
Seven things fans want to see in season seven of Game Of Thrones

WITH just 90 minutes of season seven of Game Of Thrones left, fans are going crazy as they try to predict what will happen. Here’s our seven predictions to finish season seven.

TV Trailer: Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 7

WITH just 90 minutes left of this season of Game Of Thrones, fans are going crazy trying to guess what will happen.

We know from the preview that Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow will finally meet in King’s Landing in this episode.

But there is a huge amount of speculation as what else WILL happen and what fans HOPE will see happen on Monday.

So, doing our best Three-Eyed Raven impersonation, we’re looking into the future to predict seven things that fans want to see happen in episode seven of season seven.


Daenerys and Jon need to get together.
Daenerys and Jon need to get together.

They have spent the last few episodes smouldering at each other. Last episode she rushed across half of Westeros to come to his rescue, while he risked his life so she and Drogon could get away. All that got them was a chaste holding of hands but that can’t last. Even though they’re secretly aunt and nephew, they are currently burning hotter than dragonfire for each other. Besides, on a show where a brother and sister are expecting their fourth child together (hello Cersei-Jaime Lannister), aunt and nephew is hardly even incest. Seriously, they do have to get together though, because the only way to win this war is to kill the Night King. And the only way to do that is with a magic sword — that has to be first used to kill your love. Weird, but true. So they need to get it on, then one has to kill the other. Pretty normal, as far as Westeros relationships go.


Jaime Lannister needs to kill cersei and get with Brienne.
Jaime Lannister needs to kill cersei and get with Brienne.

Yes, we know Tormund is out there dreaming of making “big monster babies” with Brienne. And that Jaime has gotten Cersei pregnant — again. But these two are made for each other and they are about to meet up in King’s Landing after several seasons apart. We all know Cersei is madder than a wight locked in a sack with The Hound’s smelly socks. The Kingslayer needs to turn Queenslayer and then get smoochy with Brienne, the only woman who loves him for what he is. We know Cersei will betray Dany and Jon. Jaime needs to kill her now and then heal his broken heart with Brienne.


Ayra Stark has to unleash hell on Littlefinger.
Ayra Stark has to unleash hell on Littlefinger.

Game Of Thrones has to have a major villain die each series. Yes, that could be Euron Greyjoy but we kind of like him, because he killed off those infuriating Sand Snakes and wears really cool leather pants. Littlefinger, on the other hand, has been scheming and backstabbing for seven series. He got Ned Stark beheaded and let Ramsay Bolton rape Sansa. It’s time for some payback. As the saying goes, payback’s a bitch and Arya and Sansa have certainly turned a bit bitchy this season. Time for them to kill Littlefinger in some disgustingly violent way — ideally by Sansa wearing one of Arya’s Faceless Men masks.


Gregor Clegane before he got turned into a living zombie.
Gregor Clegane before he got turned into a living zombie.

For those coming late to the series, Sandor “The Hound” Clegane and his brother Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane hate each other with a passion. Not even Sandor turning nice and Gregor turning into some weird zombie creature that only obeys Cersei can change that. The two haven’t been in the same place since season one but they are about to meet again in King’s Landing. It’s time for the brothers to have some smackdown in a fight fans have dubbed Clegane Bowl. Let’s see The Hound learn how to ignite his own sword to give The Mountain some flaming justice.


Theon saved Sansa but can he save Yara?
Theon saved Sansa but can he save Yara?

Ah, poor Theon Greyjoy. He was a murdering traitor but he also had his gentleman’s sausage cut off by Ramsay, who taunted him by eating sausages in front of him. Then we thought he had redeemed himself by saving Sansa and helping Yara, only to abandon her to their not-so-tender-mercies of their uncle, leading to memes of him jumping overboard with the caption: “Euron your own Yara!” But he turned up at Dragonstone wanting Dany’s help to get Yara back. Let’s see this story arc come to a satisfying conclusion by having him rescue his sister and prove he might not have a gentleman’s sausage but he’s no longer a silly sausage.


Sam Tarly and Gilly search for clues in the old scrolls.
Sam Tarly and Gilly search for clues in the old scrolls.

Sam Tarly has spent the last six episodes faffing around at the Citadel. Sure, he cured Ser Jorah of Greyscale but he’s been surrounded by books like The Dummy’s Guide To Killing White Walkers and How To Forge A Magic Sword In Three Easy Lessons and he’s found nothing useful. Yet. He has stormed out of the Citadel with an armful of books and is on his way to help Jon. Hopefully he lets Gilly and Young Sam do the driving while he reads — and finds out something vital. Even proof that Jon is the rightful heir would be helpful. Otherwise we’ve sat through that poo montage and the pus-filled-skin ripping scene for nothing.


The Night King has to topple The wall in time for season eight.
The Night King has to topple The wall in time for season eight.

Well, it has to. Otherwise there won’t be any battle between the Night King and the humans. We don’t know whether he will use his White Walker reanimated dragon Viserion or the magic bond he has with Bran to pass The Wall’s magic. But it’s going to come down. And it’s going to look cool. (Well, a thousand-foot-tall wall of ice probably is pretty chilly). This should be the last scene. Or maybe it will be the third-last scene. The second-last will be the Maesters who refused to listen to Sam’s warnings all hearing of The Wall’s fall — and the final scene is a rush for the chamber pots and cue the poo montage once more.

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