ve had plenty of ice and now it’s time for the fire.

It’s been a wild ride with Daenerys. We’ve watched her grow from a timid and downtrodden younger sister to Viserys to a powerful Queen with a massive and loyal army behind her. We’ve loved all the crazy Dothraki stuff, the going round freeing slaves, the walking through fire, the loving the dragons, then falling out of love with the dragons, then loving the dragons again. It’s been great. But now it’s time for Daenerys to finally stick it to Westeros and torch some Lannisters.


This should eb the last time we see a dead Stark, as Rickon Stark is carried into Winterfell in front of a mournful Tormund and Jon Snow.
This should eb the last time we see a dead Stark, as Rickon Stark is carried into Winterfell in front of a mournful Tormund and Jon Snow.

There’s a joke going round on the interweb that every time someone asks GoT author George R.R. Martin when book seven is coming out he kills another Stark. And judging by his bloodlust for this unfortunate family he must get asked that a lot.

The good news is, Rickon Stark (played by Art Parkinson) should be the last dead Stark.

The others are all far too important to be killed off. Yes, we know everyone said that about Robb Stark and look where that got him — stuck full of arrows and wearing his dire wolf’s head instead of his own.

But the rest of the family has to at least last until the last couple of episodes.

Still, while the Starks will finally be reunited at Winterfell in season seven — alive and well — they are all very different people now and there’s no guarantee they will all still get along or live happily ever after.


Lady Olenna Tyrell is everyone’s favourite GoT granny, notorious for cutting put-downs.

But she’ll need more than just harsh words to deal with Cersei.

She has aligned House Tyrell with the Sand Snakes and Daenery’s forces because she needs revenge for Cersei killing her son, granddaughter and grandson in the Sept of Baelor explosion.

Now, she may not be successful. But she’s going to have a bloody good try. And watching it will be bloody good fun for us.

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