
Game Of Thrones shock twist: Euron’s horn may control dragons

THERE are dozens of crazy fan theories about Game Of Thrones — most of them rubbish — but this one about Euron Greyjoy and his magical dragon horn could completely change Season Seven.

Game of Thrones Season 7 trailer

THERE are dozens of crazy fan theories about Game Of Thrones — most of them rubbish — but there’s one theory that could completely change how people think Season Seven is going to play out.

Pretty much everyone is assuming that Daenerys will be kicking butts from one end of Westeros to the other, because she has those giant dragons and can just fry anyone in her way.

But there is a theory, which is heavily reinforced by the books, that won’t happen.

Get ready for some serious spoilers below!

Is this fiery ship fighting man-made, or courtesy of dragons?
Is this fiery ship fighting man-made, or courtesy of dragons?

Remember those trailer shots of ships on fire and a devastated-looking Theon Greyjoy?

The online school of thought is that the Greyjoy fleets will clash, seeing as Euron has joined up with Cersei, and one of the Greyjoy siblings (most likely Yara) will die.

Theon is not looking happy. Has he just seen a “friendly” dragon turn on his sister?
Theon is not looking happy. Has he just seen a “friendly” dragon turn on his sister?

But what if it’s more than just a sea battle? What if it’s because Euron has seized control of at least one dragon and has turned them against Dany?

In the books, Euron has a magical horn called Dragonbinder, which he stole from the wreckage of Valyria, that fallen city that forged Valyrian steel, one of the few things that can kill White Walkers.

Will Yara Greyjoy survive?
Will Yara Greyjoy survive?

Now this is not your average horn. It’s two metres long and covered in Valyrian glyphs (fancy writing) that glow red then white when it’s used. And it also kills the man who blows it.

That’s a bit of a drawback but it does allow you to control dragons.

Dany herself talks about it in A Dance With Dragons, remembering how Valyrian dragonlords used horns to control their dragons.

Obviously you wouldn’t volunteer for the job of blowing it — but Euron has the means to “persuade” one of his men to do so. And, afterwards, there is a nice bonus of controlling the nearest dragon.

At the moment it’s only a theory but there are two solid pieces of evidence that say this is going to happen.

Pilou Asbaek gave an interview that raised Dragonbinder as a topic.
Pilou Asbaek gave an interview that raised Dragonbinder as a topic.

Firstly is an interview that Pilou Asbaek (Euron) gave to

In it he talks about why Euron doesn’t come with an eyepatch, the way he is described in the books: “Yeah, he doesn’t have an eye patch. Yeah, he doesn’t have the Dragonbinder … or does he?”

It seems a strange thing to mention — unless he has that on his mind. Sadly that is the only mention in the interview.

There is a second tip, however, which could give the hint that the sea battle and Dragonbinder turn up pretty soon, as in the first episode.

George RR Martin’s blog, called Not A Blog, has a very cryptic entry.

It features a giant picture of Valyria, complete with swooping dragons and, up the top, a small sigil of the Greyjoys, featuring the kraken and their motto: We Do Not Sow.

With it is the very cryptic comment: “Alas, alas, that great city Valyria, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.”

And to add to the mystery, he’s tagged it A Song Of Ice And Fire and listed his current mood as “Enigmatic”.

No kidding!

The picture of Valyria from George RR Martin’s blog.
The picture of Valyria from George RR Martin’s blog.

So what does it mean? Well, let’s face it, there are many possible meanings.

One of them is that “in one hour” refers to the opening episode of season seven and the dragons and Valyria refer to Euron using Dragonbinder on Dany’s “children”.

Daenerys was devastated when Drogon was hurt saving her from the Sons of the Harpy. How would she feel about Euron subverting one of her “children”?
Daenerys was devastated when Drogon was hurt saving her from the Sons of the Harpy. How would she feel about Euron subverting one of her “children”?

Plausible, yes — but that’s as far as it goes. We shall know soon enough!

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