
GoT’s episode 4 trailer reveals Dany won’t be dragon out the payback

Episode four, The Spoils Of War, starts off with Cersei on top but it’s about to turn ugly. And we don’t mean The Mountain takes his helmet off. Spoilers and developments aplenty are revealed in the new trailer.

Game of Thrones Season 7:  Weeks Ahead Comic Con Preview

GAME Of Thrones is about to explode into action next week with episode four, The Spoils Of War, promising to unleash hell on our screens.

The trailer for the next episode reveals some fascinating events — so get ready, we have stacks of spoilers coming in this discussion.

At first glance it appears that Cersei is enjoying the fruits of her success over the last three episodes.

While Tyrion and Daenerys have been dancing around, trying to be clever, Cersei and Euron have slaughtered the Sand Snakes (which, frankly, is a good thing) and killed off Olenna Tyrell (not so good).

Now Cersei appears to have the Iron Bank of Braavos in her back pocket (let’s face it, compared to what a bank gets up to, blowing up hundreds of innocent people with Wildfire is child’s play).

Bronn and Jaime, meanwhile, are riding back from Highgarden with wagons of goodies looted from the Tyrells.

Cersei looks to have the Iron Bank backing her with bags of gold — for now, at least.
Cersei looks to have the Iron Bank backing her with bags of gold — for now, at least.

All appears just as Cersei had hoped.

Or does it?

Earlier trailers reveal that Bronn and Jaime are riding into an ambush and are about to get chopped up by a Dothraki horde and dragons. This battle will apparently make the Battle of The Bastards look like a couple of preschoolers squabbling over a soft toy.

Hey Jaime, doesn’t this landscape look like the scene from the earlier trailers where Dothraki and dragons chopped up a Lannister army? Bronn, you have too much of an imagination. I’m sure it’ll be fine.
Hey Jaime, doesn’t this landscape look like the scene from the earlier trailers where Dothraki and dragons chopped up a Lannister army? Bronn, you have too much of an imagination. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Which is great, because the battles so far have been a bit flat. Euron killing Sand Snakes was good but we didn't really get the scale of that battle, while the Unsullied assault on Casterly Rock was only livened up by Tyrion’s voiceover.

But this is just the start of the good stuff.

We got a glimpse of the notorious catspaw dagger.
We got a glimpse of the notorious catspaw dagger.
Last time we saw it, Catelyn wanted to know who used it to try and kill Bran. So who has it now?preview
Last time we saw it, Catelyn wanted to know who used it to try and kill Bran. So who has it now?preview

The catspaw dagger is back. That’s the one that was used to attempt to kill Bran back in Season One. According to the books, it’s now in the hands of Littlefinger. We know it ends up on Arya’s belt at some time, thanks to a photo shoot to promote the season. And we also know it showed up in Sam’s book on dragon glass. So it’s very significant — and we could be about to find out why.

We also see Arya riding up to Winterfell. Stark Reunion Part II looks to be happening, which will be fantastic. At least she’ll be happy to see Sansa, unlike Bran who’s just behaving more strangely than before.

We also see Theon with Aussie Brendan Cowell’s ship again. Is it time for redemption?

And we also see Dany and Jon getting close. She needs him now, because her other allies are dead. And he wants to show her his dragon glass. That may not be a euphemism, either.

It all looks set for a stunning episode ...

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