
How series one reveals that Tyrion will fly a dragon and Cersei will die

WELCOME to We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow, our regular series where we look back through old GoT episodes to find hidden clues to what will happen in season eight. This week we discover Tyrion will fly .

Lancel Lannister heads off to find the breastplate stretcher for Robert. It’s funny but he gets the last laugh on the King.
Lancel Lannister heads off to find the breastplate stretcher for Robert. It’s funny but he gets the last laugh on the King.

TYRION Lannister will get to fly on a dragon in the final season of Game Of Thrones and we also know how Cersei Lannister will destroy herself and her chances of staying on the Iron Throne.

Welcome back to We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow, our regular series where we go back through old episodes of Game Of Thrones to examine hidden clues and hints left there — ones we missed when we watched them back in 2011.

This week we look at episode five, The Wolf And The Lion.

Beware, there will be plenty of possible spoilers!

Varys and Littlefinger exchange tips on backstabbing.
Varys and Littlefinger exchange tips on backstabbing.

This episode features boobs galore, most of them for no apparent reason, but it also sees Starks and Lannisters begin the feud that will end badly for most of the Starks.

But it also features a hugely pivotal scene between Cersei and husband King Robert Baratheon.

Now we know this is her farewell to Robert, before she persuades his squire Lancel Lannister to let him be gored by a boar.

But it is filled with prophetic lines that will come back to haunt Cersei.

First they talk of Lyanna Stark, Robert’s old flame and Jon Snow’s mother.

“What harm can Lyanna Stark’s ghost do?” asks Cersei.

Well, season eight is about to see Lyanna Stark come back to life — figuratively speaking — in the form of her son.

Robert and Cersei’s prophetic chat.
Robert and Cersei’s prophetic chat.

Cersei also talks about “breathing life back into her” — when of course it was Jon who had life breathed back into him.

But it is when talking about the Dothraki that Robert foretells Cersei’s end.

“Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in the open field,” he said.

Well, as Jaime Lannister found out in season seven, that’s very true.

But then he explains that waiting in your castle while an army rampages through the kingdom, killing and burning and destroying, will see the end of that ruler.

“How long will they stand behind their absent king?” Robert asks.

Yet this is exactly Cersei’s strategy. She will let the undead ravage everywhere because she would rather fight Daenerys and Jon. And the people will turn against her.

“How long can hate hold a thing together?” Robert asks her.

A good question. Cersei rules with hate because she has nothing left to love, now she has sent Jaime away. Her rule will fall apart for these reasons.

So, while she was amusing herself by talking to Robert for the last time, he was actually foretelling her end. Ironic, eh?

Robert also foretells Ned Stark’s end. After Ned refuses to sanction murdering Daenerys, the raging Robert tells him: “I’ll have your head on a spike!”

Sadly, that proves to be true.

We also have some fascinating lines elsewhere in the episode.

Robin Arryn takes time out from being breastfed by his bizarre mother Lyssa to point at Tyrion and say: ‘I want to see the bad man fly!”

Lyssa and Robin Arryn are both mad but might have foretold Tyrion riding a dragon.
Lyssa and Robin Arryn are both mad but might have foretold Tyrion riding a dragon.

He’s talking about shoving Tyrion out of the Moon Door but now that line seems to say that he will see Tyrion fly — on a dragon.

Tyrion, meanwhile, warns that Lyssa has lost her mind. And so she has — to Littlefinger.

We also get the first act of Clegane Bowl, although The Mountain is played by a different actor. It promises to make next season’s Clegane Bowl look like an absolute ripper.

We also get to see Bronn in action for the first time and show why he’s still alive after so many battles.

Littlefinger and Varys begin their verbal sparring, while Littlefinger sets it up so that Ned and Jaime have a duel.

We hated Jaime in this episode.
We hated Jaime in this episode.

And we get to see how Robert meets his end, with Lancel Lannister. Robert sends the hapless Lancel out to get him a “breastplate stretcher” because he can’t fit into his armour and Ned tells the King: “There isn’t a man in the Seven Kingdoms who would risk hurting you”.

True, but Cersei isn’t a bloke!

Robert gets his revenge — sort of — by predicting her death. It’ll have to do.

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