
Revealed: How Cersei and Melisandre will die in season 8

SPOILER ALERTS Welcome to We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow: Our regular look back at early episode of GoT for hidden clues. This week, two big deaths hidden among lots of nudity.

Game of Thrones locations – Iceland: the Land of Fire and (mostly) Ice

VARYS really is a Merman, Cersei will die in childbirth and Melisandre is going to get burned alive in season eight of Game Of Thrones.

Welcome to We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow, our regular look back through the early episodes of Game Of Thrones to find hidden clues and hints as to what will happen in the final season.

This week we look at Episode 202, “The Nightlands” and, if you can get past all the gratuitous nudity in this episode, there’s much here for GoT fans.

Tyrion punishes Janos Slynt for his betrayal of Ned Stark and killing Robert’s bastard babies. Jon Snow supplies the beheading, much later.
Tyrion punishes Janos Slynt for his betrayal of Ned Stark and killing Robert’s bastard babies. Jon Snow supplies the beheading, much later.

Early on we get a delicious insight into one of the more interesting fan theories.

In King’s Landing Varys meets Shae, which upsets Tyrion who tells Varys: “Threaten me again and I’ll have you thrown into the sea”.

“You might be disappointed in the results …” Varys replied.

Instantly the bizarre “Varys is really a Merman” theory was born and grew only stronger as the seasons went on.

There’s also plenty about Cersei in this episode, including another strong hint about her death.

A raven arrives from the wall with a message from Lord Mormont: “The cold winds are rising and the dead rise with them” it reads

Cersei ridicules Tyrion for trying to take it seriously: “One trip to the wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks”.

Very ironic, considering.

Do Cersei’s seemingly random chats reveal the manner of her death?
Do Cersei’s seemingly random chats reveal the manner of her death?

There’s also an almost touching conversation between Cersei and Tyrion before Cersei turns nasty again and blames Tyrion for their mother’s death in childbirth.

Given we already know that Tyrion will kill her (thanks to earlier reveals that he is indeed the Valonqar), this is a huge hint that she’ll either die during childbirth too, or die shortly afterwards at Tyrion’s hands.

Talking of Tyrion, he punishes Janos Slynt for his treatment of the Starks and for murdering Robert’s bastard babies.

Slynt takes a long road to The Wall and his eventual beheading — a revenge that Jon Snow will have, even if he doesn’t know it’s revenge.

Gendry works out that Arya is a girl. Will he work out that he’s destined to marry Sansa?
Gendry works out that Arya is a girl. Will he work out that he’s destined to marry Sansa?

Gendry is portrayed a little brainer than in season seven, when the warhammer seemed to have all the brains. Perhaps all those years he spent rowing the boat must have dulled his wits.

He works out that Arya is a girl and she admits it to him.

Theon also meets his sister Yara but first gives her a #metoo moment. (Seriously can we leave the incest out of every single plot line please?)

Theon meets Arya and then molests her. Why does she bother to rescue him?
Theon meets Arya and then molests her. Why does she bother to rescue him?

We also meet Salladhor Saan, where he announces his goal of seducing Cersei willingly. I just can’t see that ever happening unless she needs more ships but she still has Euron’s fleet as far as we know.

And what is it with pirates lusting after Cersei? It’s not as if she has a wooden leg or anything ...

Ser Davos and Salladhor Saan discuss Cersei.
Ser Davos and Salladhor Saan discuss Cersei.

Last season, Melisandre revealed to Varys that she was going to die in season eight.

Over at Dragonstone she drops a huge hint as to the manner of her death when she whispers in the ear of Matthos Seaworth — Ser Davos’s son — that “death by fire is the purest death”. I guess that means wildfire too, because that’s how he’s going to go.

And, after she toasted poor Shireen Baratheon she does deserve to die by fire. Perhaps that is the only way, given she’s immune to both poison and ageing.

And Stannis and Melisandre conceive their Shadow Baby in the map room, specifically on Dorne … the place where all good kings are conceived.

Angela Connell
Angela ConnellJournalist

Angela Connell is a senior production journalist and columnist for both The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph. She is a contributor to popular culture blog Game of Moans.

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