
Meet the lost characters we want to see return in Game of Thrones

George RR Martin’s books are quite different from the TV show, which has had to cut out many characters. Here’s seven lost characters we want to see appear in season seven.

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IT’S a source of much angst, friction and relief — Game Of Thrones the television show is sometimes quite different from A Song Of Ice And Fire, the series of books by George RR Martin.

To turn each of those whopping books into about 10 hours of television has meant a massive number of subplots has been cut away by the TV show writers.

Along with those subplots has gone some of the best-loved characters from the books.

So, with the pivotal season seven still in the works, we’ve had a look at seven book characters we would love to see appear (but probably won’t!)

Lady Stoneheart

It would be great to see Michelle Fairley return as the zombified Lady Stoneheart.
It would be great to see Michelle Fairley return as the zombified Lady Stoneheart.

Who doesn’t want to see Catelyn Stark rise from the dead and get revenge against the Lannisters and the Freys ... the showrunners, it seems. The most infamous axed book character is Lady Stoneheart. After the Red Wedding the Brotherhood Without Banners come across Catelyn Stark’s body, which has been tossed into a stream. Beric Dondarian finally gives up his endless lives for the sake of ressurecting Lady Catelyn, and readers meet her when her crew captures Brienne and Pod, who still have not found a wayward Stark girl to save. But rather than worrying about her children, Lady Cat is bent solely on vengeance and merely “lives” for killing Freys and Lannisters. There is current speculation that Arya’s role will take over Lady Stoneheart, with the Frey pie being just the first course.

Played by: Michelle Fairley, of course.

Arianne Martell

Selina Gomez would make a hot addition to the Sand Snakes.
Selina Gomez would make a hot addition to the Sand Snakes.

Those annoying Sand Snakes have given Dorne a bad name. In the books the Dorne plot line is richer and much more complicated. Arianne is the oldest child of Prince Doran and heir to Sunspear, where girls can rule. In her youth Arianne discovered that her father intended to make her younger brother Quentyn ruler of Sunspear, leading her to think her father hated her. But Doran secretly planned for Arianne to marry Dany’s brother, Prince Viserys (of the molten gold crown) and become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms instead. The confusion led to a fraught relationship with Doran and eventually Princess Myrcella ends up a pawn in her plans and is seriously injured but still alive, while Arianne is jailed for her crimes.

Should be played by: Selina Gomez

Quentyn Martell

Diego Luna could be perfect as the unfortunate Prince Quentyn.
Diego Luna could be perfect as the unfortunate Prince Quentyn.

After learning of Viserys’ death and the rise of Daenerys, Prince Doran changes tact and sends the awkward young Quentyn to Meereen to secure Dany’s hand in place of the arranged marriage between their siblings. But Dany is already in love with her captain Daario and still marries Hizdar zo Loraq to secure peace for Meereen. Even though he is uncomfortable around her, Prince Quentyn is determined to prove his worth and remains in Meereen after his rejection. After the wedding Drogon swoops into the fighting pits where Hizdar gets overexcited and orders Drogon’s death. Dany rides away on Drogon and is presumed dead while Hizdar settles too quickly into his Kingly role. Quentyn attempts to escape with the other two dragons and his flame-grilled for his efforts.

Should be played by: Rogue One’s Diego Luna

Val the “Wildling Princess”

Alice Eve (here with Chris Pine in Star Trek) would steam up the screen as an icy Wildling princess.
Alice Eve (here with Chris Pine in Star Trek) would steam up the screen as an icy Wildling princess.

It’s hard to tell the significance of the Wildling girl Val, whose sister Dalla was wife to Mance Rayder. Certainly Jon Snow appreciates her worth but knows she has no royal blood. The Baratheons, however, think she is a Wildling Princess and try to marry her off. In the books it has been noted that Mance’s death was faked and he has been hidden away by Jon Snow. Similarly Mance’s unnamed baby son has been swapped with Baby Sam and is currently en route to the Citadel with Samwell Tarly and Gilly. Val is significant in bringing the Wildlings to make their pact with Jon Snow.

Should be played by: Star Trek Into Darkness’s Alice Eve

Aemon Steelsong

Chris Hemsworth with his twin sons Tristan and Sasha. They would be perfect as Mance Rayder’s son.
Chris Hemsworth with his twin sons Tristan and Sasha. They would be perfect as Mance Rayder’s son.

Unlike the show, Manse Rayder had a young son, born to his wife Dalla who died in childbirth during the battle of Castle Black. He is unnamed, as the wildlings believe giving a baby a name before the age of two is bad luck but he is planned to be named Aemon Steelsong. With Melisandre still at Castle Black, Jon Snow fears for the child’s safety since he is a Prince — son of the King-beyond-the-Wall — and therefore has king’s blood. Snow secretly swaps him with Gilly’s baby and sends Samwell Tarly, Gilly and Mance’s son to Old Town with Maester Aemon. Gilly knows the truth, of course, but it is not revealed until later. The baby is last seen at Horn Hill with Gilly where they are told he is Sam’s bastard son. His significance as a Wildling Prince in the plot is yet to be revealed.

Should be played by: Chris Hemsworth’s twin sons Tristan and Sasha

Victarion Greyjoy

Brendan Cowell will play an Ironborn and could well take up many of the plot lines filled by Victarion.
Brendan Cowell will play an Ironborn and could well take up many of the plot lines filled by Victarion.

Victarion is the younger brother of Balon and Euron and was very loyal to Balon. Before the start of the books Euron seduced his brother’s wife and so Victarion beat her to death to retain his honour (as you do in the Iron Islands) and was exiled for his crime by Balon. After Balon’s death it is Victarion (not Balon’s daughter Asha) who vies for the crown but loses to Euron. As in the show Euron thinks he can marry Daenerys and sends Victarion off to deliver his marriage proposal, promising Victarion the throne when Euron becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms instead. Victarion, still seething with hate for his brother, departs with secret plans to wed Daenerys himself.

Should be played by: Brendan Cowell may be taking much of this role, even if he is not called Victarion

Young Griff / Prince Aegon Targaryen

If Liam Hemsworth grew out his hair like Chris does for Thor, he’d make an excellent Prince Aegon.
If Liam Hemsworth grew out his hair like Chris does for Thor, he’d make an excellent Prince Aegon.

The infant Prince Aegon Targaryen was brutally killed by The Mountain along with his mother and sister during Robert’s Rebellion. But, later in the books, it’s noted that nobody could recognise Aegon’s body after his horrific death. Then, while Tyrion is on the run for murdering his father, he sails with brave and learned “Young Griff”, who eventually reveals he is the young Prince. Tyrion deduces that Aegon was swapped for another baby by Varys and was smuggled out of King’s Landing. But Tyrion is kidnapped by Jorah shortly after learning this and can’t take it any further. Daenerys believes she would have married Aegon eventually, as the two would have been the same age. And so Aegon joins the list of Princes who intend to marry the young Queen they’ve never met. He forms an alliance with Ten Thousand sellswords, has his own Kingsguard and Hand and intends to capture Storm’s End.

Should be played by: Liam Hemsworth (so he can keep an eye on young Tristan and Sasha on set)

Angela Connell
Angela ConnellJournalist

Angela Connell is a senior production journalist and columnist for both The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph. She is a contributor to popular culture blog Game of Moans.

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